What are people thinking when naming their kids?

Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

stop backpedalling OP.

now it's not a race thing? please.

Stop trolling.. 
So what, if a black girl is born with some stupid #$% name, we can't talk about it because she's black

There's plenty of uncommon names, that aren't "conforming" as you put it.. 


your reading comprehension is off the charts horrible...I didn't bring up conformity another NTer did.
I didn't bring up black people either OP ambiguously did and then backpedalled like a child. 

you make absolutely zero sense bruh....

I guess the subject I ACTUALLY brought up is too taboo for NT. Ya'll rather just pretend like you don't hear it, fine by me. 
Originally Posted by buggz05

Nah, social norms will change.

My niece watches this cartoon called The Backyardigans Jungle Colors, and one of the main/lead character's name is Uniqua. As in a Janiqua/Unique collabo.

These social norms will change as generations grow up.

The only thing I don't like about it, is that a name should mean something. I believe you should name your child with meaning, importance. Alot of these names are just popping up because they are "creative" or something..
@ black people (African American's namely)
oh huh?
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by HankMoody





That's all fine and dandy, and thank you Hank for actually having the balls to approach the subject like a man. 
However, if people are going to go out of their way to avoid traditionally white names (really they're Christian names) then why keep the surnames? why keep the religion that was forced upon their ancestors? 

Why simply just change the first name as if that reverses assimilation? Assimilation has already happened, and that's the reality of it all. 

Because that's far more difficult? For better or for worse, that has become the FAMILY name. If you change that name, you have to go back and change a lot of names. There are no such problems with choosing one's first name to one's liking. Of course, one has to deal with the prejudice. Barack as a first name? Where's the birth certificate?! Hussein as a middle name? Dude must be Muslim. 

Nah I get all that, but I'm saying why even bother in the first place? Why choose a name that's going to most likely get you pigeonholed in life to be a certain way? Potential employers, schools, and just people in general are just predisposed to feel a certain way about those types of names, and that's the truth. Might as well conform, changing a given name doesn't change anything. Already have accepted a religion, a surname and a country that was all forced upon.
I have nothing against parents naming their own children what they wish. It really only matters way down the line. I have a few friends that work in recruiting for finance, healthcare, etc and i can tell you FOR FACT that if a person's name doesn't look good on paper, their resume will get an automatic toss.

Unfortunaely this goes for names that sound "too ethnic" as well
Its a cold world out there, look out for your seed(s) accordingly.
What about Muslims? Should they not give their kids Islamic names for fear of the possible prejudices that will come their way? Everyone just doesn't bow down to prejudice. That's cowardice.

*Goes to bleach my skin*
Originally Posted by chickencurry4eva

 I have a few friends that work in recruiting for finance, healthcare, etc and i can tell you FOR FACT that if a person's name doesn't look good on paper, their resume will get an automatic toss.
Yep. I believe it was ABC that did a special on this? Or maybe it was another network. Was a study for people trying to rent an apartment or apply for a job. The results were obvious.

Edit: Oh and FTR sneakerheathen, since you're trying to play this baiting game, it seems as if you have some sort of guilty conscience about this whole thing. I guess you would assume the names I brought up were names of a black female? Why are you playing dumb? No one is beating around the bush. The discussion was about what people are thinking when naming their kids. There are CONSEQUENCES. This is not rocket science. How many Laquashas do you see running things? Front office jobs? I'll give you time to type up something better than you have.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by chickencurry4eva

 I have a few friends that work in recruiting for finance, healthcare, etc and i can tell you FOR FACT that if a person's name doesn't look good on paper, their resume will get an automatic toss.
Yep. I believe it was ABC that did a special on this? Or maybe it was another network. Was a study for people trying to rent an apartment or apply for a job. The results were obvious.

Edit: Oh and FTR sneakerheathen, since you're trying to play this baiting game, it seems as if you have some sort of guilty conscience about this whole thing. I guess you would assume the names I brought up were names of a black female? Why are you playing dumb? No one is beating around the bush. The discussion was about what people are thinking when naming their kids. There are CONSEQUENCES. This is not rocket science. How many Laquashas do you see running things? Front office jobs? I'll give you time to type up something better than you have.
No guilty conscience on my end bud, I'm not white nor black.
Secondly that's my point, why even choose a name like Laquashas if it's going to do nothing but give your child grief down the road?

However you're acting as if this problem isn't predominantly a black thing, please pray tell. Give me some examples of commonly poor choices in White, Asian, Middle Eastern, Hispanic/Latino names. You know this is something that especially pertains to the black community and to sit around and act coy as if that's not the underlying subject at hand is just ridiculous. 

Yeah, and there's PLENTY of Asian girls named Laquasha. 
Originally Posted by HankMoody

What about Muslims? Should they not give their kids Islamic names for fear of the possible prejudices that will come their way? Everyone just doesn't bow down to prejudice. That's cowardice.

