US birth rates fall for the 6th consecutive year

I don't think having a strong desire to leave a legacy increases as you move up in class. Men of all levels want someone to carry on their names.

I just think that has been something DUDES have always really cared about. (Not saying women don't)

But I don't think there is a way to measure desire so that is just my guess.
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Your statement didn't come out that way. Blaming "feminism" and women having a choice of who to have sex with for the decline in children the past 6 years is problematic. We have declined so far as a society that women asking for consent is considered "feminism". :rofl:

But feel free to change your tone. I already got receipts.

"Feminism.. . If she don’t want the D or the baby, it’s her choice"-wayniac211 reasoning for decline in birth rates the last 6 years

bolded and underlined for emphasis.
**** yo receipts u lil troll prick .. I know what the **** I said.. sorry your comprehension skills suck.
You like to twist stuff here and amuse to get your rocks off and laugh.. sad
I agree that better and cheaper access to healthcare as well as more robust social programs would help our society as a whole but there's not really much evidence that it would help birth rates.

Countries throughout Europe like Italy, Norway, Iceland, etc have much better social programs but their birth rates are just as bad, if not lower, than the United States.
Only using that as an example as to why people are broke in America
I had a kid at 29 (unplanned) but I love him. I didn't want any kids until my 30s because I wanted to be as financially ready as possible.

Despite things not going to plan it's all worked out. I had to grind my *** off still but we live an extremely comfortable life (especially when comparing to how I came up).

My fiance and I have wanted another kid for a while but we both weren't taking any chances. My son is now 4 and we both regret the age gap that our 1st and second kid are bound to have. However, we are just now getting to place where it's reasonable for us to talk more kids.

After we get married next year I'm shooting the club up with a vengeance. Really looking forward to having one more kid but this will certainly be our last.

Daycare is no joke. Even at 4 years old I'm paying nearly 1k a month. I couldn't imagine how much having to do that for 2 kids would've set us back these last couple years.
why do you regret the age gap?
my wife and i are planning things out now too
**** yo receipts u lil troll prick .. I know what the **** I said.. sorry your comprehension skills suck.
You like to twist stuff here and amuse to get your rocks off and laugh.. sad

Lol I didn't twist anything and I'm not the only one who thought you came off that way. Just take your talking to and learn your lesson sweetie. Don't frame not wanting the D as being feminist. Especially in the context of declining birth rates, it doesn't sound right papi. :lol:
Everyone wants to talk about legacy, but no one knows their grandfather’s grandfather’s name. In reality, unless you made a major impact on society, everyone eventually is forgotten.

Facts. Most people's legacies on this planet don't matter. I tend to take a solipsistic approach to life so I definitely don't give a damn about my father's name being passed on.

The only real legacy I care about is how many lives I've saved and what type of career I end up having. Unless you have your name on a plaque somewhere no one will remember your name.
why do you regret the age gap?
my wife and i are planning things out now too
My sister and I are two year apart and it's made it easier for us to be close. We have a lot of things in common we even share friends.

My son will be at least 5, maybe 6 before we pop another kid out. I'd of liked them to grow up together more.

We are also pressing a reset button of sorts whenever we have this other kid. At 4 my son is pretty easy to manage, babies require a lot of attention and work.

I personally would've loved to do this all at once. I'm getting a full night of rest again, definitely not looking forward to 2-3 hours of sleep whenever kid 2 comes along.

However kids are worth it.

I know a couple others have touched on the cultural significance of taking care of your parents when they're older. While that isn't exactly what I'm hoping for from my kids, I do want to ensure that my son isn't grieving alone whenever his mom and I pass. I also don't want him to shoulder the responsibility of taking on his parents by himself (if he chooses to do that).

My stepmom is pretty sick and being able to share that responsibility with my sister and step brothers has been nice.
There's also a caveat with women's reproductive systems. Men may be able to have kids at older ages, but women are more fertile in their 20s, and the fertility drops after 35. It's no wonder thats a recipe for low birth rates. And the technology to preserve eggs and all that costs, yep money.

