WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Agatha All Along new ep every Wednesday

Article for those that want to read it:


mandarin felt like a prank

this felt like what it was, Wanda was dealing with shhh and further losing her mind

Article for those that want to read it:


The damage control is amazing :lol:

Fiege got folks by the nuts for no one to come out and straight up call this/Luke Skywalker cameo some ******** :lol:
I’m still dumbfounded by the amount of people who really thought Fiege would roll with a Foxverse crossover. It just shows who’s actually paying attention to the creative direction of the MCU and who isn’t.

Fiege wants absolutely NOTHING to do with the Foxverse outside of Deadpool and wants to attack mutants from a fresh lens on a blank canvas with a cleansed palette.

To even think he’d introduce even a spec of the Foxverse into the MCU is goofy.
I’m still dumbfounded by the amount of people who really thought Fiege would roll with a Foxverse crossover. It just shows who’s actually paying attention to the creative direction of the MCU and who isn’t.

Fiege wants absolutely NOTHING to do with the Foxverse outside of Deadpool and wants to attack mutants from a fresh lens on a blank canvas with a cleansed palette.

To even think he’d introduce even a spec of the Foxverse into the MCU is goofy.

Man shut the hell up :lol:

They picked that dude of all people after months of news about “Multiverse of Madness” And Fiege “anything is possible” “it’s all connected” :lol:

Could have picked literally any white dude to be a knockoff Pietro or even ATJ himself. Even played into the concept with the “recast” comment from Darcy :lol:

The show itself and the finale was cool and sets up DS2/etc nicely but all this fan **** riding like they ain’t contribute to the “theories” with pointless statements is starting to blow me :lol:
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Darcy literally says “she recast pietro”

ole girl was losing her mind and that was just a little nugget that illustrates that
Man shut the hell up :lol:

They picked that dude of all people after months of news about “Multiverse of Madness” And Fiege “anything is possible” “it’s all connected” :lol:

Could have picked literally any white dude to be a knockoff Pietro or even ATJ himself. Even played into the concept with the “recast” comment from Darcy :lol:

The show itself and the finale was cool and sets up DS2/etc nicely but all this fan **** riding like they ain’t contribute to the “theories” with pointless statements is starting to blow me :lol:
That's exactly why I knew they weren't going in that trash direction.

Y'all dudes entertained it though.
They had the entire next Phase mapped out but y'all really sitting there thinking they were going to just shotgun the X-Men into their established plans

Like come on. Just say you were being a homer and move on.

How many of these movies I gotta watch till my mutant powers kick in to where I can read Fiege’s mind like y’all :lol:

Her snapping by the end of the show (like she appears to be on the verge of in the post credit scene) and cracking the multiverse wide open for Strange to fix and Pietro being the first sign of that (leading into DS2 and the supposed Andrew/Tobey stuff) isn’t “shoehorning the X Men” into anything :lol:

and what the **** is a homer :lol:
What’s exactly why?
This part

They picked that dude of all people
I just knew off rip Evans was not playing Pietro from trash *** FoX-Men. I was saying that day 1. It was so in your face it was obvious it wasn't what it appeared to be

Y'all got caught up.

Never been MCU style to just spring **** that early off rip.
Do y’all see Johnny Depp coming to the MCU. Disney do love him.
5 years ago he would've been in. Disney has cooled on him ever since Amber Heard ruined his rep.

There was gonna be one more PotC Jack Sparrow movie but that's been scrapped for two different movies.

His connects in two other major studios have been scrapped as well (Universal Monsterverse and WB's Fantastic Beasts franchise).

He might have to go away and come back with a classic/entertaining movie.
Fox screwed the collective reputation of the xmen as an intellectual property so bad......

Marvel has to let that **** sit for YEARS and fade from the collective consciousness before they even begin to revive it.

Fox rode the singer ship all the way to the bottom of the ocean....and didn’t give a single ****

X-MEN needs at least another 5 more years to breath for it to have the same impact if not bigger than the AVENGERS.

but trust, when it happens it will be TITANIC
Good insight. But if Robert Downey can come back, I think this is a quick fix to redeem himself. If the opportunity presents itself of course.

RDJ ain’t walking through that door fans....
Fox screwed the collective reputation of the xmen as an intellectual property so bad......

Marvel has to let that **** sit for YEARS and fade from the collective consciousness before they even begin to revive it.

Fox rode the singer ship all the way to the bottom of the ocean....and didn’t give a single ****

X-MEN needs at least another 5 more years to breath for it to have the same impact if not bigger than the AVENGERS.

but trust, when it happens it will be TITANIC

I disagree.. people smart enough to get the difference between MCU and that trash

deadpool the only one I think they legit carry over and that gets treated as it’s own thing to a degree

spidey had legit good movies and they adapted that shh quick

MCU should do what shoulda been done from the start, make the movies about more than just wolverine
Good insight. But if Robert Downey can come back, I think this is a quick fix to redeem himself. If the opportunity presents itself of course.

not a great example.. everyone knew rdj was super duper talented but had the self inflicted shh going plus that was the 80s and 90s

plus along with looking like dude, it was easy to make life parallels between the character and the actor

but depp needs time away from all of this and something legit good where he can shine and remind people of his talent
I'd look at how Marvel handled Ghost Rider after getting him back. Waited 5-6 years a d then eased him to a solid showing in Agents of SHIELD and can now do w/e they want moviewise.

Good insight. But if Robert Downey can come back, I think this is a quick fix to redeem himself. If the opportunity presents itself of course.
RDJR had to get sober first though. Wasn't quick. Probably won't be for Dept.
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