Viacom Ends Decades Long Relationship With Nick Cannon Because “White People Are Evil”

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Right now you guys are sounding like Scientologist tbh.
KHUFU KHUFU tried to give u reading material
and is tryna give u knowledge in his posts
but ur overlooking and trying to rationalize what he;s saying to be false
without giving any of what he's saying any kind of though
ur brain is just rushing to just discredit and overlook what he saying
he aint even saying u gotta believe him
just do ur own research
and and dont just believe
what the white man wants u to believe
theres GIANT chapters of black excellence
that theyve erased from history
I do not beLIEve that bs those “scientists” “discovered” about some skeleton named “Lucy” ***** lol.
Science is not a belief system.

It's an exercise to understand the world through observation and experiment, which goes back to my point: based on what anthropologists and archaeologists have unearthed, the current theory is that humans originated in Africa.

The thing is, we have to realize two things: long before Lucy's discovery, there were other credible theories about the origins of the first humans being outside of Africa, and we probably haven't discovered all the ancient human skeletons to conclude with certitude that Lucy is the oldest of them.

Because of the paradigm shift that the discovery of Lucy caused, a lot of phrenologists and peddlers of racial pseudosciences decided to reject that theory on the basis that they couldn't possibly be associated with black people, let alone descend from them.

The point I'm trying to make here is that when it comes to the past, especially a past that happened long before mankind started recording its collective experience, be careful not to form your beliefs around certain archaeological events and conclusions that are one discovery away from being made obsolete.
what is wealth and sustainability if its last only but a couple years. And lets not forget how black wall street fell? Sure as hell wasnt by tying those bootstraps.

understand this, minorities are allowed to rise and fall at the behest of white people, the power majority.

People who slaved to built this **** deserve more than some damn bootstraps. How about the shoe store to start?

The problem is in the law that does not ALLOW you to protect yourself, then deputizing your enemy by keeping you in check, allowing them to be protected by THEIR laws.

In order to be free, you've got to be ready to die. Unfortunately, the abrahamic faiths keep many Black people in check, not ready to truly trust their own selves. THIS is why the Haitian revolution worked, yet also why it failed.

so just lay down and do nothing, got it.

Pot, meet kettle.

All you are offering is that same bootstrap bullcrap.

Nope. I disagree with black capitalism, but at least the ideology and program is far more coherent than what you're offering.

As for me, I consider myself an anti-racist socialist.
thats what happens when you dont invest in protecting yourself

The massacre began over Memorial Day weekend after 19-year-old **** Rowland, a black shoeshiner, was accused of assaulting Sarah Page, the 17-year-old white elevator operator of the nearby Drexel Building. He was taken into custody. After the arrest, rumors spread through the city that **** Rowland was to be lynched. Upon hearing reports that a mob of hundreds of white men had gathered around the jail where **** Rowland was being kept, a group of 75 black men, some of whom were armed, arrived at the jail with the intention of helping to ensure **** Rowland would not be lynched. The sheriff persuaded the group of black men to leave the jail, assuring them that he had the situation under control. As the group of black men was leaving the premises, complying with the sheriff's request, a member of the mob of white men attempted to disarm one of the black men. A shot was fired, and then according to the reports of the sheriff, "all hell broke loose". At the end of the firefight, 12 people were killed: 10 white and 2 black.


Nope. I disagree with black capitalism, but at least the ideology and program is far more coherent than what you're offering.

As for me, I consider myself an anti-racist socialist.
Well, I AM the descendant of African Slaves in America, and then those who come from the beginning of time. Due my acceptance and acknowledgement of such, I need not consider myself anything other than, as I know who I am.

That goes way beyond what it is that you are capable of offering, considering your current description.
KHUFU KHUFU tried to give u reading material
and is tryna give u knowledge in his posts
but ur overlooking and trying to rationalize what he;s saying to be false
without giving any of what he's saying any kind of thought
ur brain is just rushing to just discredit and overlook what he saying
he aint even saying u gotta believe him
just do ur own research
and and dont just believe
what the white man wants u to believe
theres GIANT chapters of black excellence
that theyve erased from history

its the only dialog the super woke crowd of our culture understands today

its either that or anger dripping in sarcasm with a side of systematic racism history lessons

Science is not a belief system.

to this new generation its all opinion.

it was always there to a degree but people like Kyrie and Trump normalized it by the millions
its the only dialog the super woke crowd of our culture understands today

its either that or anger dripping in sarcasm with a side of systematic racism history lessons

to this new generation its all opinion.

it was always there to a degree but people like Kyrie and Trump normalized it by the millions
I guess it's pretty hard for you to accept that white supremacy can only be defeated through bloodshed, correct?