Men who have children older have a higher incidence of birth defects so I wouldn't recommend that either. Aint nobody tryna be a 70 year old new dad. The thought of chasing a toddler around with a hip replacement. :rofl:
A part of why I want daughters is I heard they are more likely to care for their parents in old age. I gotta make this sh@# worth it.:lol:

Otherwise my wife and I might as well save all that money and live in some Villa on an Island with a maid. :rofl:
The way you troll, speak, and present yo self, your daughter will prolly throw u in a senior home and strip your savings
"legacy" is how you get Donalds Trump running around with no qualifications but their last names...wildly overrated concept.
That’s a bad example of legacy lol..
as progression moves forward folks will look back and think about why they even favored such an imbecile..

the days of stating who your father and mother is before you state your name show more clarity/respect to me than a credit score
I don't think having a strong desire to leave a legacy increases as you move up in class. Men of all levels want someone to carry on their names.

I just think that has been something DUDES have always really cared about. (Not saying women don't)

But I don't think there is a way to measure desire so that is just my guess.
That **** is out the window. You can leave your legacy on Facebook now. That legacy can be whatever you want too
Legacy is such a weird concept. 5 generations from now your descendants won't know who you are and will look nothing like you. Very few humans on this planet leave a legacy that lasts multiple generations (either wealth or notoriety).

All you can do is try to make the world a better place in your short time here and have as positive and impact as possible.
Lol I didn't twist anything and I'm not the only one who thought you came off that way.
I ain’t talking to anyone else but you.
Birth rates are getting lower, women are understanding their self worth, feminism at a rise.. then here you come tryna twist ****..
On some real real ****.. you just read it wrong bruh..
That’s a bad example of legacy lol..
as progression moves forward folks will look back and think about why they even favored such an imbecile.


these are people's parents and children tho.
Men who have children older have a higher incidence of birth defects so I wouldn't recommend that either. Aint nobody tryna be a 70 year old new dad. The thought of chasing a toddler around with a hip replacement. :rofl:
Yeah. I'm thinking there's dudes out there who wait to have kids pretty late. Teenage or 20 something year old sons or daughters having 60 or 70 year-old fathers. Not that I'm discriminating against age. But I think these dudes having time and money to do that.

2 of my uncles that I don't like did that. One married late, like mid 40s, and had 1 boy. And the other divorced his wife and married a much younger lady. This one already had 2 thirty something age kids from his first wife.

And Trump is another person who did this.
Two reasons I don't want kids yet.
1. Still things I want to do with out them. E.g. travel. Half my friends have kids and they're always in my business when it comes to traveling(or doing anything fun) cause they got babies and can't. Questions are fine buts its how they ask. A bit of envy and sadness. I don't want that. :lol:
2. Need to make sure its with the right partner. Been raised by a single parent and all my relatives are divorced. Not saying you can't successfully raise a child as a single parent or split house but it must be difficult so why not reduce the chances of that.
I ain’t talking to anyone else but you.
Birth rates are getting lower, women are understanding their self worth, feminism at a rise.. then here you come tryna twist ****..
On some real real ****.. you just read it wrong bruh..

Lol others thinking your comment was rapey is relevant to this conversation sweetie. I'm glad I struck a nerve because it means a lesson was learned here.
The way you troll, speak, and present yo self, your daughter will prolly throw u in a senior home and strip your savings

Lol and you came to this conclusion because I don't like rapey men? :lol:

That makes no sense. It would be one thing if I was going around making misogynistic comments but I'm literally doing the opposite.
I remember a kid in school whos dad had him later in life. Everyone used to think it was his grandfather that was picking him up :lol:

Gotta suck tho, imagine having a kid at 60. When the kids 10 and wants to play catch, or kick a ball, or ride bikes you gonna be 70.
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