Updated: NIKE 1VOTE Thread -Ueno/BMORE - Mark Smith/Philly

Right now, I just hope to be able to get a pair of whatever is releasing. I want to the Ueno's too. Hopefully I can set up a trade with someone down inBmore.. Damn, this summer is going to be heavy on the pockets.
Originally Posted by 7 Paul 7

i have a life and own my own business

your the one getting angry over the net and i need a life? ironic

Angry? are you sure? I see no anger in my post just stating the truth.

Also if you own your own business why are you offering to vote all day for money? Honestly every time you post you make an idiot of yourself.
yes your angry

tot ell me a person you know nothing about to get a life

clearly i invoked some emotional feelings

im offering all day voting for money because as i said i own my own business im making money doin it REGARDLESS if i vote or not so why not make extra moneydoin it if i can??

it also ironic that if i had done this for the purple hi's you'd be my groupie right now thankin me

as someone said earlier in this topic

dont be a hypocrite

sorry if the shoes YOU wanted to win didnt win maybe next time(if there is one) they will win

no need to get angry and result to insults


lol im not "e beefin" with you im just telling you the purples didnt win a niketown employee aint a valid source realize they are the same employeeswho satted its 1 vote per person when its not which is ironic a niketown employee voted the purps 237465643 times lol

again to be clear no e beef i spoke to you outside and you was cool to talk to

im not 'taking it more serious' im simply stating the fact that the stashes won and the purples lost(and the other shoes) its sumthing people just needto accept and move on but no we got 2387456364 conspiracy theories about it lol

voting was from jan 2nd till jan 31st

when the clock struck midnight to feb 1st

stashes were LONG in the lead stashes were in 1st PRIOR to 9pm(store closing) check this very topic for replies stating this

i know your bummed out and you were very vocal about this at transit when i seen you and i dont blame you if it was me id be bummed out also but just acceptthe "L" and keep it movin
lol I'm not angry in the slightest I just think you're stupid can you understand that? To prove that fact here are my purple highs


So as you can see I have no reason to be angry but you come in here acting like you're something special because you stood in a store voting all day to methat makes you sad and then you want to make money from it to, I just think you're a joke.

Add to that you have a man wearing make up in your avi

spoke to a nike rep

aparently people have complained about the votes on both shoes bein so elevated so they are doin a recount as we speak

the website should state this soon if it dont already

so lets see MAYBE you purple hi fans might get your way

its crazy its come down to this lol
ok website states...

"due to the large quantity of votes submitted in the final hours of voting were currently tallying valid votes and will confirm new york's officialchoice shortly"

hmm both shoes were BEASTED in votes down to the wire

it be CRAZY if they toss out both the stash and purps for the HTM's lol
^^lol hope not

stash and purps had alot of increased votes the final day but especially from monday kept goin back and forth

outcome gunna be interesting

As you can see now, that's all I was trying to say.


You may not be angry, but I am now that you posted those purple highs.

oh i know what u was tryin to say you made it very clear sorry if i came off "e beefin" wasnt meant to be that way as i said when i spoke to yououtside you cool peoples


i neva said i was special i just stated what happened that night it was a fun day with all the voting and talkin to nike reps etc..

as i said though if i voted for purp hi's instead of stashes i wouldnt be sad to you infact you'd be happy i did it for the purp's

so all im sayin is dont be a hypocrite cuz i aint vote for YOUR shoe

if i vote stashes i get


vote for the purps


"tallying the valid votes"
and the winner is.....the '98 mahogany suedes

i just hope i can get a pair.

both the stashes and purple highs are better than the shoes the other citys got, but i really want the purples.
watch nike keep us in limbo till mid next week on this lol

i just wonder what they plan on doing

cuz both shoes had "stuffed ballots" all month the purple hi's got voted the last 7 days 12 hours straight each day by the same people thestashes had spurts on varied days also

so how do you know what to deduct and what not to deduct??

that final day it was a marathon session for both shoes infact most of the month it was a marathon session for both shoes

this is gunna be interesting but a huge mess considering i see no fair way to settle it as how can you validate a "valid vote" on either shoe whenpeople were stuffing ballots for both all month??? its not possible

even JVhoop before being kicked out of transit was stuffing the ballot for the purple hi's so lets say he did 50 votes in a row they will only count 1vote? what if he did it on other days? how to know for sure?

at this point id say screw it release both of them i mean 85 thousand votes in NYC stash/purp combined had 72K votes so that count and the extent people wentto for each shoe to get the votes up it be a win/win

it would blow if they DQ both shoes and give it to the damn HTM's

i honestly don't even care what wins. in my opinion all the shoes that won or had a chance at winning in each city suck anyway. but hey, i guess that'sjust another pair for ya'll to beast over.
so all im sayin is dont be a hypocrite cuz i aint vote for YOUR shoe
You clearly have a lack of intelligence I simply said you have no life because you're that desperate for money that you would stand in astore voting all day I could care less what you voted for. You also made this comment after the voting had ended which again suggests your not to smart, as for''YOUR shoe'' did that picture not prove that I already have the purple highs? so why would I care about which shoes actually won? Iwouldn't need or want to buy them anyway.
Originally Posted by PlatinumFunk

i still think the gold highs > purple highs

i just cant stand that ALL white sole

I like the Purples better but I wanted the Golds to win.
i'm from baltimore & i don't even rock af1's no more.
but i like our choice and philly's choice.
the stash's are cool too...

but the purp hi's =
(& i don't mean that in the context of Pusha T neither)


only purple feet i'm interested in are eggplants...
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