WDYWT June 2009 Vol. Summer is upon us DO NOT QUOTE PICS!!!




my first wdywt! hehe and look how long ive been on here...gee took me long enough...
(these are jus a few of my more recent fits....)
everytime i see a powers this video comes to my mind, and we all have to accept that wdywt wouldnt be as fun as it iswithout proper and da kidd�
�nice fits everyone
hmm this the first picture that hasn't had me disgusted with the premiums....any cracking issues with these?
Got these shirts sometime ago. Three albums that gets alot of playtime from my cd, iPod or tapedeck.
battleground03. return to non-hdr pictures please.
i liked those more.
o, nice SHOES NT fam.
that is all.

^^^Dope Ty......not really a big Adi Dassler fan but perforated stripes and trefoils are always a nice touch to Stan Smiths, Superstars etc
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