Unnecessary Racism Vol. Deus Ex Human Revolution (video game)

When you are writing lines for a HOMELESS @*%++*! BLACK BUm on the streets and you are a sheltered white dude that is not in touch whatsoever with black culture then yes stuff like this happens. The writer of the script wasn't Michael Crichton, it was some amateur writer that probably actually is in the same social circles as the developers or better yet someone at Eidos friend,cousin, or brother. Dude isn't thinking about Barack or Oprah when he is writing lines for a crackheaded black bum named Latisha. He problably referenced Worldstar for the character and using the source material began to write. There is more ignorant and offensive things on that site than this character but why aren't we up in arms about shutting that garbage down? Is it because its ran by a black person?
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

When you are writing lines for a HOMELESS @*%++*! BLACK BUm on the streets and you are a sheltered white dude that is not in touch whatsoever with black culture then yes stuff like this happens. The writer of the script wasn't Michael Crichton, it was some amateur writer that probably actually is in the same social circles as the developers or better yet someone at Eidos friend,cousin, or brother. Dude isn't thinking about Barack or Oprah when he is writing lines for a crackheaded black bum named Latisha. He problably referenced Worldstar for the character and using the source material began to write. There is more ignorant and offensive things on that site than this character but why aren't we up in arms about shutting that garbage down? Is it because its ran by a black person?
I know the writers of the game personally, and these text paths were not just thrown in for the hell of it and overlooked. They passed multiple screens, multiple builds of the games, and the ESRB and PEGI reviews. I assisted with the development of the game but I don't want to speak on behalf of Square or anyone from Eidos. I will personally bring your gripes up to higher ups in marketing and community at Square today.

I could sit here and give you my opinions on the whole matter but I'd rather not throw myself to the wolves on NT or to the corporate hounds since it could put my livelihood at risk. However, I will be sure to address the issue today and make your concerns known.

Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

Come on this game and others are developed written and engineered by socially ackward nerds and social misfits. There aren't open minded socially hip guys sitting around in videogame developer offices in front of computers for 12 hours a day writing code that interact with normal blacks,Asians,Indians or whatever. This are the guys that walked around your highschool with Dungeons and Dragons stickers on their backpacks and during lunch, they went into their favorite teachers classroom away from everyone else and played with pokemon cards. I worked with a 3D modeling company one time and a lot of the guys developed videogames as well and you would walk to their cubicle and there were action figures and all types of weird things in their space. This dudes aren't attending events and social gatherings that "normal" people attend. These dudes are mostly overweight 30 to 40 something white dudes that look like they belong in an 80's porn movie. It's racist but it's purely racism out of sheer ignorance and not hatred. These are some of the most friendly and cool people once you get to know them, they just aren't really "cool"..........
As a game developer myself, I think this post is pretty ignorant. School me on what "normal" people do that I don't...

I'm a socially awkward misfit? I'm not open minded and I don't interact with "normal" people or attend social gatherings? I sat and played Pokemon all day during high school? Come on man, all you're doing is throwing me into a stereotype and I don't appreciate it as much as you don't appreciate the stereotype associated with the Latisha character.
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

Come on this game and others are developed written and engineered by socially ackward nerds and social misfits. There aren't open minded socially hip guys sitting around in videogame developer offices in front of computers for 12 hours a day writing code that interact with normal blacks,Asians,Indians or whatever. This are the guys that walked around your highschool with Dungeons and Dragons stickers on their backpacks and during lunch, they went into their favorite teachers classroom away from everyone else and played with pokemon cards. I worked with a 3D modeling company one time and a lot of the guys developed videogames as well and you would walk to their cubicle and there were action figures and all types of weird things in their space. This dudes aren't attending events and social gatherings that "normal" people attend. These dudes are mostly overweight 30 to 40 something white dudes that look like they belong in an 80's porn movie. It's racist but it's purely racism out of sheer ignorance and not hatred. These are some of the most friendly and cool people once you get to know them, they just aren't really "cool"..........
You're crying over racism when you just threw down one of the most stereotypical statements in society?  If you want to prove the game shows scenes of racism don't go about it by doing the exact same thing to the developers that you're complaining of them doing to African Americans.

