Viacom Ends Decades Long Relationship With Nick Cannon Because “White People Are Evil”

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Actions have consequences. They went right for his pockets. Between Desean Jackson and now, Nick Cannon, some of us have gotten way too complacent and comfortable. Certain things should not be said on a public platform.

Nick's been in the business for longer than a minute. Look at the swift action taken to shut down financial avenues for black celebrities, even in the midst of what's going on around us. It's only my opinion, but I believe he wanted this to be another strong example to reinforce what continues to happen when prominent black public figures step out of their comfort zone to share their true beliefs about the system they're all under.
his whole podcast ep on page 2
Wonder if Nick loses his Masked Singer hosting gig.

The entire vid was posted on page 2.

Ended up watching a good portion of it and seemed like a lot of

like I was waiting on a point to be made. Still, the most notable think I took out of it was the lack of passion and empathy they display and have always displayed, unless it’s pet-related. That is an undeniable fact.

Also, very telling how swift they came after Nick Cannon, when whites have been spewing their hate for decades in the media and are pretty much either rewarded, or we “just misinterpreted their words”
Ended up watching a good portion of it and seemed like a lot of

like I was waiting on a point to be made. Still, the most notable think I took out of it was the lack of passion and empathy they display and have always displayed, unless it’s pet-related. That is an undeniable fact.
Nick is a smart dumb *****. He knows just enough but not enough to where I would want to be a casual listener of his serious topics. I respect a lot of what he’s been doing tho
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Again I sense no hate or bigotry from Nick, just a whole lotta fallout from some terribly worded statements

This is 100% a case study on "intent vs impact."

Reading his post helps you understand how entrenched he was in that organization tho. LBR Nick Cannon has been a staple in our culture since we were children.

Crazy how quick they pulled the plug on that boy given this context.
Ended up watching a good portion of it and seemed like a lot of

like I was waiting on a point to be made. Still, the most notable think I took out of it was the lack of passion and empathy they display and have always displayed, unless it’s pet-related. That is an undeniable fact.

Also, very telling how swift they came after Nick Cannon, when whites have been spewing their hate for decades in the media and are pretty much either rewarded, or we “just misinterpreted their words”

lmao chick fil a owner told lecrae to his face slavery was a blessing
In the past. He said they were in the Bible and even referenced that their remains have been found. He also didn't work on Saturdays, which obviously made being in the Navy very difficult lol
Do you find the 13-foot human theory hard to believe?

If so, why?
The only thing we haven't done, is to match their ruthlessness.
History begs to differ. In fact, if you look at Haiti after they drove off the French, they had laws forbidding non-Blacks from buying land in their territory and having positions of power.
Mugabe was pretty ruthless against white Zimbabweans, just like he was against Black Zimbabweans who didn't belong to his ethnic group. In fact, he became so hell-bent on taking revenge on white farmers that his country, once known as the breadbasket of Africa, became one of the poorest countries on continent.

And to answer your first question, South Africa showed how White Supremacy could be defeated without the need to go on a quest for revenge.
History begs to differ. In fact, if you look at Haiti after they drove off the French, they had laws forbidding non-Blacks from buying land in their territory and having positions of power.
Mugabe was pretty ruthless against white Zimbabweans, just like he was against Black Zimbabweans who didn't belong to his ethnic group. In fact, he became so hell-bent on taking revenge on white farmers that his country, once known as the breadbasket of Africa, became one of the poorest countries on continent.

And to answer your first question, South Africa showed how White Supremacy could be defeated without the need to go on a quest for revenge.
I agree that Haiti made mistakes, but those mistakes did not come through utilizing methods that were equal to white supremacy. The tax upon Haiti from the French is what did Haiti in.

Mugabi obviously did not learn from history either, but that was not due to utilizing the same methods of oppression. His issue was not applying a government that would challenge his way of thought, making him think outside of what he knew. Having yes men is never progressive.
The problem with South Africa, is that white people there are still in control to a large extent, as Black poverty and representation is still a major issue in a country that is largely Black.

What I am looking to is the elimination of white influence upon Black people, removing the control, in its entirety.

With white supremacy as an engine doing as it does, it is going to take something drastic in order for that to happen.
There's certainly people who believe that we should ride for anyone who's black regardless of what they say, but sorry I'm not one of those people. Nick is a good dude and does a lot for the community that doesn't get reported on but if you ride with him on this issue, your co-signing his statements.

