Well Niketalk Goodbye for a while....(Update 2 MORE BULL!!! pg.7)

Read the update and man that sucks. I wish you would have chose another direction in life. Use this as a learning exp. You help ruin others lives to makeprofit so of course you had this coming. I hope you get out unharmed and with a new outlook on life. Keep your head up. Read alot. Try the Bible. God Blessman.
And trust me, i'll never be in a position where i'd be facing possible jail time. I don't live my life in that manner. I'm SMARTER than that.

you obviously have a narrow perspective on life.

i'm not condoning drug trafficking... but it's not about being smart or dumb. for many people, dealing drugs is actually the smartest option available.
Damn sorry to hear that G.

Keep ya head up ( Y ) down and Do The Knowledge. You only do two days the day you go in and the day you come out, the rest of the time does itself.

Be Cool Like How You Be Cool G

I love how none of those kids touched on my post. Lolz.

But yeah, good luck man. Get the info out and I send you some kellz.
damn my boy.

stay up and enjoy your last couple days of freedom. hope to see your thread when you get out !

stay up !

Originally Posted by justhotkicks

Originally Posted by HARMCITY45

And are we, as humans, perfect? Absolutely not. But the law can't and won't punish me for my sins. His sin is not only more severe than anything i've ever done, but it's punishable by law.

This doesn't even make sense....

Say who? find me quote in the bible that states such a thing....

Dudes actin' all high and mighty...makes me sick

but if you ever had a family member that was in the prison system..or was in it yourself...

then you would know and understand how "just sayin' keep you head up" can make a person feel wjen the go into that hell called prison..People are treated less than human in there...

Everyone knows wht he did was wrong...he knows what he did was wrong.

Honestly alot of ya'll need to get off that high %%% horse...cuz one day you too can fall and fall harder than Leo.....

End up lookin' like Christopher Reeves....

The bible says sin is sin
. But sin has its degrees. Even prison inmates have their own "degrees" of severity. Are not child rapists/pedophiles at the bottom of the pile? Aren't they the one that get picked on the most?

We're on no high horse. Why do you think we're trying to be above you, just because we don't agree with you? We're all human. But the fact is he chose the path that we didn't. That doesn't make us better, but it makes us smarter. There's no denying that.

I'm sorry, but what does lookin' like Christopher Reeves have anything to do with this? Reeves got paralyzed from an accident. It's not like he proclaimed his superiority and was struck down by a lightning bolt from God. And trust me, i'll never be in a position where i'd be facing possible jail time. I don't live my life in that manner. I'm SMARTER than that.

Ok, seems like you can't read the context right.

I live by NO code. I go by my own code. And I use the whole "street code" thing to just simply show how he obviously has no knowledge how to act properly in the streets. I, on the other hand, do not follow any code BUT I still have knowledge and know how to act accordingly in the streets. And what he is saying is basically disrespecting me and all the people I grew up with by acting like a punk and trying to justify a man loosing freedom.

Act accordingly in the streets? I'm sorry, is there a pamphlet I can pick up read? I question your use of this "knowledge" when you don't live it firsthand. If you don't live by the street code, you don't know the street code. You may know ABOUT it, but you don't KNOW it. And "losing" freedom? He THREW IT AWAY.

And if the PARENTS bought drugs from him, they don't even deserve to have custody over their kids in the first place. Lol, you act like this dude is responsible for anyone's drug addiction. If he didn't sale drugs, there's always somebody else that will sell them the drugs that they made their own decision to use. All he is doing is profiting off their addiction, not actually introducing drugs to them.

Oh, so it's not his fault. True, parents who supply drugs to their kids don't deserve children, but how is the drug-dealer not at fault for anything? Profiting off of addiction is not wrong? Isn't that the whole case AGAINST big tobacco? Using the "if he didn't sell, someone else would take his spot" is the same complacent, stuck-in-the-gutter attitude that keep people from ever advancing in life.

Drug trafficking is drug traficking. Murder is murder. Anything can lead to murder, not just drug traficking. So you can't actually try and make drug trafficking look worse.

Oh, so since everything else causes murder, the fact that drug trafficking causes it makes it tame in comparison. Gotcha. Doesn't matter how it compares, it's still despicable.

And no, the Canada statement was not a rebuttal. I simply was stating that the fact he lives in liberal Canada, doesn't play no part in this argument. It's completely irrelevent. Millions of people live in Canada. Big deal. Dude's like "Oh I'm from liberal Canada, I'm justified"...Yeah, ok.

No, he pointed Canada out to show that even a liberal (especially from a country that is lenient with certain drugs) doesn't agree with opinions that selling drugs may be justified because he needs to "get by". His opinion is not the be-all-end-all, but it's still an opinion nonetheless. And "You're still a chump" is the typical response made by females when they have nothing else sensible to say. You're the one doing the name-calling. Grow up.

Again, I don't know the OP, but I do have close friends who live similar lifestyles. One of my best friends is exiled from his own country because of selling drugs. My opinions are the same about him, about the OP, and anyone else who makes this decision to be a part of the negative cycle that is ruining society.