I'm curious though.  How many of you crying foul have actually played this game?  How can you come to a conclusion about a game just because you saw a 2 minute, out of context clip, in a 15+ hour game?  ATL said "THEY ARE IN A REMOTE SWAMP. What do you expect?"  I don't expect anything different.  You're telling me that when you go to a a remote bayou the likelyhood of finding "uneducated" and "hill billy" speaking white people is higher.  Looking at the clip I'm seeing a woman scrounging through the garbage in a part of town that doesn't appear to be what we'd call high class.  Now, after your statement you're telling me that my chances of finding someone in the ghetto with the same verbal nuances as "Latisha" isn't equally as high as finding a hill billy in the bayou?  I can say "THEY ARE IN THE GHETTO.  What do you expect?" and it would equate to your statement.

I'm not advocating for racism in games nor do I think this scene should fly under the radar.  However, I don't find this scene as blatantly racist as some of you and admittedly I have not played the game either.
^ Comeon dude I'm not saying all but you cannot tell me you don't know some really "different dudes if you really develope/ I went to THQ in Calabassas California once and the majority of the dudes there look liked 80's pornstars abd the had action figures in their offices. I'm not saying anything is wrong with any of that in fact it's pretty dope. I'm just saying "normal" by Niketalk standards which is............ actually come to think of it Niketalk aint ordinary either............. kidding.............*goodnight*
 I will personally bring your gripes up to higher ups in marketing and community at Square today.
Please do.  I'm sure all of us would appreciate that.  
Inserting such a flagrant racial stereotype into the game is deeply offensive for many of us - and that assessment is hardly limited to NikeTalk.  

There's nothing authentic about this character.  The voice acting is beyond strained.  "Key" words like "daaayummm" "sho" and "his-self" seem almost intentionally emphasized, grinding salt into the wound.

Words like "I's" aren't even used properly (and, yes, there is a "proper" way to use it.)  "I's" is a contraction of 'I' and 'is' (to be.)  Someone might say, "I's on my way to the store" to mean "I am (to be) on my way to the store."  The only person who would say "I's hear (present tense) there might be a gunseller around town" is Jar Jar Binks.  (Same with "I be's right here waitin' on ya'."  Tha's sho' nuff a mammy character if I's ever heard one.)

An apology in and of itself is insufficient.  This needs to be patched. 

There is more ignorant and offensive things on that site than this character but why aren't we up in arms about shutting that garbage down?

Not sure if you got the memo, but whenever someone posts an exploitation video from there we lock that garbage on sight. 
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

^ Comeon dude I'm not saying all but you cannot tell me you don't know some really "different dudes if you really develope/ I went to THQ in Calabassas California once and the majority of the dudes there look liked 80's pornstars abd the had action figures in their offices. I'm not saying anything is wrong with any of that in fact it's pretty dope. I'm just saying "normal" by Niketalk standards which is............ actually come to think of it Niketalk aint ordinary either............. kidding.............*goodnight*

Of course I know some "different" dudes who would rather sit at home alone on the weekend than go out with some females and have a good time. The point is there's "off" people in every workplace. For you to throw everyone into that stereotype is no better than what you're complaining about. It takes hundreds of people to develop a AAA game. Not every single one of those people sits and a corner and talks about Pokemon and looks like 80's pornstars. I know I certainly don't.

Oh, and I totally have action figures in my office. I also have Lakers memorabilia, 9ers gear, some modern art, misc books and a xbox and ps3 sitting on my desk. Not sure how that makes me any less normal than anyone else.
Originally Posted by Wr

How she in the future talking like she from the color purple era tho. "I's confused there boss"
this..........i believe.
Originally Posted by Vendetta

Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

Come on this game and others are developed written and engineered by socially ackward nerds and social misfits. There aren't open minded socially hip guys sitting around in videogame developer offices in front of computers for 12 hours a day writing code that interact with normal blacks,Asians,Indians or whatever. This are the guys that walked around your highschool with Dungeons and Dragons stickers on their backpacks and during lunch, they went into their favorite teachers classroom away from everyone else and played with pokemon cards. I worked with a 3D modeling company one time and a lot of the guys developed videogames as well and you would walk to their cubicle and there were action figures and all types of weird things in their space. This dudes aren't attending events and social gatherings that "normal" people attend. These dudes are mostly overweight 30 to 40 something white dudes that look like they belong in an 80's porn movie. It's racist but it's purely racism out of sheer ignorance and not hatred. These are some of the most friendly and cool people once you get to know them, they just aren't really "cool"..........
You're crying over racism when you just threw down one of the most stereotypical statements in society?  If you want to prove the game shows scenes of racism don't go about it by doing the exact same thing to the developers that you're complaining of them doing to African Americans.

I'm curious though.  How many of you crying foul have actually played this game?  How can you come to a conclusion about a game just because you saw a 2 minute, out of context clip, in a 15+ hour game?  ATL said "THEY ARE IN A REMOTE SWAMP. What do you expect?"  I don't expect anything different.  You're telling me that when you go to a a remote bayou the likelyhood of finding "uneducated" and "hill billy" speaking white people is higher.  Looking at the clip I'm seeing a woman scrounging through the garbage in a part of town that doesn't appear to be what we'd call high class.  Now, after your statement you're telling me that my chances of finding someone in the ghetto with the same verbal nuances as "Latisha" isn't equally as high as finding a hill billy in the bayou?  I can say "THEY ARE IN THE GHETTO.  What do you expect?" and it would equate to your statement.

I'm not advocating for racism in games nor do I think this scene should fly under the radar.  However, I don't find this scene as blatantly racist as some of you and admittedly I have not played the game either.

There's no racism at all . It's a freaking video game trying to portray a crackheaded bum character in the ghettos. I for damn sure heard them talk like that before in the train and the streets I know all yall have too. Seriously black people make the biggest deals about racism like there the only race that had it tough in the whole world. One TINY racial remark and y'all wild out . Get over it . If you don't like the game and think it's too "rascist" don't freaking buy it.
Is this about the interaction between a black and white character??

Cause im sure no one here had issues with the ****ery in GTA: San Andreas.
Originally Posted by Smedroc

Is this about the interaction between a black and white character??

Cause im sure no one here had issues with the ****ery in GTA: San Andreas.

Already been addressed.

Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

That game looks like some PS2 era trash. Eidos fell off.

This. Square too. The US will run the video game industry. I'll probably end up switching from PS3 to Xbox next gen.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Does anybody born before 1990 think he isn't reaching?


growing up in the south.. I NEVER ran into anyone who talked like this and my mother is legit from a small town in southern Georgia. 

La'Tisha: i'sdunno'dapecifics  

I see where you're going, but Letitia The Trash Lady? Game was gonna be awful anyway.

Here's one that I didn't catch until like 2 years ago.




Rolling Thunder. Never realized they were wearing Klan masks
Originally Posted by Peep Game

I see where you're going, but Letitia The Trash Lady? Game was gonna be awful anyway.

Here's one that I didn't catch until like 2 years ago.


Rolling Thunder. Never realized they were wearing Klan masks
...Not sure if I should add you to the ignore list 
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by Peep Game

I see where you're going, but Letitia The Trash Lady? Game was gonna be awful anyway.

Here's one that I didn't catch until like 2 years ago.

Rolling Thunder. Never realized they were wearing Klan masks
...Not sure if I should add you to the ignore list 

Wow I watched the entire video, and good lord, how bad could they get on a blatantly obvious stereotype? It's 2011, that's just shameful.

ThunderChunk, I'm not really sure where you're getting at. I used to play that game back in the early 90's, and when I recently played it, I didn't
realize how closely the enemy characters resembled wearing Klan hoods. Something wrong?
Originally Posted by Smedroc

Is this about the interaction between a black and white character??

Cause im sure no one here had issues with the ****ery in GTA: San Andreas.
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

eh, i kinda see it and kinda don't.
1) i see this thread not being created if it was a white bum as the character.

2) it's not like people like her don't exist.

3) her character/voice probably adds nothing at all to the gameplay. 

I think i'm more bothered by self posted WSHH videos that show us in a way worse light than this cutscene.
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