What are people thinking when naming their kids?

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by blakep267

Originally Posted by finnns2003

I'm not afraid to admit I see it more with blacks, but my original point was that it's stupid to give kids these outlandish names that push the lines of what is simply pure ignorance. I'm more focused on why parents are giving names that are obviously going to undermine opportunities and chances of success. Really thinking about it, parents simply don't have a clue. Maybe it's being sheltered and stuck in a bubble, maybe it's a lack of care, a lack of education, or a combination of all of it.

ask yourse;f this question. is success really worth it if you have to conform everything about yourself to reach it? Thats like saying, all black women should straighten their hair so it looks more "white" and employers will like it, or a guy getting a low hair cut as opposed to dreds because employers may find it too black. A name is a name and it doesnt make who you are.

Conform what? Let's reverse that, are you conforming to something else by choosing a name like Boquana? Who are you trying to fit in with by "not" straightening your hair?

A name is a name, you're right, and it should mean something. These names don't mean jack #$@@. They're just ridiculous, made-up perceptions of something without meaning or purpose.

When I say conform, I mean naming your child something that the white man approves of and will deem it appropriate for the workplace. Name your kid whatever you want. it doesnt have to have meaning behind it. I would name my son carter or rex. not because Rex means king, but because it sounds dope.

The point I was trying to make about the hair was that you should be yourself. Do what you want, because you want it, not because thats what employers expect of you. And if you think that way, you must be a dull person who follows the norm.
Okay...so am I to understand that a stupid %+% made up name constitutes a certain degree of "realness"? Is it really "noble" to name your kid something that looks like a bad Scrabble rack? Is it a "statement" to add D', La, or Je on the front of a perfectly good name as some kind of badge of black pride? That's a bunch of %+#$+*%!. My name is Anthony and I'm NT-black, so to insinuate that taping together a bunch of apostrophes and consonants into a name is some kind of counterculture awesomeness is just stupid.

I can dig if there's a meaning behind a name, but even my naturally rebellious %+% knows that you pick your battles to save your strength for the important +*##. That's why I just gave my kid a name that people can pronounce without an accompanying flash card. Job prospects aside, I think having the teacher get your name right every first day of school is underrated.
Originally Posted by potus2028

Okay...so am I to understand that a stupid %+% made up name constitutes a certain degree of "realness"? Is it really "noble" to name your kid something that looks like a bad Scrabble rack? Is it a "statement" to add D', La, or Je on the front of a perfectly good name as some kind of badge of black pride? That's a bunch of %+#$+*%!. My name is Anthony and I'm NT-black, so to insinuate that taping together a bunch of apostrophes and consonants into a name is some kind of counterculture awesomeness is just stupid.

I can dig if there's a meaning behind a name, but even my naturally rebellious %+% knows that you pick your battles to save your strength for the important +*##. That's why I just gave my kid a name that people can pronounce without an accompanying flash card. Job prospects aside, I think having the teacher get your name right every first day of school is underrated.
Thank you.

It's not only this, but also the fact that someone's peers can make life a living hell beating into his/her head that their name is garbage. That does more for the mind than people know, with some people changing their name and seriously rebelling against the parents later on. Or not having a good relationship with the parents.

It's not about conforming to what a "white man" would accept. It's not making a mockery of your kid and giving them some ridiculous name that gets mocked by people of all colors and backgrounds. Following the norm, that's rich. In other cultures, like Germany, Korea or Japan, you'd never see this foolishness. Culture, or a lack of, must play some sort of role.
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by HankMoody

What about Muslims? Should they not give their kids Islamic names for fear of the possible prejudices that will come their way? Everyone just doesn't bow down to prejudice. That's cowardice.

*Goes to bleach my skin*

But that's the thing.....these aren't even "black" names....they're just names...They're not even African in origin. They have no true etymology (for the most part, some actually do and are very thoughtful in nature, take Shaquille for instance).
to compare it to Muslims.....apples and oranges.

Point is a vast majority of these names are completely half-baked, pulled out of parent's #%$*%. 


Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

So... input on naming my future son Cash?

Go ahead, He'll need a flame suit for school BTW. Back in middle school I knew some *#@+@ named Cashmaine, We called him Cash, Dudes went in EVERYDAY. (pause)
@Truth, just read potus2028's response and take that as what I will say. Name your kids some wild and crazy hood name if you want and they PROBABLY will get dismissed at some point because of it. I would prefer to play it safe (in that area) and not give them a wild hood name. I don't see times changing the way you do. Black people have always had jobs in the federal government so I can't agree with the idea of hood named people slowly moving up in the professional world.
Yep, agreed with DC. I support the fed gov't (IT support) so that's where I got some of these names from. Do NOT think gov't means anything in terms of moving up.
My kids names:

Jackson b
Killian g
Lochlan g
Morigan g

Although Jackson was a lot less common 10 years ago when we named him...haven't heard of any other Killian's, Lochlan's or Morigan's...although their middle names are kind of off the beaten path...
So, I can't name my son after superman?

by this I don't mean Clark, I mean Kal-El.

My name is Tristan. Hated it growing up, loved it once I got older and girls told me it was cute.
For years, I wanted to be named Leon. (after the black puppet in the show the puzzle place)

why? i have no %@*$%%# clue. 
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

So, I can't name my son after superman?

by this I don't mean Clark, I mean Kal-El.

My son was born with black hair...we were >< this close to naming him Clark.  He is the blondest little dude in the world now...he would not have looked right.
I've seen all kinds of people with strange names, everyone in here is talking about Black people but I've met upper class white people with names like Gunnar, Georgette, Hunter, etc. It's not that they're bad, but what is the reasoning for naming a kid "Gunnar"? Cause it sounds cool? I mean I honestly think the name Megatron is cool as hell but I'm sure as hell not naming anyone that 

And what's wrong with giving your kid a certain name so he has a higher chance of success (not sure that's even proven but assuming it is)? The people who are saying that's stupid, you think making moves to be successful is bad? Please... everyone "conforms" so they can be successful. Why do people wear suits and ties to events, cause it's comfortable? Why can't you swear and scream in the office place or at school? Why don't you talk back to your boss and make jokes at him? People saying that no one should conform to be successful, well I'm sure you do it every day.

For the record, not doing something just because of other people doing it, is the same as doing something cause other people are doing it.
Some of these names you guys are going to name your children... 
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by 160jordansdeep

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

ur avy lowkey looks like kiddie porn...

shes over 18 
uh huh

the +$%* looked wrong i'm assuming that's why you changed it

  so either this dude changed his avy because it was kiddie pron or he was so soft that instead of saying "no its not" he changed his avy anyways.

How many people on "the block" do you know with badly drawn tattoos that they genuinely think look good? They really think what they're doing is cool and they like it. It's not a black thing, there's stupid names in every race it's just that they are so much more common with African-Americans. Let's not forget all the Spanish chicks named Mercedes, Lexus, Diamond, Crystal, etc. (I actually knew 2 sisters who were named Crystal and Diamond, lol.) Would you rather be named after expensive things? And white people probably have the most absurd ugly sounding names of all time. Olaf, Gunther, Albert, Edith, Horace, Eugene(ew), Efrain...
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