With that being said, I don't even feel like arguing with you.
I won't even say "good luck" or anything foolish like that. Doing time sucks, but its the easy part. I'll save "good luck" for whenyou get out, because realistically that's when the reality of your convictions will hit. Getting out of the system is one of the hardest things to do, butyou can do it if you truly want to.
What irritates me the most on Niketalk for years is that someone always plays a role behind a computer screen. The guy shared his problem with us and keptus updated. Then some dumb %!% wants to say something slick about the situation, knowing the severity of it. It's pretty simple if you have somethingnegative to say, don't say it at all. If you want to give him advice then do that. All the *%$+#$+$ aint necessary. I wish Niketalk had an annual meet upsession where i would be able to see these dumb %!% dudes. Some of you probably use to have lunch money taken from you when you were younger
KnowledgeTheFoundation sounds like a 14 year old who watched Scarface and Belly a few too many times.

If you don't live by a street code, you shouldn't be commenting on it like you're some sort of expert.

Any REAL street guy would tell you that they're taking a risk. With risk, could come reward - or failure. OP just didn't catch the better sideof the stick for too long. He's comfortable with his punishment and is accepting it... you should be, too.

We need a summit just so we can beat the hell out some of these lames after it's over.

"What's all $*# you was talkin behind that screen patna'"

Originally Posted by KnowledgeTheFoundation

With that being said, I don't even feel like arguing with you.
Arguing? You're just a child, mentally at the very least.

even idiots with an IQ of 46 can be law-biding citizens...

Yet the OP isn't. Your point? A law-abiding citizen with a low IQ is still smarter than a person with a higher IQ wholives a life of crime.

I only show sympathy to people who have mended their ways and done their time. Even my best friend of 16 years, who is exiled from his damn country for sellingdrugs, got no love for me. I was there for him when he went on trial and I was there when he cried after he found out he wasn't going to be incarcerated. Ionly showed him love when I knew he changed his ways, and I did what he could to help him AFTERWARDS. Has the OP changed his ways? Of course not. This is juststep one of a long process. Do I hope he gets back up on his feet and gets his %%*# together? Of course. But like all drug-dealers, including my friend,they'd only continue what they were doing if they were never caught. My boy told me straight up, that he'd probably still do what he was doing if hewas never caught. So WHY do I show them sympathy? These people risk their freedom when they take up these lifestyles, and now complain when it finally bitesthem in the %#@? The OP may have "accepted" his punishment, but what if he never got caught? Am I supposed to believe that he was gonna quit what hewas doing?

I know jail can be tough. I can't even imagine how tough it could be. I have friends who've done time, and I have a friend in a maximum security prisonin Alaska right now. He accidentally killed a cab driver he tried to rob. So don't tell me what I know and don't know. I've never done time, and Inever will, simply because I'd never put myself in a position. Some of you are acting like jail and crime are just a part of life, but just because it maybe "acceptable" doesn't make it justified. I'd never be in a position to face jail time not because of the "hand" I was dealt, butbecause of the decisions that I made. Just like "idiots with an IQ of 46 are law-abiding citizens", intelligent people can lead lives of crime. But Imade the decision not to, and I did not accept it as a "part of life". Everyone is given a decision and opportunity. It's up to the person tomake something out of it instead of settling for "well, it's just a part of life".

What's more, you're right. He does have enough of that stuff, but chances are, when he started selling he wasn't copping stuff like that. A majority of the people who sell are simply selling to get out of poverty and the projects. Once you get out of there, you have no inclination to stop (especially since selling gets your ego supersized,) so most cats continue on and get caught. You act like he was just selling drugs to stay fresh. Once you're in the drug game, there's usually only two ways out; getting shot and dying or going to prison. You can't just say "Oh, I'm out of the hood. Jose, I don't need any more packs." It doesn't work that way.
You have fees to pay when you get the first pack from the connect, and that debt is rarely ever settled. Saying he puts the working class to shame is ridiculous, especially since a good portion of that working class that you're speaking of uses Schedule 1 drugs like coke to get by in their boring, mundane lives.

So are you saying that people from the projects simply can't make it? That drugs are the only way out, but at the same time, hold you back? Thatthere's simply no other way? That in the years of drug-dealing that's going on in the projects, people haven't realized "hmm, maybe drugsISN'T the way out"? The crime is reserved for people who live in the projects, because there's nothing else?

and disrespect someone who's chosen to serve their time and pay their debts to society


He chose to serve his time? REALLY? Nobody is disrespecting anyone...as if he (or anyone else) deserved any respect in the first place.

It's just a cycle, isn't it? Deal drugs, do some time, debt to society repaid? Don't make this guy out to be a martyr.
Originally Posted by 5iveonit

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by 5iveonit

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

if nt could get your mailing info that would be
, we could send you threads and #*%#, you might be a lil late, but the laughs will atleast keep you sane...
i signed into my girl's SN just to co-sign this...

dead %$#.




, NT is my work release bro.

i'm on at 8 a.m. sharp...and i blow time till about 5:30.....

, that okay with you?

same as my schedule...thats how i knew he hit the post limit by noon
at _'s acting like im Pablo Escobar, my life isn't a life of crime, i go to school i have 3.3 gpa right now, its not like im going no where in life,regardless the hate is strong in here...
Originally Posted by Face82

We need a summit just so we can beat the hell out some of these lames after it's over.

"What's all $*# you was talkin behind that screen patna'"

If only we could
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