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People really wanting his motivation to just be over a chick vs what we got is silly.

And Thanos love for his children was just like his love of the universe, brutal and flawed but to him the end result is worth it. Strong, and feared warriors, and thriving universe (according to him). Focusing on just Gamora is missing the entire picture.
Makes me wonder what the story behind him saying he ignored his destiny once before when he was sacrificing Gamora.

Gotta be more than just Titan becoming a wasteland. Like son probably could've killed his ppl but backed off.
^ gotta assume dude could have wrecked shop on his own people before when those in charge didn't listen to him
Death needs a whole movie back story but black order don't even need to be called by name at all

Yea makes sense

Y'all dudes more caught up on how lame you think simping is as an idea generally than how it plays in a movie

Weak motivation is weak motivation no matter how good the CGI is

Thanos was inconsistent period
Exactly, y’all are mad corny if you think the problem with Thanos and this film is because it didn’t honor the source material. I’m the biggest proponent for liberties taken IF they fit the narrative. Thanos in this movie is hollow. He makes no sense as a villain. Their isn’t anything set up to show where he’s coming from, why he came to the conclusion that half of life must be wiped out other than a cheap 20 second expose on Titan showing what it looked liked before it was destroyed. All these years of showing him in the shadows we deserved something substantial as to what his purpose was for. The same dude smiling in the camera cause he was told facing the Avengers was “to court death” is actually a good guy looking out for the universe. FOH
Obviously they attempted to put up a fight and he killed them just because. You really do have a question for everything :lol:
But the asgardians didn't right?

He managed to leave half of them

Yet killin the black man in the first 10 min wasnt a trope either I guess jus movie magic
so isnt that still "out of balance" for thanos who wants "everything in balance"?

a universe with no asgardians cuz he kills them all or half the asgardians cuz he spares them

its one or the other or a plothole

and how can they "escape" with no bifrost and thanos has the space stone to chase them anywhere?
russo bros need to make this man carol danvers love interest in A4 (or at least some sort of interaction), i mean he was part of shield >D
End result would've been different.

Two different stories mashed in to one. One is Thanos trying to get Death's affection by any means necessary. He's a nihilist so that makes infatuation all the more deep. His pursuit of the infinity gems isn't a go at god level power for the sake of power but to prove his love of Death. Son been a mass murderer. Death kept shunning him. This all written expertly by Starlin cuz he had his story in mind from the jump, knew how to use Marvel heroes as plot pieces and played Thanos well off of the only other few characters that mattered; Adam Warlock (polar opposite), Memphisto (literal devil on shoulder and opportunistic schemer), Pip (for humor), and Silver Surfer (stoic hero). Everybody else just gets moved around like chess pieces and the one moment with Nebula calling back to an earlier set up.

For a movie the heroes wouldn't have much of a presence imo. The other story is their small scenes. They do what heroes do and fail. Meanwhile this mad man is desperate for attention that now he's taking on cosmic entities and when he realized his supreme power puts him over Death and he could just command her to love him the whole thing is pointless and then the backdoor trap of Thanos' arrogance being what defeats him in the end wraps the story up. And in the end Thanos ends up with another gem again as a part of larger Starlin trilogy.

That would be a mad alienating movie for MCU fans. Some alleged huge fans in here aren't even really that hardcore of comic fans to actually want that to be the movie.

Nice write-up and I generally agree with you. I, personally, would love if a movie like that took place and makes me wanna re-read Infinity Gauntlet rn

By "end result" though, I just meant whatever Thanos' motivation would be (whether it be Death or the one we eventually got in the film),, the studios/Russos would still set it up where we would have a massive climax at the end with the heroes and the villains. Again, I'm speaking from the perspective of pleasing general audiences and making money. And they know huge epic set-pieces make money.
I'll never understand the Deadpool love. That first movie was meh to me at best. Horrible CGI in some parts too. Guess I just don't find his shtick amusing :ohwell:
Re-watching the beginning of "Infinity War",, did anyone else think Loki's whole approach with Thanos was out of character? Okay, maybe not out of character but he didn't seem as cunning and cerebral as I would expect.

Instead of siding with Thanos from the jump and playing the long-game,, he only pretends to join him after Hulk is beat. And even after that, did he really think stabbing Thanos (while dude obviously had his guard up) was the smartest move? In front of all his cronies too??

All this to say,, Thanos probably wouldn't have trusted him in the first place but idk. RIP
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