Viacom Ends Decades Long Relationship With Nick Cannon Because “White People Are Evil”

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Lol, there is no reasoning with dude, he literally called for the all out annihilation of white people.

He's just as delusional as the racist white folk that swear up and down they aren't racist all the while doing and saying obviously racist things.

When you start to believe you are superior to another people for whatever reason then you're already lost.

This is how it should be. We don't need them to thrive We already proved that before integration but sadly the clowning will continue and cornballs gonna do the most thinking they got next and put on the shiniest tapping shoes to replace him
Is there a other video besides that 2m19s one floating around? Or was that the only Cannon vid?
Lol, there is no reasoning with dude, he literally called for the all out annihilation of white people.

He's just as delusional as the racist white folk that swear up and down they aren't racist all the while doing and saying obviously racist things.

When you start to believe you are superior to another people for whatever reason then you're already lost.
How them biscuits tasting
I hate to say it but publicly co-signing “White people are evil” is a career death sentence. Your badge definitely won’t work the next day and you’re getting escorted to the parking lot :lol:

but why do we just accept this like “duh dumb ***** is what it is” instead of rallying behind people to the point where they can say what they want

if you a black man with his head not in the sand you know exactly what he’s saying
jesus christ.

you DO realize you can do 2 things at once right?

lets say, i have a gang of money, enough to create my own Black Wall Street, only my Black Wall Street is equipped with the means to defend itself.

when a jealous angry yt mob tries to destroy the Black Wall Street i built and I defend what ive built with force killing the angry white mob before they can kill that peaceful?

is that not bloodshed??


why you not acknowledging that there were 75 brothers who did step up to defend Black Wall Street and the dude who funded the whole damn thing was the deputy

they killed 10 white dudes off jump and then **** just went too crazy but why you keep talking like they was just chilling twiddling their thumbs :lol:
Lol, there is no reasoning with dude, he literally called for the all out annihilation of white people.

He's just as delusional as the racist white folk that swear up and down they aren't racist all the while doing and saying obviously racist things.

When you start to believe you are superior to another people for whatever reason then you're already lost.

“if white people want to be genetically superior let black people put you through 400 years of slavery” - Huey P Newton

the strongest survived so given our dominance in ALL athletics and the general ridiculous level of fear of physical violence police and #whatnot have of is it that far fetched...if you look at how hard they went on ****** during slavery for FOUR HUNDRED YEARS that just by simple natural selection....

lol lemme chill I kinda like this SN...

but time stamp of where Nick calls for the annihilation Of all whites?
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So-called black people are descents of the “Anunnaki” people, the people from outer space. That’s why our origins are not traced to earth, but the hu-mans, i.e., the created man is. The man bred in water on earth. The grafted man. The genetically spliced man. The man with animal genetics.

In 2020, dudes really think the black community should indulge in race science and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. The same garbage hardcore white supremacist peddle.

Idiots like Terry Crews now has **** to point to and say "see".

Good ******* grief.

The buffoonery Nick Cannon engaged in are his views, and his views only.
The same garbage hardcore white supremacist peddle.
I would think cats would reevaluate their views when they start agreeing with people who want them dead and/or powerless.

Not to mention that letting these views come out of the mouths of those pushing for change only gives legitimacy to the advocates of the status quo, as it makes it easier for them to engage in bothsideism.
I saw a brief snippet on Worldstar. My takeaways:
1. There are better ways to word what he was saying. I’ve heard similar arguments and they didn’t come off as harsh.
2. He lost control of the conversation. Is it really necessary for your parents to know ALL of your friends?
In 2020, dudes really think the black community should indulge in race science and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. The same garbage hardcore white supremacist peddle.

Idiots like Terry Crews now has **** to point to and say "see".

Good ****ing grief.

The buffoonery Nick Cannon engaged in are his views, and his views only.
Let’s be clear. Nobody gives a **** on what Terry 🦝 has to point to
Why is it that anytime a famous black person does or says some silly **** the entire black community has to rally behind or justify it?

Why we gotta be held ideologically accountable for Nick Cannon b?

I get what mans was trying to say. White people in this hemisphere have done some awful and barbaric ****. He's just not articulate enough to make that statement without injecting it with silly ****.

He already put out a lengthy "my bad" statement that I feel goes above and beyond the typical celebrity apology and actually expresses a desire to learn and grow.

The man is a several times over millionaire. He'll be aight. He'll actually be more aight than the vast majority of Black Americans.

Read that again
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Maybe I didn’t see the whole video, but I thought “anti-semitism” meant anti Jewish? Are they just not showing that part? Too much for the internet? :lol: I am not a Nick Cannon fan but this is some obvious f*****y. Viacom is clearly run by a Karen or Chad. This some ol “do to them what they do to us” ****. He gonna be aight.
jesus christ.

you DO realize you can do 2 things at once right?

lets say, i have a gang of money, enough to create my own Black Wall Street, only my Black Wall Street is equipped with the means to defend itself.

when a jealous angry yt mob tries to destroy the Black Wall Street i built and I defend what ive built with force killing the angry white mob before they can kill that peaceful?

is that not bloodshed??

The Bootstrap mindset was created to exist within the system of white supremacy, of which the thought was to become apart of said system, make contributions to it, proving that you are of value to a system. This was Booker T's way of thought.

What many Black people are now taking the approach of, is to totally disconnect from the system of oppression all together, by identifying with something greater, instead of simply being american.

With this way of thought, you see yourself as a complete human being, identifying with all Black people around the world. So when white people start that stuff, they cannot weaponize your american made Blackness against you.

You cannot go into a fight with your enemy, believing that the god that both you and your oppressor serve will be favorable to you, then also thinking that you are going to win.

If you are going to fight, one needs to realize the limitations that has been placed upon him/her by the oppressor.

That needs to change first.

For example, the Haitian revolution. We also cannot make the same mistake that Haiti made as well.
In 2020, dudes really think the black community should indulge in race science and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. The same garbage hardcore white supremacist peddle.

Idiots like Terry Crews now has **** to point to and say "see".

Good ****ing grief.

The buffoonery Nick Cannon engaged in are his views, and his views only.
Interesting points coming from you.

You type all this as being the main reason so much hatred exists between Domincans and others of the Diaspora. :lol:

But I will let you continue. :smh:
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