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Abuse.....or love??

In all seriousness,,,, why are we constraining ourselves to the Earthly definition of "love"? For all we know,, these alien species and astral beings all over the galaxy interpret that sh*t in different ways.

Wiping out half the universe was a noble act.

Y'all so close-minded :smh:
To all of you guys who have Infinity War as your favourite Marvel movie,,, what does that mean for Avengers 4? Are your expectations super high?

This isn't likely considering their track record but for argument's sake,, let's say A4 is somewhat underwhelming, do you think that will affect your opinion on IW?

I ask because it's hard for me to take IW as a complete movie despite enjoying it.
Nah, I love Infinity War completely on its own.

Like Feige could announce A4 is the first movie in the rebooting of the MCU and I wouldn't look at IW any differently as far as its greatness in my eyes (may be greater just cuz they ended that version of their shared universe that way).

On the off chance its trash (not just underwhelming even though I cant imagine either) IW is still a great movie.
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It’s Time to Talk About Marvel’s Gamora Problem


Brandon, is trying way too hard.. how about we see what impact gamora AND nebula (who he fails to mention) have in the final film, the story clearly isn't over.. also the impact those who loved gamora have, which extends to rocket and nebula but I'm not sure Brandon watched GOTG vol 2

And yes the MCU has mostly been about tony evolving as a person.. but did dude skip tony taking a nuke to space in A1??
I wish I could comment on this lady's article... No one is asking anyone to take Thano's abuse of Gamora as acceptable.. Sometimes I feel like people have comprehension issues...
Genuinely agreeing with you once again.

The bigger problem is taking this fictional egomaniacal philosophisizing evil villain, this "Mad Titan", and regulating him down to just this man that abuses his children but somehow still loves them being the bigger issue.

They're taking that part of the story and treating it as the message of the story and the problem there is cuz on both sides ppl can't take this as just a story for entertainment that has the world building and character development instilled in it to make the stories told all the more compelling.

Looks like a strong case of being mad a plot point in the story cuz its something you disagree with when it isn't suppose to be that personal

If you have experience with Thanos stories, epecially the Starlin ones you can totally understand how in his totally not human warped mind what he feels for Gamora is what he understands as love. You can understand and make the connection for how the writers and directors adapted and interpreted the character in that manner.

But hey ppl got their crusades. Droning on and on about abuse kinda shows how what was being conveyed was completely ignored. If not on purpose.
I wish I could comment on this lady's article... No one is asking anyone to take Thano's abuse of Gamora as acceptable.. Sometimes I feel like people have comprehension issues...

thats not a comprehension issue, its just her lens

its thought out and articulated well

i dont agree with her view at all, but i understand where it comes from
'Avengers: Infinity War' Directors Reveal Who Lived and Died Off-Screen

Avengers: Infinity War: Who Lived and Died Off-Screen

1. Howard the Duck (Seth Green) – Alive
2. Jane Foster (Natalie Portman) – Too spoilery
3. Actor Loki (Matt Damon) – Dead
4. Betty Ross (Liv Tyler) – Dead
5. Korg and Miek (Taika Waititi) – Too spoilery
6. Shuri (Letitia Wright) – Unknown
7. Lady Sif (Jaimie Alexander) – Dead
8. Ned (Jacob Batalon) – Too spoilery
9. Aunt May (Marisa Tomei) – Alive
10. Nakia (Lupita Nyong’o) – Unknown

I heard a theory saying that the people "alive" are actually all in the reality stone.
And this is just Thanos reality based on that So the next movie is going to be them trying to figure out how to get out of it.
What does she want, a full length movie about Gamora and Thanos playing hide and go seek and teaching her how to ride a bike? All of Thanos "feelings" are twisted, love to him is not choking you to do death, or dusting you instead instead of putting you through painful agony. "Saving" a universe that didn't ask to be saved. He's has twisted logic and twisted emotions. That author suffers from classic case of thinking too hard. It's a super hero movie, not Gone With the Wind.
I think yall missed the part where vormir the actual sentient planet rewarded thanos for his abuse

And yall saying she, its a dude lol
That's irrelevant.

You're assuming that there is only one absolute way love can be experienced and that the feeling is universally the same for all ppl.

Doesn't matter if the planet was sentient or w/e 3rd party was involved. The stipulation was a sacrifice of love. Thanos met the requirement.

Also there's the reasoning that you can't kill/sacrifice what you love which seems to be the other issue with the argument about that plot point.
I've heard that theory floating around about the characters not really being dead but stuck in the Soul Stone and lemme say.....


Really though. We're not stupid, we know all those dead characters will come back in one way or another. That's inevitable.