Also, I don't buy into the "white people say racist, hateful stuff and get away with it so we should be able to get away with saying racist, hateful stuff as well" mindset. At the end of the day, what Nick said is wrong. Calling other races subhuman isn't progress.

im tit for tat so I disagree. Treat me subhuman (which they’ve did historically) and I will do the same. Newsflash. There will never be a utopia. There will never be peace and tranquillity. IMO, it’s highly disrespectful towards my ancestors who were raped, divided, sold, murdered, or had limbs amputated, why? BECAUSE THEY WERE SEEN as subhuman. Therefore I’m treating them like the did mines. Them people don’t care. And only a fool would think they care.
The “an eye for an eye” phrase comes up so often when it comes to Black folks. I get that it leaves the world blind but the alternative is we keep having our eyes gouged out with no consequence..

we still marching in the streets for justice while they’re taking our eyes in our beds, in our homes, in our sleep, in our parks, in our stores, in their prisons, in their neighborhoods, for sport, out of anger, out of jealousy, out of ignorance. these folks on TV and the net and real life showing their whole entire *** with no regrets whatsoever, to the point they’re openly taunting us on camera.

Idk what folks want at this point. I can’t in my right mind sit here and chastise a Black man for feeling like he feels knowing the history of this country and what’s happened globally behind the slave trade and western expansion/Manifest Destiny.

I don’t agree with everything the brother said but mannnn a lot and I mean a LOT of folks agree with him and it’s not just Black Americans.

I hope more people find peace and unity and are able to collectively push back against white supremacy and finally destroy this ****. We need it, we all need it and the sooner the better.
If equality is the thing that you seek? One should be able to make the same mistakes as those who are not oppressed. This is what the fight for equality has stood for, and what privilege allows. Nick should be able to say some stupid stuff, without being persecuted by those who stand by the oppressors.

The problem is that this is what White supremacy has wrought, and deservedly so. They have not properly educated the masses, so now people have to seek their truths in ways that do not meet the standard of higher thought. People are sick and tired of being told that we are inferior. So what do you think is going to happen, when people get tired of the bully #$%^ing with them?!

Anger like that of Cannon, DeShawn, and any other who speaks out about their rage, are justified.

I sympathize with what pushes dudes like Nick to believe what they believe. I can acknowledge that on aggregate, the hammer comes down harder on black folk than white people. But what white supremacy does to black people is it shrinks and eliminate their options. Eliminates the options to provide for your family with a secure job, eliminates the options to send your kids to a decent school, elements your options to live in a safe neighborhood, to breathe clean air, to drink clean water, to be treated fairly by the justice system, etc. So I always take that into consideration when considering my position on certain subjects, but it is hard to me to see how if left Nick Cannon with no other option to the point that his actions would be justified. Not to say white supremacy doesn't affect affluent black people, but Nick has the ability to be better informed than he is.

Nick Cannon turns 40 this year. He is a millionaire through decades being in the entertainment industry. He presents himself as a well read, well educated brother that somehow knows the true knowledge that most don't. He was on a podcast "spreading knowledge". Nick Cannon had some agency over his actions and beliefs. Dude should do better than peddle that much nonsense, and in turn, some people he was doing business with chose to no longer do business with him.

Believing in race science and anti-semitic conspiracy theories as alternative method to combat white supremacy not only seems futile to me, is seems ignorant, and counterproductive as hell.
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Again I sense no hate or bigotry from Nick, just a whole lotta fallout from some terribly worded statements

This is 100% a case study on "intent vs impact."

Reading his post helps you understand how entrenched he was in that organization tho. LBR Nick Cannon has been a staple in our culture since we were children.

Crazy how quick they pulled the plug on that boy given this context.

I read that whole FB post, that joint was horrible :lol:

Also, the speed at which they clipped him is not surprising to me. Remember how quickly Roseanne got booted when he made her Planet of the Apes comment.

When you are not a big star, these entertainment outlets are gonna see you as expendable.
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I sympathize with what pushes dudes like Nick to believe what they believe. I can acknowledge that on aggregate, the hammer comes down harder on black folk than white people. But what white supremacy does to black people is it shrinks and eliminate their options. Eliminates the options to provide for your family with a secure job, eliminates the options to send your kids to a decent school, elements your options to live in a safe neighborhood, to breathe clean air, to drink clean water, to be treated fairly by the justice system, etc. But it is hard to me to see how if left Nick Cannon with no other option to the point that his actions would be justified. Not to say white supremacy doesn't affect affluent black people, but Nick has the ability to be better informed than he is.

Nick Cannon turns 40 this year. He is a millionaire through decades being in the entertainment industry. He presents himself as a well read, well educated brother that somehow knows the true knowledge that most don't. He was on a podcast "spreading knowledge". Nick Cannon had some agency over his actions and beliefs. Dude should do better than peddle that much nonsense, and in turn, some people he was doing business with chose to no longer do business with him.

