Usher going vegan.... recruiting the Bieb!

A good ol' rack of ribs and a juicy burger is hard to pass up. It's better to live a short life filled with indulgence then a long miserable life trying to convince yourself of what's better.
lol bro science.
Let me see you go kill and eat cattle with your bare hands and canine teeth like a lion.
Gorillas got some hellafied canines, are strong as hell and they don't eat meat.
The presence of canine teeth doesn't mean that you are made to eat meat.
Dude, animals with canines eat meat. I dont see Gorillas living all over the world. Their diet in their environment works for them. 

Fact remains you have to eat alot of vegetables to sustain yourself.  Conveniently you forget to mention that Gorillas spend dam near half the day eating.
Dude, animals with canines eat meat. I dont see Gorillas living all over the world. Their diet in their environment works for them. 

Fact remains you have to eat alot of vegetables to sustain yourself.  Conveniently you forget to mention that Gorillas spend dam near half the day eating.

Dude, not all animals with canines eat meat...all mammals have canine teeth, yet many mammals are herbivores.



Which animal's teeth does our teeth resemble more?


There are different Great Apes all over the world and they are all predominantly herbivorous.

Humans live in different environments all over the world too but somehow we are all beginning to eat a modern European diet, regardless of the impact it has on our individual genetic makeups.

What does them eating all day have to do with anything? Gorillas are much bigger and stronger than us and don't have any restaurants or supermarkets to serve them their food, of course a significant amount of their time is going to be spend gathering and eating food.

You pointed to canine teeth as proof that human are meant to eat meat, I simple rebutted that point.

Not trying to get into a back and forth unless its constructive.

Eat what you want and let others eat what they want....but if you care about reaching optimal health and well being take a look at the vegan/vegetarian lifestyle.
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If we were meant to eat meat, then why do we have to cook it? cus making fire to cook food, although basic, is still not natural.

I tried to go vegan but its hard to deny a pollo asada burrito here in Cali. I've cut back a lot on beef though, stopped eating steak all together
Thanks for the Info goldenchild. How is your own personal experience with being a vegan.

But I'll def do some research on it. I'd be be able to give up cheese, I'm lactose intolerant, but it would sure be difficult to give up beef or chicken. If I were ever to go vegan, it would be strictly for dietary reasons.
If we were meant to eat meat, then why do we have to cook it? cus making fire to cook food, although basic, is still not natural.
I tried to go vegan but its hard to deny a pollo asada burrito here in Cali. I've cut back a lot on beef though, stopped eating steak all together

-Humans can eat raw meat. The man purpose of cooking is to kill bacteria and make the food more appetizing.

-Primal humans used to eat raw meat all the time, but humans have now evolved to having to cook meat now for safety reason.

-There are a ton of people that eat a primal diet of their main protein source being raw red meat.

Like I said before, Vegan diets are unhealthy
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I'm lactose intolerant too Captain Charisma. I haven't had straight up milk in years (even before becoming a vegetarian) but cheese is a weak spot for me.

@ malik, I don't drink or smoke. Used to love Henny and beer, but I can't mess with either now.

@ xavdeisel, its not about living a miserable life. I used to do all kinds of things that I don't do anymore simply because the older I got, the tougher it got for me to recover from doing them OR I smartened up and stopped taking stupid risks with my health. I'm not gonna list all the crazy **** I've done, but imagine I've experienced damn near every high, man-made and natural that you can think of. I'm not miserable, I just grew up and realized my health and being around for my kids are more important than good times and pigging out.
Beiber instagrammed a pic today of a meal with a big steak on it and tagged it meal of champions or something like that ----- shots fired???
Forgot to mention...

Why are some people in this thread and in life bothered by vegetarianism/veganism? I don't understand why they take offense from the idea of people not wanting to eat meat, especially when no one is forcing them or even asking them to change their eating habits. What's that about?

You like meat? Ok. But you wanna pass judgment and call me unhealthy without even knowing me? Explain that Rusty.
when I turn 40 i'm def gonna turn vegan...that or when I get my first heart attack...whichever comes first
-Humans can eat raw meat. The man purpose of cooking is to kill bacteria and make the food more appetizing.
-Primal humans used to eat raw meat all the time, but humans have now evolved to having to cook meat now for safety reason.
-There are a ton of people that eat a primal diet of their main protein source being raw red meat.
Like I said before, Vegan diets are unhealthy

Where are you getting this info that being vegan is unhealthy. Do Vegans have a higher rate of heart attacks, coronary bypass, diabetes, obesity, high cholestrol? Oh no wait. Meat eaters are the ones with those health issues. What benefits does eating red meat really have? Iron and protein? Both of which you can get in abundance on a vegan diet w/o all the cholestrol and fat.
Forgot to mention...
Why are some people in this thread and in life bothered by vegetarianism/veganism? I don't understand why they take offense from the idea of people not wanting to eat meat, especially when no one is forcing them or even asking them to change their eating habits. What's that about?
You like meat? Ok. But you wanna pass judgment and call me unhealthy without even knowing me? Explain that Rusty.