*Goes to bleach my skin*

But that's the thing.....these aren't even "black" names....they're just names...They're not even African in origin. They have no true etymology (for the most part, some actually do and are very thoughtful in nature, take Shaquille for instance).
to compare it to Muslims.....apples and oranges.

Point is a vast majority of these names are completely half-baked, pulled out of parent's #%$*%. 
Originally Posted by illadelALLDAY

Cmon, theres stupid names for people of every race. Apple? Khalante? Both equally stupid.
I googled imaged the name Khalante and all that popped up was black guys....

You guys keep on saying "it's not a black thing" then back up your argument by posting a black name? Interesting....

As far as "apple" goes. story? that's a new one. 
Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by buggz05

Nah, social norms will change.

My niece watches this cartoon called The Backyardigans Jungle Colors, and one of the main/lead character's name is Uniqua. As in a Janiqua/Unique collabo.

These social norms will change as generations grow up.

The only thing I don't like about it, is that a name should mean something. I believe you should name your child with meaning, importance. Alot of these names are just popping up because they are "creative" or something..
@ black people (African American's namely)
oh huh?

Nah it aint like that. They are all multi-colored dinosaurs going on imaginary safaris. I definitely feel an agenda though. Has something to do with magick. Will study and report back
It takes time for things to change.  Sooner or later alot of Khalantes and Shaniquas will actually be part of corporate america.  Its slowly happening. 

Kids don't underacheive because of their name. It's just a stereotype of lower class blacks.  But I've seen plenty of college educated raised in the suburbs blacks with the same names. 

Lets be honest white men run the world and minorities and women are slowly making up for lost time.  We will face prejudice no matter what on the road to an even playing field. 

So basically the answer is to name your kid whatever you want and then when that kid becomes successful you have slowly destroyed the "boomquisha" stereotype.  Instead of naming your kid with the thought of having their resume tossed 18 years later.
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Yep. I believe it was ABC that did a special on this? Or maybe it was another network. Was a study for people trying to rent an apartment or apply for a job. The results were obvious.

Edit: Oh and FTR sneakerheathen, since you're trying to play this baiting game, it seems as if you have some sort of guilty conscience about this whole thing. I guess you would assume the names I brought up were names of a black female? Why are you playing dumb? No one is beating around the bush. The discussion was about what people are thinking when naming their kids. There are CONSEQUENCES. This is not rocket science. How many Laquashas do you see running things? Front office jobs? I'll give you time to type up something better than you have.
No guilty conscience on my end bud, I'm not white nor black.
Secondly that's my point, why even choose a name like Laquashas if it's going to do nothing but give your child grief down the road?

However you're acting as if this problem isn't predominantly a black thing, please pray tell. Give me some examples of commonly poor choices in White, Asian, Middle Eastern, Hispanic/Latino names. You know this is something that especially pertains to the black community and to sit around and act coy as if that's not the underlying subject at hand is just ridiculous. 

Yeah, and there's PLENTY of Asian girls named Laquasha. 
I'm not afraid to admit I see it more with blacks, but my original point was that it's stupid to give kids these outlandish names that push the lines of what is simply pure ignorance. I'm more focused on why parents are giving names that are obviously going to undermine opportunities and chances of success. Really thinking about it, parents simply don't have a clue. Maybe it's being sheltered and stuck in a bubble, maybe it's a lack of care, a lack of education, or a combination of all of it.
Originally Posted by MonStar1

So basically the answer is to name your kid whatever you want and then when that kid becomes successful you have slowly destroyed the "boomquisha" stereotype.  Instead of naming your kid with the thought of having their resume tossed 18 years later.
But how can you ignore probability. The successful "Boquisha" is the minority. She can be successful but chances are she will get shunned because of her name. The argument can be made, why put your kid in a position in which someone can possibly X them out before even getting a chance to know them and their value?
Yea it is noble to name your child whatever you want but you should put some thought into the naming process before you go off naming him/her something so damn hood.

And people stop beating around the bush here we are talking about hood names.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by MonStar1

So basically the answer is to name your kid whatever you want and then when that kid becomes successful you have slowly destroyed the "boomquisha" stereotype.  Instead of naming your kid with the thought of having their resume tossed 18 years later.
But how can you ignore probability. The successful "Boquisha" is the minority. She can be successful but chances are she will get shunned because of her name. The argument can be made, why put your kid in a position in which someone can possibly X them out before even getting a chance to know them and their value?
Yea it is noble to name your child whatever you want but you should put some thought into the naming process before you go off naming him/her something so damn hood.

And people stop beating around the bush here we are talking about hood names.


Slowly but surely times change.  Your kid ain't getting a good job until 18-22 years after birth.