Name one power that was toppled peacefully.

I'll wait.

BTW, even white america had to fight the crown in order to be free.
I guess it's pretty hard for you to accept that white supremacy can only be defeated through bloodshed, correct?

Name one power that was toppled peacefully.

I'll wait.

BTW, even white america had to fight the crown in order to be free.

ill bite.

so, where do we start with the bloodshed plan?

ftr, i never once said anything about being peaceful, but you're so anxious to get your point across your ears are closed.

actually, i specifically stated that you cannot ASK for an end to systematic racism from those that are the beneficiaries of said system.

i literally pointed out how the only things to bring about systematic change are WAR, GENOCIDE, REGIME CHANGE.....bloodshed right?

but go ahead, i want to hear this bloodshed plan.
Well of course. Homo Sapiens came from Africa, The first modern Humans. I don't know about all that other stuff that you're trying to point out, but it's undeniable that the origins of Modern man is based out of Africa, which quite frankly, isn't talked about enough. There should be way more NatGeo/Discovery/History/PBS Channel shows covering the dawn of men based on AFRICA. I could only think of a few, while there's countless shows on Neanderthals which aren't even ****ing people.
Neanderthals r ppl... or were. Just another sub-species within a species like us (Saipens).
ill bite.

so, where do we start with the bloodshed plan?

ftr, i never once said anything about being peaceful, but you're so anxious to get your point across your ears are closed.

actually, i specifically stated that you cannot ASK for an end to systematic racism from those that are the beneficiaries of said system.

i literally pointed out how the only things to bring about systematic change are WAR, GENOCIDE, REGIME CHANGE.....bloodshed right?

but go ahead, i want to hear this bloodshed plan.
You've forgotten the bootstrap theology that you were biggin' up as well.

In regard to what YOU are calling a bloodshed plan, is not what I'd call it. What I am discussing is what many Black people have already put into play. Get away from any religion that they share with you, and then changing how you think in regard to the global aspect of Blackness. Realize that we are not a minority in this world, then broaden your horizons outside of america. American xenophobia is infectious, and it contributes to the ignorance that many believe in, the thing that keeps Black people trapped intellectually, and spiritually.
How should I change it

The exact topic keeps shifting and it looks like we’re headed in a new direction as we talk about achieving change via peaceful mean vs bloodshed. All I know is that this isn’t about Nick Cannon and Viacom anymore :lol:
Black people would would rather clown on another black person's downfall :smh:

I hate to say it but publicly co-signing “White people are evil” is a career death sentence. Your badge definitely won’t work the next day and you’re getting escorted to the parking lot :lol:
Only four pages and this thread offers a master class on the slippage between fact and fiction, objective conditions and ideology. A four-page swamp replete with pseudo science and science fiction.

Here we have assertions that people of African descent are not part of the animal kingdom, not even from earth. Here we have the selective reliance on genetics and, at the same time, the dismissal of science. We have, here, the odd belief that those whom you might rightly describe as “savage” actually have a different genetic makeup that make them animals. Some go so far as to assert that social behaviors (“no rhythm”) is actually indicative of some genetic difference.

I get where this is coming from. Black folks have been pummeled and bludgeoned. Our resources stolen. Our culture appropriated and sold back to us. We demand the right to live and thrive, and we're told 'all lives matter.' But you can acknowledge differences in resources and privileges without trafficking in some part-earthly-part mystical account.

You can acknowledge a legacy of suffering without the ahistorical, non-factual insistence that there exists a genetic difference between racial groups.

I swear, some of yall veer way to close to the alternative-facts discourse of the right. It's almost like, if it weren't for their white supremacy, you'd break bread with them on the questioning of authority, expertise, and science.

Man I'm glad I saw this post after reading 4 pages of weird *** hotep science fiction.

Talking bout some science ain't **** but in the same sentence wanna make all kinds of claims about race and the origins of species based on genetics.

Some of y'all negroes are weird but ultimately I blame white supremacy.
Why can’t “scientists” trace the origins of so-called black people on this earth but they can trace the origin of all the other races to this planet? Why are all the other races are part of the animal kingdom and black people aren’t?
Aight. Who's burner account is this?
You've forgotten the bootstrap theology that you were biggin' up as well.

jesus christ.

you DO realize you can do 2 things at once right?

lets say, i have a gang of money, enough to create my own Black Wall Street, only my Black Wall Street is equipped with the means to defend itself.

when a jealous angry yt mob tries to destroy the Black Wall Street i built and I defend what ive built with force killing the angry white mob before they can kill that peaceful?

is that not bloodshed??

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