US Health Care

Idk why bruh was in the hospital but that is absurd. Don't forget to swipe to see both bills
I always wonder do labels supply these artists and their families some sort of health insurance.
Healthcare is a rigged system. The US has a way to turn everything into competition and capitalism. That toxic mindset has doomed this place for generations to come in the grand scheme of things. Don’t know what’ll take to change that
There's so much to speak on when it comes to this topic, but our healthcare system is truly broken on many levels. Sub-par insurance coverage, medical waste, administration-driven medical decisions, uneducated/unrealistic patients and family members, lack of quality care/accessibility for certain ethnic groups, lack of proper psychiatric care, etc.

Obamacare barely scratched the surface. True healthcare reform is going to be a massive undertaking.
Whole entire system is a pure joke & a money grab. I've looked at my bills in the past & in some cases to simply walk into an office & get a ******* prescription it's been a few hundred dollars if i didn't have insurance.
I have heard instances of people negotiating significant reductions off medical bills (if without insurance). Nowhere near ideal, but seems hospitals can potentially negotiate numbers if one ever ends up in that situation. I think?
Healthcare is a rigged system. The US has a way to turn everything into competition and capitalism. That toxic mindset has doomed this place for generations to come in the grand scheme of things. Don’t know what’ll take to change that

Universal healthcare needs to become a reality.

Until we get rid of our disdain for paying more taxes, I don't see it happening tho.
The US doesn’t do healthcare - that’s sickness treatment, not the same thing because there’s no money in a healthy population.
There are two major problems happening in parallel. There is a health insurance problem, and healthcare problem.

It is a tangled mess but put simply the insurance problem is that we need to get everyone on decent affordable insurance plans for then get sick.

From the healthcare standpoint we need more healthcare practitioners, doctors and nurses. Cost are being driven up partly because there are not enough doctors to go around. Demand is out placing supply. America needs to find a way of getting more of them. Either by immigrants or by making it more affordable to become one.

Then you think of margination issues, administrative issues, consolidation in the market, drug prices. Our system needs a ton of work. But the ideas and plans to fix than are out there, hell we are like the only well developed nation that has not figured it out.

To solve the insurance thing the ACA market approach could work but the GOP try way to hard to sabotage it. We should just let people buy into Medicare and have their rates be determined by their income level.
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Universal healthcare needs to become a reality.

Until we get rid of our disdain for paying more taxes, I don't see it happening tho.
When Medicare was passed, the plan and assumption was that one day it would become open to everyone. It is shameful how long America has put off universal getting to universal health insurance. And when we finally make a move in the right direction, a select few work their hardest to pull us backward.
Just let me die it’s cheaper. My family can just sell fish and spaghetti plates and start a gofundme. Not srs I have health/life Insurance however I see I see the above on the regular
When Medicare was passed, the plan and assumption was that one day it would become open to everyone. It is shameful how long America has put off universal getting to universal health insurance. And when we finally make a move in the right direction, a select few work their hardest to pull us backward.

The baby steps we take towards being progressive is disappointing to say the least. I would gladly pay higher taxes to for this and other issues for this to be a thing of the past.
The US doesn’t do healthcare - that’s sickness treatment, not the same thing because there’s no money in a healthy population.

I've come to the same conclusion as to why the American Healthcare system works this way.

One thing I don't understand though, doesn't a healthy working population provide more productivity? Healthier people supplying the lower and middle classes with able-bodied workers vs dependents who suffer a dramatic loss in work productivity as well as dependents who lose the ability to be productive at all, how is that not more of a drain on the economy than a healthy population?
When i worked at a collection agency for medical bills, we had to ask for all the money up front initially. Called this old lady one day and legit had to ask her for over $1M.

America's currency system, healthcare and judicial system is severely flawed.
I've come to the same conclusion as to why the American Healthcare system works this way.

One thing I don't understand though, doesn't a healthy working population provide more productivity? Healthier people supplying the lower and middle classes with able-bodied workers vs dependents who suffer a dramatic loss in work productivity as well as dependents who lose the ability to be productive at all, how is that not more of a drain on the economy than a healthy population?

We have a growing population, technology advancements that make workers more productive, we work our workforce longer hours than other nations, we import a lot of workers too. So we have the bodies to feed the economic machine.

If we had a physical labor intensive based economy with a stagnating population growth, then there we be a greater incentive to keep people healthier. Look at Cuba as an example. There healthcare system helps prop up the entire society.
I've come to the same conclusion as to why the American Healthcare system works this way.

One thing I don't understand though, doesn't a healthy working population provide more productivity? Healthier people supplying the lower and middle classes with able-bodied workers vs dependents who suffer a dramatic loss in work productivity as well as dependents who lose the ability to be productive at all, how is that not more of a drain on the economy than a healthy population?

We're a very sick country. Sedentary and look at our eating model. We're sick very early. Cold thing is not far from now there's gonna be a crisis trying to care for the baby boomers. People simply aren't going to be able to afford to take care of people who are living longer. That's gonna be an issue to conront within the next decade.
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Universal healthcare needs to become a reality.

Until we get rid of our disdain for paying more taxes, I don't see it happening tho.
States have fought hard to allow the selling alcohol at major retailers but health care “too complicated to even begin to deal with”. That’s what we’re working with here
States have fought hard to allow the selling alcohol at major retailers but health care “too complicated to even begin to deal with”. That’s what we’re working with here

I don't even think those in office are competent enough to even rehaul our health care system. We just like to patch **** up instead of implementing real change. This **** needs to be torn down and rebuilt.
I don't even think those in office are competent enough to even rehaul our health care system. We just like to patch **** up instead of implementing real change. This **** needs to be torn down and rebuilt.
At this point you can't just tear things down and build it. The system is too big and important to the economy (it does provide a lot of good middle class jobs) to go do that. And even then you're gonna have to debate/decide what comes next because many countries have better healthcare systems but not all do it the same.

There are great ideas out there for making the system much better. It is just that half the folk in government don't even want to try to make things better. In fact many want to make it worst.

-The ACA was real change, the hope was we would continue marching in that direction. It is just that the thing was attacked from the jump. Even before one vote was taken to pass it. In it's original forn it was way better.

And thinking back Hillarycare would have been real change, Test Kennedy'' plan was gonna be real change. Even Nixon original compromise would have been real change. But along the way lobbyist have been able to sabotage good plans.
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I don't even think those in office are competent enough to even rehaul our health care system. We just like to patch **** up instead of implementing real change. This **** needs to be torn down and rebuilt.
Part of the problem is that people voting for “what’s best for the middle lower class” (don’t know how else to word it) are people that were never in need of it in the first place. It’s like asking what rich private prep school white men want to do with public education in inner cities...... oh wait...
At this point you can't just tear things down and build it. The system is too big and important to the economy (it does provide a lot of good middle class jobs) to go do that. And even then you're gonna have to debate/decide what comes next because many countries have better healthcare systems but not all do it the same.

There are great ideas out there for making the system much better. It is just that half the folk in government don't even want to try to make things better. In fact many want to make it worst.
Very true but a good tell all is to see where are the funding is coming from, going to or going towards. That’s at least a good starting point
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