The reason Boquisha is looked down upon is because the majority of people with that name come from low class areas. So by default people from those areas are less likely to succeed.  That builds the ghetto name stereotype. If a good family that valued education named their daughter Boquisha she would still face some prejudice but her resume' and acheivements would get her in the door somewhere.  That is actually happening today.  Soon Boquisha will be in position to hire people.

Watch freakonomics.  It talks about how back in the day rich white people had stripper names like Buffy and stuff but that's changed because lower class people copied them.  Now you have a bunch of trailer parks full of stripper names that used to be considered "upper class" when those children were born.  Times change.  It's a lil different situation with black folks but you catch my drift.

My point is censoring names is only feeding the problem instead of slowly killing it. There's kids being born with the name Barack out there now in 2012.  It's up to the parents and kid to be successful.  Look at how many up and coming basketball prospects are named Shaquille
.  The name has lost some shock value over the years but when they were born it was more original.
Originally Posted by dankenstien88

psk2310 wrote:
I knew an NBA player that named his daughter Lexus because that was the car he bought with his first NBA check, the car he always wanted...

 How long is "always" ? 

Lexus has only existed since 1989.

Sorry for the late reply. Haven't been back to this thread in a minute. Dude played in the NBA from '91 through '95 or '96. He got an LS400 & a Land Cruiser...
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Yep. I believe it was ABC that did a special on this? Or maybe it was another network. Was a study for people trying to rent an apartment or apply for a job. The results were obvious.

Edit: Oh and FTR sneakerheathen, since you're trying to play this baiting game, it seems as if you have some sort of guilty conscience about this whole thing. I guess you would assume the names I brought up were names of a black female? Why are you playing dumb? No one is beating around the bush. The discussion was about what people are thinking when naming their kids. There are CONSEQUENCES. This is not rocket science. How many Laquashas do you see running things? Front office jobs? I'll give you time to type up something better than you have.
No guilty conscience on my end bud, I'm not white nor black.
Secondly that's my point, why even choose a name like Laquashas if it's going to do nothing but give your child grief down the road?

However you're acting as if this problem isn't predominantly a black thing, please pray tell. Give me some examples of commonly poor choices in White, Asian, Middle Eastern, Hispanic/Latino names. You know this is something that especially pertains to the black community and to sit around and act coy as if that's not the underlying subject at hand is just ridiculous. 

Yeah, and there's PLENTY of Asian girls named Laquasha. 
I'm not afraid to admit I see it more with blacks, but my original point was that it's stupid to give kids these outlandish names that push the lines of what is simply pure ignorance. I'm more focused on why parents are giving names that are obviously going to undermine opportunities and chances of success. Really thinking about it, parents simply don't have a clue. Maybe it's being sheltered and stuck in a bubble, maybe it's a lack of care, a lack of education, or a combination of all of it.

ask yourse;f this question. is success really worth it if you have to conform everything about yourself to reach it? Thats like saying, all black women should straighten their hair so it looks more "white" and employers will like it, or a guy getting a low hair cut as opposed to dreds because employers may find it too black. A name is a name and it doesnt make who you are.

As far as the "Apple" name went, that's what Gweneth(sp?) Paltrow named her kid.

Don't get me wrong, I hate Khalante, Zakeestia, and Shanika just as much as I hate Hunter, Kyle, and Tucker.

FYI - Khalante is Cadillac+Alante. That's what my friend told me...his dad really liked the Cadillac Alante...
Originally Posted by blakep267

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

No guilty conscience on my end bud, I'm not white nor black.
Secondly that's my point, why even choose a name like Laquashas if it's going to do nothing but give your child grief down the road?

However you're acting as if this problem isn't predominantly a black thing, please pray tell. Give me some examples of commonly poor choices in White, Asian, Middle Eastern, Hispanic/Latino names. You know this is something that especially pertains to the black community and to sit around and act coy as if that's not the underlying subject at hand is just ridiculous. 

Yeah, and there's PLENTY of Asian girls named Laquasha. 
I'm not afraid to admit I see it more with blacks, but my original point was that it's stupid to give kids these outlandish names that push the lines of what is simply pure ignorance. I'm more focused on why parents are giving names that are obviously going to undermine opportunities and chances of success. Really thinking about it, parents simply don't have a clue. Maybe it's being sheltered and stuck in a bubble, maybe it's a lack of care, a lack of education, or a combination of all of it.

ask yourse;f this question. is success really worth it if you have to conform everything about yourself to reach it? Thats like saying, all black women should straighten their hair so it looks more "white" and employers will like it, or a guy getting a low hair cut as opposed to dreds because employers may find it too black. A name is a name and it doesnt make who you are.

Conform what? Let's reverse that, are you conforming to something else by choosing a name like Boquana? Who are you trying to fit in with by "not" straightening your hair?

A name is a name, you're right, and it should mean something. These names don't mean jack #$@@. They're just ridiculous, made-up perceptions of something without meaning or purpose.
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