But leave it so that they actually died,, not stuck in purgatory doing what exactly? Chillin? smh.
My exact sentiments and the reason why I have a strong disdain for this film. It lacks no conviction in anything it does. It just does **** for shock value. You never once showed the extent of Gamora and Thanos’ relationship sans some weak Swiss Army knife he gave her and we’re supposed to buy Thanos’ emotion in having to kill her? A being that wants to commit universal genocide? Thanos crying because he has to kill to get what he wants when he’s been doing that this whole time? Ridiculous. This movie spent so much time telling cringe jokes so it could avoid an actual plot. 18 films of universe building should have had a real emotional payoff for everyone. Instead we’re forced to cheer because Thor got his eye back and Spider-Man played the little kid crying cause he doesn’t want to die game AGAIN. This movie broke my heart in the worst way.

lacking conviction is such an apt description

dudes will spin it every which way but thats what it comes down to

pinning the dramatic weight of the movie on a character in which one can neither identify with or reason with is just asinine and poor craftmanship especially for this being the magnum opus

id have preferred a simp thanos that could be understood to this monochromatic monstrosity

its like all it is is theres a gauntlet, ill fill it, achieve ultimate power and **** on everything i stand for simultaneously
id have preferred a simp thanos that could be understood to this monochromatic monstrosity

I was clamoring for Death to be his main motivation rather than the eventual motivation we got in the film. He wanted to impress her so much that he was willing to wipe out 50% of the universe to impress her. That's Drake-levels of simping right there.

Over time though,, I've come to accept it. Ultimately,, it's all about the big fights and crazy set-pieces. End result I felt would have been the same.
Ya'll really wanted this ***** to be a simp over death :lol:
I don't get how being a super simp for Death is better than the universe is flawed let me wipe out half of all life randomly so ppl can thrive.

As far as obsessions and villain goals they're both contrived and flawed but thats part of the point with supervillains.

Both versions are Mad Titans just for slightly different reason.

I figure in A4 someone will point out with the ig he could've kept everyone alive and just gave them unlimited resources but instead he chose death as a solution and that leads to his obsession/infatuation with Death. Thanos dying at the end of this and meeting lady Death can be a whole entirely new set up that pays off.

But most of these ppl arguing this aren't smart enough to see the story potential or to take the story as is and grasp it.
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I was clamoring for Death to be his main motivation rather than the eventual motivation we got in the film. He wanted to impress her so much that he was willing to wipe out 50% of the universe to impress her. That's Drake-levels of simping right there.

Over time though,, I've come to accept it. Ultimately,, it's all about the big fights and crazy set-pieces. End result I felt would have been the same.
End result would've been different.

Two different stories mashed in to one. One is Thanos trying to get Death's affection by any means necessary. He's a nihilist so that makes infatuation all the more deep. His pursuit of the infinity gems isn't a go at god level power for the sake of power but to prove his love of Death. Son been a mass murderer. Death kept shunning him. This all written expertly by Starlin cuz he had his story in mind from the jump, knew how to use Marvel heroes as plot pieces and played Thanos well off of the only other few characters that mattered; Adam Warlock (polar opposite), Memphisto (literal devil on shoulder and opportunistic schemer), Pip (for humor), and Silver Surfer (stoic hero). Everybody else just gets moved around like chess pieces and the one moment with Nebula calling back to an earlier set up.

For a movie the heroes wouldn't have much of a presence imo. The other story is their small scenes. They do what heroes do and fail. Meanwhile this mad man is desperate for attention that now he's taking on cosmic entities and when he realized his supreme power puts him over Death and he could just command her to love him the whole thing is pointless and then the backdoor trap of Thanos' arrogance being what defeats him in the end wraps the story up. And in the end Thanos ends up with another gem again as a part of larger Starlin trilogy.

That would be a mad alienating movie for MCU fans. Some alleged huge fans in here aren't even really that hardcore of comic fans to actually want that to be the movie.
A goofy *** premise like that and having to explain that in one movie is ridiculous
Yeah, Starlin had the luxury of writing several ongoing comics and having that all pay off to execute it as a story.

Thanos would've had to have a cameo in IM1 to have that story pay off in the right way.
People really wanting his motivation to just be over a chick vs what we got is silly.

And Thanos love for his children was just like his love of the universe, brutal and flawed but to him the end result is worth it. Strong, and feared warriors, and thriving universe (according to him). Focusing on just Gamora is missing the entire picture.
Chances the nebula moment happens in 4?
Some form of it.

Comic version of that character was way more evil and unstable.

But since that scene happened by accident in the comic its possible if the plan is just another version of get the gauntlet off Thanos' hand for A4 :lol:
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^ marvel always likes to sprinkle in nuggets from the comics, like definitive moments.. could easily see THAT moment being used

And Brandon looking even more foolish for that crap above
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