Vote for me to be an ASTRONAUT!!!

Feb 4, 2013
whats up NT?

If you didn't know already from the Superbowl commercial, Axe is doing a promotion where they are sending 2 random people (with the top votes) into space as astronauts.
That would be f*** awesome. 

Please vote for me! and if I make it and and am filmed, will give u all a shoutout!

It literally will take 10 seconds.

If you dont know me, I havn't posted for a while actually, as college and schoolwork have gotten the best of me. Still skim the General and Jordan Brand forums from time to time though. But my old username was m4d3lnchln4. 

I'm posting this now because I'm asking for your help. I remember wayyyy back when when a NTer (tall blonde guy, ran into a chair in his audition tape) came within the top 5 or 10 in getting voted onto The Real World. all because of NT. 


So VOTE!! thanks all

If you want to know more about me just ask :smile:

sucks you need a facebook, luckily i had a fake one from some other contest so i VOTED for ya.

good luck brah
You joined 20 minutes ago. I think you don't deserve our votes. What is in it for us. 
vote for me instead, im a astronomy major in college, ill post the link when i get home.
haha yah me. 
gj niketalk detectives.

to answer your questions...

yes, i joined on this account 20 minutes ago. 
no, i have not posted on any other forum.
no, i am not new. like i said before, i have been a member on my other account, m4d3lnchln4, since 04. just have not posted on it in a while and after Niketalk got remodeled I havn't bothered with updating on thing on that account.

hate if u want, but like every other kid im just trying to go to space haha and thought u guys could help
haha yah me. 
gj niketalk detectives.

to answer your questions...

yes, i joined on this account 20 minutes ago. 
no, i have not posted on any other forum.
no, i am not new. like i said before, i have been a member on my other account, m4d3lnchln4, since 04. just have not posted on it in a while and after Niketalk got remodeled I havn't bothered with updating on thing on that account.

hate if u want, but like every other kid im just trying to go to space haha and thought u guys could help
Then you follow your dreams. Just remember, their is no escaping. 
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please help! & those who have, i greatly appreciate it 
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