Usher going vegan.... recruiting the Bieb!

I'm not one to bash people for thread topics....I understand some TMZ type info can be interesting but....this right here is down right silly. Why is this a thread? I could see a vegan thread but the eating habits of Usher and his recruitment of Justin Beiber? Naw I can't condone it.
You a grown *** man and you don't like a hamburger or a steak..... :lol:
Yeah I'll call you out in my close mindedness on your estrogen levels
Whatever son.

Why don't you call these vegetarians out?





I've been a vegetarian for five months and just crossed the vegan threshold a couple of weeks ago. How's raw veganism goldenchild? Seems the easiest as far as food options honestly, but how often do you eat to maintain your energy and do you take supplements?

Its good bro.

The first couple of weeks might be tough going as your body sheds toxins and gets adjusted to eating raw, water filled foods but after that its good money.

I eat melon, drink a coconut if I can find it, or eat another hydrating fruit for breakfast, drink some herbal tea, have a shake and some almonds, walnuts or a raw snacks every now and then. Sit down with like 4/5 mangos or another decent amount of 1 fruit for a mono-meal and eat that till I'm full. I have a big salad for lunch and I get creative for dinner...usually fix a raw vegan dish like "raw lasagna" or zucchini pasta or just eat some more fruit. Throughout the day I also eat some plums, peaches, berries, bananas etc to keep my self satisfied.

Like I said, might be a lil rough in the beginning but your stomach quickly shrinks to size and your body become very responsive. The toughest part in the beginning is getting enough calories to fit your lifestyle. But its weird now....I actually can sense exactly when I need to eat and what I need to eat. Before I would just eat to eat, overstuffing myself based on cravings that i my body really didn't need.

As far as energy i have more now than ever before. The early stages you will fell tired because of toxins being dumped off and your body adjusting to the caloric intake but after that, its like you have unlimited energy.

You can supplement the raw diet with so much nutrient packed superfoods like kelp, seamoss, moringa, chlorella, spirulina, ginseng, bee pollen, etc that you don't really need to take isolated and processed supplements.

I don't plan on eating this way forever, not yet at least....I think raw vegan is probably the healthiest, life enhancing diet there is but I have a different vision for my life and body so I'm using this primarily as a detox method at the moment. I can definitely see myself eating like this 100% of the time a little later down the road but for now my body's my personal lab and I want to try out different diets.

When I get my body to where i want it to be then I'll build it up using the superfoods, a majority plant based and raw diet with if need be very little meat (maybe one serving weekly or bi-weekly). If I can get my body and mind where I want it to be without the's a permanent goodbye to the animal carcass

I'm really trying to experiment with putting the most optimal nutrition in my body and while it's a thing I know for sure is that the S.A.D. (standard american diet) and the fastest path to disease.

One day I was sitting eating some chicken from the chinese spot and dropping the bones in a bag....when I was done I felt terrible....then I looked down in the bag and realized it looked like a graveyard. And I could only imagine the junk that was sitting in my stomach and swimming around my blood stream because of that meal. I was turning my body into a low vibration graveyard.

Next day I ate a melon and spit the seeds in a bag, I felt energized and refreshed. I realized that those seeds in the bag could be planted back in the ground and give new life.

That was my turning point. Its still a challenge to resist all of the marketing and junk around me....but everyday that I eat clean, the easier it becomes.
The interesting part to me is the possibility of Bieber going vegan. Millions would surely follow. People will be standing outside of Whole Foods talkin bout, "We not eatin'!"
His stupid followers would probably pig out on junk and be in even worse health than before.
I'm pretty sure that veganism is a voluntary choice that relates to your diet.

You don't eat instrument strings and shampoo.

Plus there are vegan alternatives to almost everything in that picture.

Being vegan, also doesn't mean that you're against using animals for necessary things.

I'm personally not against killing animals when its an absolute necessity but the type of commercialized slaughter and mass murder that we currently engage in is destroying the planet and our bodies.

Waste from these mega farms are destroying our soil and watersupply, we're cutting down forests that supply clean air, medicines and life to make ranches and we are filling our bodies with hormones, parasites, excess cholesterol, fat and sludge from animal carcass.

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How many bowls of salad do you have to eat to be a vegetarian and the size of Prince Fielder.

It really depends on your body type and genetics, b.

And you can eat a lot more than salads.


It's still crazy for me to see how big Prince Fielder is and to be vegetarian.

I just saw the videos and now I'm extremely intrigued. Timothy Bradley looks like an extreme example of what a vegan diet can do for someone. He is a high-profile athlete, presumably with top-notch nutritionists, attempting to maximize the physical potential of his body.

How difficult is it for the average Joe to go vegan. Care to point me in the right direction?
who cares about Biebs and Ursher tho? 

can we turn this into a veagan/vegetarian thread?
It's still crazy for me to see how big Prince Fielder is and to be vegetarian.
I just saw the videos and now I'm extremely intrigued. Timothy Bradley looks like an extreme example of what a vegan diet can do for someone. He is a high-profile athlete, presumably with top-notch nutritionists, attempting to maximize the physical potential of his body.
How difficult is it for the average Joe to go vegan. Care to point me in the right direction?

50+ year old who barely works out

Any one can do it.

All strength, bodybuilding and fitness goals take hard work but wether you're weightlifting or not....there are many health benefits to a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle.
Thanks for the info goldenchild.

As for the cow, I still wear leather (and wool). My decision was for my health not because I think meat is evil. I've never been small and the older I get, the more effort it takes for me to maintain weight. I come from a family of people with health problems related to their diets and I want to be old and healthy, not old and falling apart.

I'm gonna give raw veganism a go next month. The toughest thing for me to give up was cheese. The meat was easy to cut out of my diet. Its really tough because unless I go to a vegan restaurant to eat out, the vegetarian options are almost always covered in cheese.
Would never be a vegan, too unhealthy.

Maybe if someone is doing it for moral reason I can understand, but all the benefits vegans claim from the lifestyle can still be achieved while still eating meat.

The worse are the parents who have their kids on vegan diets :smh:
Thanks for the info goldenchild.
As for the cow, I still wear leather (and wool). My decision was for my health not because I think meat is evil. I've never been small and the older I get, the more effort it takes for me to maintain weight. I come from a family of people with health problems related to their diets and I want to be old and healthy, not old and falling apart.
I'm gonna give raw veganism a go next month. The toughest thing for me to give up was cheese. The meat was easy to cut out of my diet. Its really tough because unless I go to a vegan restaurant to eat out, the vegetarian options are almost always covered in cheese.

No prob.

Co-sign all of that 100%.

That cheese is hard to shake.

Its one of the most mucus forming forming foods but it's delicious and everywhere.

After you get a hang of the raw vegan diet its easier to avoid and live without tho.
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Humans have canine teeth for a reason. It's all about moderation.

lol bro science.

Let me see you go kill and eat cattle with your bare hands and canine teeth like a lion.

Gorillas got some hellafied canines, are strong as hell and they don't eat meat.

The presence of canine teeth doesn't mean that you are made to eat meat.

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I can grab and kill a kitten with these canine teeth. and i probably would just to piss some of you off. :rolleyes

I'd cook it and throw some taasco sauce on it of course
I'm sorry, but I can't rock with being a vegan, I'm already skinny as hell and I'm not giving up my enjoyment of food. I do try to limit fast food and whatnot though.

Not directed at anybody who posted, but one thing I can't stand is vegetarians and vegans who love to preach to you how terrible that hamburger is for you, yet they drink alcohol like there's NO tomorrow.>D Like somehow their vegan diet is going to magically save them from kidney failure.
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