WATCHMEN Movie Thread: Directors Cut is out (updated: deleted scene)

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by ElVaquero87

I've read the GN and I just don't see this movie being as good as people are expecting. Are they going to put in the pirate story? Are they going to fast forward through events? I remember reading that Alan Moore said he wrote the story to be unfilmable on purpose. This is one of the best books I have ever read and there is too much in it to fit into a 2 hour movie. And as a personal opinion, a "visionary" director isn't someone who chooses to use slow motion capture in scenes where others would not

Well the movie is expected to be 2.5 hours at least and whatever unfilmable items are goign to release in animation form or other books I believe.
Snyder did 300 justice and page for page accurate when it comes to the comic book so I expect the same in this case.
The story is perfect as is and keeping true to that will make this movie great.

Nice Emoticons john23.

Watchmen will not be page-for-page accurate. Snyder has already stated that the film's conclusion has been changed.

Also, 300 and Watchmen are entirely different texts. 300 is action based, and relatively linear; Watchmen is thoroughly complex and driven by careful plot andcharacter development-- not fight sequences. To be honest, I think there are very few filmmakers who could pull Watchmen off, and, unfortunately, Snyderisn't one of them. While Snyder's techniques may have translated well to 300, I'm not sure how they will work in Watchmen and from what I'veseen of the film so far, this seems to be the case.
Originally Posted by True Blues

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by ElVaquero87

I've read the GN and I just don't see this movie being as good as people are expecting. Are they going to put in the pirate story? Are they going to fast forward through events? I remember reading that Alan Moore said he wrote the story to be unfilmable on purpose. This is one of the best books I have ever read and there is too much in it to fit into a 2 hour movie. And as a personal opinion, a "visionary" director isn't someone who chooses to use slow motion capture in scenes where others would not

Well the movie is expected to be 2.5 hours at least and whatever unfilmable items are goign to release in animation form or other books I believe.
Snyder did 300 justice and page for page accurate when it comes to the comic book so I expect the same in this case.
The story is perfect as is and keeping true to that will make this movie great.

Nice Emoticons john23.

Watchmen will not be page-for-page accurate. Snyder has already stated that the film's conclusion has been changed.

Also, 300 and Watchmen are entirely different texts. 300 is action based, and relatively linear; Watchmen is thoroughly complex and driven by careful plot and character development-- not fight sequences. To be honest, I think there are very few filmmakers who could pull Watchmen off, and, unfortunately, Snyder isn't one of them. While Snyder's techniques may have translated well to 300, I'm not sure how they will work in Watchmen and from what I've seen of the film so far, this seems to be the case.

I don't know but from what i've seen so far, it has been great and I can literally see most of these scene right out of the book.
I don't know how people could say Snyder's style would not tranlate the book well into the movie, I feel that he can and so far has done a good jobwith it.
I think the problem is with people's hate of the filming style, the way it is dominated by the greenscreen and using slowmo making it matrix-like, insteadof the traditional drama-esque style.
I particularly like his style, it gives it a comic-book feel without being too cartoony but providing that serious mature feel to it.
I agree this will need more development than 300 but I can see Snyder pulling this off.
With a book as great as this, not everyone will be satisfied even if it is directed by George Lucas along with Spielberg, Peter Jackson and Christopher Nolantogether.
But just like in the Wolverine thread, we'll just have to see and find out.

Has there been any word of a leak? I know a few people in the industry have been allowed to see the film but when I invited a girl in my class to come with meto see it she said her brother had already downloaded it. I'd think this was just a brush off but she had a much better excuse to do that with.
Originally Posted by RFX45

Yeah I got the textes for the poster but was just unable to get them because of work.
I knew today was at the Guitar Center at Ventura but could you post which poster was given?

Originally Posted by john23friend85

And here's the rest of the Watchmen emoticons i made awhile ago.
Where's Silk Spectre II?

By the way, I'm re-reading Watchmen again, and I already know the movie will be disappointing. I can't wait for the unedited w/ Freighter version thatis supposedly coming out in a couple months.
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by True Blues

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by ElVaquero87

I've read the GN and I just don't see this movie being as good as people are expecting. Are they going to put in the pirate story? Are they going to fast forward through events? I remember reading that Alan Moore said he wrote the story to be unfilmable on purpose. This is one of the best books I have ever read and there is too much in it to fit into a 2 hour movie. And as a personal opinion, a "visionary" director isn't someone who chooses to use slow motion capture in scenes where others would not

Well the movie is expected to be 2.5 hours at least and whatever unfilmable items are goign to release in animation form or other books I believe.
Snyder did 300 justice and page for page accurate when it comes to the comic book so I expect the same in this case.
The story is perfect as is and keeping true to that will make this movie great.

Nice Emoticons john23.

Watchmen will not be page-for-page accurate. Snyder has already stated that the film's conclusion has been changed.

Also, 300 and Watchmen are entirely different texts. 300 is action based, and relatively linear; Watchmen is thoroughly complex and driven by careful plot and character development-- not fight sequences. To be honest, I think there are very few filmmakers who could pull Watchmen off, and, unfortunately, Snyder isn't one of them. While Snyder's techniques may have translated well to 300, I'm not sure how they will work in Watchmen and from what I've seen of the film so far, this seems to be the case.