I'm not calling you unhealthy brah, sorry if you felt I was attacking Vegans. Your choice is your choice

I'm saying a Vegan diet is unhealthy. Without supporting supplements there are a lot nutritional holes in a Vegan diet. Especially if you are a very active male.

Humans are meant to be omnivores, not herbivores. I would be criticizing a carnivorous diet just as hard
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Where are you getting this info that being vegan is unhealthy. Do Vegans have a higher rate of heart attacks, coronary bypass, diabetes, obesity, high cholestrol? Oh no wait. Meat eaters are the ones with those health issues. What benefits does eating red meat really have? Iron and protein? Both of which you can get in abundance on a vegan diet w/o all the cholestrol and fat.

How do I do that. I don't like beans and I can't eat nuts all day? I want to try going vegan but not sure of my protein sources.
Forgot to mention...
Why are some people in this thread and in life bothered by vegetarianism/veganism? I don't understand why they take offense from the idea of people not wanting to eat meat, especially when no one is forcing them or even asking them to change their eating habits. What's that about?
You like meat? Ok. But you wanna pass judgment and call me unhealthy without even knowing me? Explain that Rusty.

when i tell people im a vegetarian they give me the mean stone face, like whats wrong with this dude. its always been funny to me.
How do I do that. I don't like beans and I can't eat nuts all day? I want to try going vegan but not sure of my protein sources.

Broccoli, Cauliflower, Asparagus, Spinach are all good sources of protein just to name a few. Tofu is another good source of protein but some people can't handle the taste and texture.
Where are you getting this info that being vegan is unhealthy. Do Vegans have a higher rate of heart attacks, coronary bypass, diabetes, obesity, high cholestrol? Oh no wait. Meat eaters are the ones with those health issues. What benefits does eating red meat really have? Iron and protein? Both of which you can get in abundance on a vegan diet w/o all the cholestrol and fat.

-Listen brah, correlation doesn't imply causation. Yes, meat eaters have higher rates, true, but eating meat doesn't cause any of those issues. Not a single one.

-The thing is people lead such unhealthy lives, smoking, sugar, lack of exercise that the extra inflammation caused by meat is a small contributing factor for these issues.

-Eating meat causes extra inflammation in the body and is harder to digest. But the human body can easily handle it if it were healthy. People weaken their digestive systems so much over the years and add tons of inflammation to the body with poor eating habits, lack of exercise, smoking, being exposed to dirty electricity, excess stress, and poor sleeping habits. Humans have evolved to handle the regular consumption of meat, not all the other crap.

-Because to their weaken digestive systems they have trouble metabolism fat and cholesterol. Saturated fats and cholesterol are healthy, cholesterol is the building block for every hormone in the human body, saturated fats are needed in the production of many hormones and act as a carry for vitamins into the body.

-Vegans, compared to the a meat eater will be lower protein, calcium, iron, creatine, essential fatty acids, carnitine, CLA, B12, choline, iodine. Plus plant sources of protein are not complete like animal

-Most people should eat diary, but they also should also not eat gluten.

-A crappy sugar filled diet is unhealthy, a carnivorous diet is unhealthy that leaves nutritional holes is unhealthy, a Vegan diet that leaves nutritional holes is unhealthy. A balanced diet with quality meat, complex carbohydrates, essential fatty acids

There is always a flip side to every coin. Lifting weights is a very healthy activity, but produces a lot of oxidative stress and inflammation. Vitamin E supplements lower blood pressure and are recommended by many doctors, but has been shown to greatly increase someone's chances of prostate cancer.

I'm not saying Veganism is unhealthy like say smoking, but without supporting supplements their will be deficiencies, especially if you're a very active person.
Broccoli, Cauliflower, Asparagus, Spinach are all good sources of protein just to name a few. Tofu is another good source of protein but some people can't handle the taste and texture.

Broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, and spinach have so little protein though. I'm looking for substitutes for chicken/beef.
Broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, and spinach have so little protein though. I'm looking for substitutes for chicken/beef.
Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and nuts bruh. Although still, those are extremely calorie dense and high in fat (good fat) compared to meat sources of protein and still only going to give you 7 grams per servings, with about 200 total calories and like 16g of fat. I, like you, would much prefer a lean chicken breast which looks something like 110 calories, 24 grams of protein, 1.5g of fat, obviously 0 carbs.

I want to try full vegetarian though at some point. A few yrs ago, I did lacto-ovo (still ate dairy and egg whites) and just cut out red meat for about a month or two.
stopped eating beef/pork for about 2 years now. will make the leap to vegetarianism soon. 
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