Believing in race science and anti-semitic conspiracy theories as alternative method to combat white supremacy not only seems futile to me, is seems ignorant, and counterproductive as hell.
I hear you, as we've broached this topic before. He is like the Black kids who live in gated communities with other whites, then suddenly finding out that they are indeed Black.

There is a hastiness to dudes like Cannon, because they feel as if they've missed out on so much, that they need to blurt out any info on the Black state in the world, with a bit of extra anger, enthusiasm.

As stated to Mark Anthony tho', I would not want to quell that anger though. It's needed. This is what I support, and I hope that others do as well.
nick was fired for telling the truth. Israel = so calked black americans, native Americans and latinos. this is THE biggest secret in the history of the world. hitler exterminated ashkenazi jews, NOT the real jews of the bible. these are facts that have been hidden from the world. do your research and you'll see...
btw. ashkenazi jews are the ones in Scripture where it says they say they are jews, but are not and are the synagogue of satan.



we already know, based on His description in Scripture, that Christ was "black." i put black in parenthesis bc black is not a nationality, it's a color. Christ is described as having white hair of wool, eyes like fire and skin like brass burnt in a furnace. does this fake pic of Christ look like that? the false image of Christ given to us was an actual person named Ceasar Borgia. he was a murderer, rapist, homosexual and pedophile and also the nephew of Pope John Paul IV (i believe). please don't take my word for any of this. i know this will ruffle alot of feathers, but the truth is the truth. ppl gonna have to deal with it.
nick was fired for telling the truth. Israel = so calked black americans, native Americans and latinos. this is THE biggest secret in the history of the world. hitler exterminated ashkenazi jews, NOT the real jews of the bible. these are facts that have been hidden from the world. do your research and you'll see...
btw. ashkenazi jews are the ones in Scripture where it says they say they are jews, but are not and are the synagogue of satan.



we already know, based on His description in Scripture, that Christ was "black." i put black in parenthesis bc black is not a natuonality, it's a color. Christ is described as having white hair of wool, eyes like fire and skin like brass burnt in a furnace. does this fake pic of Christ look like that? the false image of Christ given to us was an actual person named Ceasar Borgia. he was a murderer, rapist, homosexual and pedophile. please don't take my word for any of this. i know this will ruffle alot of feathers, but the truth is the truth. ppl gonna have to deal with it.
I do not think that anyone here will doubt my demand for Black independence, Black thought and needing for change, how ever that will be achieved. However, while we all should know that Jesus was indeed African/Black, let's not act as if Hitler did Black people any favors.

Our history as Black people on this earth, is far too expensive in order to be connected to someone so vulgar. He, was not an ally.
nick was fired for telling the truth. Israel = so calked black americans, native Americans and latinos. this is THE biggest secret in the history of the world. hitler exterminated ashkenazi jews, NOT the real jews of the bible. these are facts that have been hidden from the world. do your research and you'll see...
btw. ashkenazi jews are the ones in Scripture where it says they say they are jews, but are not and are the synagogue of satan.



we already know, based on His description in Scripture, that Christ was "black." i put black in parenthesis bc black is not a nationality, it's a color. Christ is described as having white hair of wool, eyes like fire and skin like brass burnt in a furnace. does this fake pic of Christ look like that? the false image of Christ given to us was an actual person named Ceasar Borgia. he was a murderer, rapist, homosexual and pedophile and also the nephew of Pope John Paul IV (i believe). please don't take my word for any of this. i know this will ruffle alot of feathers, but the truth is the truth. ppl gonna have to deal with it.


You cannot, and I mean CANNOT, use words like "facts" and "research" in the same sentence as words like "Satan" and "scripture".

That's not how that works my g!
Real interested in seeing how many of the high profile free speech warriors who were writing dozens of thinkpieces harping on the ills of 'cancel culture' this month write anything about this...

Nick like D-Jax made some ignorant *** statements/posts and offended a lot of people and should be held accountable but it's been real ironic seeing self styled 1st ammendment crusaders having no issue with joining in the mob when they're the ones being offended after going to bat to defend and justify countless instances of inflammatory and offensive behaviour and rhetoric from another side >D

I'll always be a believer that freedom of expression shouldn't ever be confused with freedom from consequences of that expression, professional or otherwise regardless of which side it's coming from. Just seems a lot of the most self righteous people and most ardent critics of cancel culture pick and choose a whole lot more than what they say when they claim to be defending 'an open exchange of ideas/debate' :lol:

The qualifier should really be 'ideas that don't challenge my own'. It's how writers for some of the most high profile publications and outlets in the world can somehow claim to be getting silenced and victimized as they get 6 figure salaries and have mainstream access and platforms just because of some pushback from opposing viewpoints.
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