Updated: NIKE 1VOTE Thread -Ueno/BMORE - Mark Smith/Philly

StashxFutura's were definitely more hyped than the Purple Highs. Cmon now.. Two pairs of the same colorway yet one is about $800 than the other cause ofextra lasering? Hype at its finest.

But its whatever at the moment.. As long as I see a decent rerelease of these shoes by Nike (AKA I want mine!), I don't care anymore. Although Im still sadthat something more noteworthy didn't win.
do you think they would use the good leather if the purple highs won? hell naw! they would have ruined it. probably even use a leather strap or some crap likethat.
Originally Posted by kevin2nd

do you think they would use the good leather if the purple highs won? hell naw! they would have ruined it. probably even use a leather strap or some crap like that.

with 07 shape. But I would cop
I have to say all 3 winning shoes are rubbish choices I own or have owned all of the winners and none of them come close to being worthy. I'm really notthat bothered though because AF1 retro's are piss poor, but a great chance has been wasted so well done to the bunch of idiots who voted for crap choices.

also my voting service are for hire if u payupal ready ill charge to vote for the shoe u want to win
Firstly you need to get a life, then a job.
Originally Posted by 7 Paul 7

I have to say all 3 winning shoes are rubbish choices I own or have owned all of the winners and none of them come close to being worthy. I'm really not that bothered though because AF1 retro's are piss poor, but a great chance has been wasted so well done to the bunch of idiots who voted for crap choices.

also my voting service are for hire if u payupal ready ill charge to vote for the shoe u want to win
Firstly you need to get a life, then a job.

I have to agree. I thought about it some more after what Kev said. Nike is probably going tobutcher these and there's no way I would have touched the Purple Hi's if they weren't like the originals. Even though the StashxFutura AF1'sdropped not too long ago, I wouldn't be surprised if Nike altered them a little bit.

Paul - Bingo!
Where the hell did you get that picture? Cause thats not what it says online.. =[
Originally Posted by surfsnow80

i can't wait to wear + destroy these...

That's exactly what the screen of the 1Vote machine at Niketown had pictured yesterday when I was there. Like I said, people shouldn't jump toconclusions.

I have to say all 3 winning shoes are rubbish choices I own or have owned all of the winners and none of them come close to being worthy. I'm really not that bothered though because AF1 retro's are piss poor, but a great chance has been wasted so well done to the bunch of idiots who voted for crap choices.
Paul is dead on. All of the choices are so-so. I mean, I like all of the sneakers that won, but they are no where near being top 25 AF1s.
I understand Nike is probably going to butcher whatever they rerelease, but it would be nice to at least see them try not to mess up the Purple Highs.
Originally Posted by 7 Paul 7

I have to say all 3 winning shoes are rubbish choices I own or have owned all of the winners and none of them come close to being worthy. I'm really not that bothered though because AF1 retro's are piss poor, but a great chance has been wasted so well done to the bunch of idiots who voted for crap choices.

also my voting service are for hire if u payupal ready ill charge to vote for the shoe u want to win
Firstly you need to get a life, then a job.
i have a life and own my own business

your the one getting angry over the net and i need a life? ironic

lol jvhoop give it up already stashes won its FACT we went over this LAST NIGHT how the machines dont update in real time(about 10K votes behind) the machinestoday showed stashes as number 1

employees in niketown = dunno anything

they told you kampout broke the machine

he didnt

their machine was busted all day

so you have faith in a busted machine but not a working one? lol

i do think it funny how every winning shoe for each city has lasering on it
i have a life and own my own business

your the one getting angry over the net and i need a life? ironic

Angry? are you sure? I see no anger in my post just stating the truth.

Also if you own your own business why are you offering to vote all day for money? Honestly every time you post you make an idiot of yourself.
The fact that you are able to devote a day in a store voting for shoes off sets everything else you have to say about having a life. But in the end, "welost" and "you won". Am I right?
I learned from the presidential election in 00 and 04 thats its not over until its official. Anything can happen between now and then.

I had misunderstood your post before. I thought you had said kampoutkid broke the machine and I combined that with what the girl at Niketown said to come to myconclusion. She never said Kampout broke the machine, she just said he had been there. She also said she had spoken with headquarters (at Nike) and that thePurples had won. I'm not saying they DID win, I'm saying they MAY have. In the end, I'm only relaying information I thought other board membersmight be interested in. Besides, there is nothing for me to "give up." I'm not angry about the results if the stashes win. I'm confident Iwill eventually find a pair of purple highs for the right price and if I don't, I don't. My only point, which I continue to reiterate and you continueto ignore, is that Nike is not the most reliable company. Think about how many times they have scrapped or changed sneakers or releases. I'm not trying toget into e-beef or anything like that, but it seems you are taking this much more seriously than me. All I'm saying is that the results should be takenwith "a grain of salt" as they say. To me, it seems like you just have a need to be stubborn and ignore what other people are saying. If that'sthe case, that's fine. Just don't be surprised if the results are different than you expect (i.e. anything from the stashes having different laseringthan the F&F to the purples releasing to a different sneaker or nothing releasing at all).
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