I don't know but from what i've seen so far, it has been great and I can literally see most of these scene right out of the book.
I don't know how people could say Snyder's style would not tranlate the book well into the movie, I feel that he can and so far has done a good job with it.
I think the problem is with people's hate of the filming style, the way it is dominated by the greenscreen and using slowmo making it matrix-like, instead of the traditional drama-esque style.
I particularly like his style, it gives it a comic-book feel without being too cartoony but providing that serious mature feel to it.
I agree this will need more development than 300 but I can see Snyder pulling this off.
With a book as great as this, not everyone will be satisfied even if it is directed by George Lucas along with Spielberg, Peter Jackson and Christopher Nolan together.
But just like in the Wolverine thread, we'll just have to see and find out.


I don't want The Dark Knight, pt II in the Watchmen. I want a Watchmen that captures the essence of the Alan Moore's tale. Contrary to the belief ofmany fanboys, this doesn't mean matching the GN page for page.

Snyder, for all his talents, is not a great director. In my eyes, he's like a Hype Williams: his films are visually stunning, but nothing else. Which isfine. For some films, this works. For instance, his style lends itself well to a comic book text like 300, which is action and plot driven. Sure, there is somedepth, and that could be expanded on in another adaption, but for all intents and purposes 300 is a fight movie.

Watchmen is NOT a "comic book" (as you state). Sure, in form it is, but it does not read as one-- not even remotely. As I mentioned, while its plotstructure is incredible, Watchmen's greatness lies in its subtleties: the careful development of its characters, the desolate tone, the complex themes thatcreep through the tale. And while the plot is used to drive these elements, they must be alluded to effectively-- they are not necessarily attached to thestory. Moreover, these elements are developed through dialogue and exchanges, not action. For these reasons the plot is, essentially, inconsequential.

Its adaption should follow this treatment. The Watchmen is NOT an action film. Hell, it's not even a "superhero movie." It's more A ClockworkOrange than X-Men. Snyder's style translates best to the latter. Meaning: I have no doubt Rorschach's escape from prison will be epic, but how will Dr.Manhattan's exile be depicted? The implications of character subtleties and exchanges are far greater than any fight scene in this film.

Rather than make the afforementioned elements the focal point of the film, I worry that Snyder will simply glance over them in favour of telling the story inthe slow-motion, action-driven style he perfected in 300. My fear is that Snyder will act as a curator, not a director.

(As far as your list goes, I'm not sure any of those directors are capable of bringing Watchmen to the screen. The only person I can think of whose crazyenough to do it would be Kubrick. And, unfortunately, he's dead.)
Originally Posted by DARTH DNZY

--Saw on Yahoo that the movie clocks in at about 2 hours and 46 mins. Pretty hefty.

Word! Exactly what an action moviie needs to be. I hate short movies. They rush thru the plot.
Well, Im going to read the comic before (actually right now) I see the movie. So far its pretty good. I wasnt really familiar with the story before hand so Ithink its actually better for me to be somewhat familiar.
True Blue (not going to qoute to keep the thread clean) but I agree with most of your point. Do not take my statement of calling it a comic book too deep, Icalled it that because it is that, a graphic novel. lol, no need to make it all technical as I never said it is like an Archie comic or something. From an oldcomic book reader, I know what you mean but I still categorize it as a comic book because it is probably the best work in this category of media so I do notwant to take it out of that context but I digress.

The book isn't your typical comic book, it is darker but if he does go by the way the book is written, I believe Snyder could pull this one off. I do notreally think he would get caught up with the cinematography with this one because he has put a lot of effort into the details for this movie and I doubtstorytelling is one thing he would slack off on. I don't think this movie has to be Clockwork Orange deep to be good, the book pretty much tells it a greatway and I think that can be translated to movie form without much problem and I am sure Snyder has figured the same thing.

The movie is quite long as mentioned and parts will be in another form of media so some cuts and flashbacks in the movie will be utilized for sure to save sometime and make everything fit. Sure this movie could be cut in parts similar to Lord of the Rings but I think some may just lose interest after the secondmovie.

I still have faith in Snyder's ability because of what he did with 300. I just believe that a page to page adaptation of the book into the movie will workand so far, I haven't seen any negative sign in the movie yet. So far, everything looks great and looks taken right out of the page. We have two weeks towait and see and I cannot wait.
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by jamlj13

for those interested and that have a ps3, the online store has the full motion comic of the whole book. visually stunning and is the actual pages and drawings from the book. have to buy it in chapters but the whole thing will run you about $24 and is def worth it

Thanks for the heads up, I might consider that.

nice. Still undecided about reading it before the movie though. Since I'm not too familiar with them, I'd like to be able to watch the movie not knowing anything and then going back and reading the comic book. I'll d/l anyway though
--They have this on iTunes also. Bringing Watchmen with me on the iPhone.
I'd be lying if I'd say I still wasn't skeptical about Zynders directing abilities. There's no doubt in my mind this movie will be a privelageto look at, but I'm hoping everything else blends well. '300' really wasn't impressive [except visually]. With that said, I still can'tcontrol my excitement to finally see this film. There's no other movie I'm more hyped to see for this year. Can't wait till next week.
Shaping up to be a great movie. I already got my tickets reserved on opening night at Arclight.
I might have to catch this in IMAX later on though.
Probably something not everyone will get but I figure it is worth a post:
@ that clip. The clip was great, but it did feel a little sin-cityto me.

Not the exact style I was expecting, but it's still awesome and seems like it's working.

I'm really looking forward to the Dr. M on Mars scene, that's going to be crucial for me.
I'm already not digging the way the Crimebusters meeting was re-done. The exaggerated prison scene was also very unnecessary. I really do hope that Snyderhas a direct adaptation available. At least the Motion Comic and TotBF (w/ UtH) is releasing soon. Hopefully they used female voices for the female charactersin the motion comic though.
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