Unfortunate news......I didn't win.....o well.....Let the pics continue!!

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Keep Voting guys!!

You got my vote homie! It's a crazy coincidence that I came across this thread when I did. Me and my patna are planning a trip to the MIA the weekend of July 22. We almost changed plans and decided to go to Vegas instead but I shot him the link to this thread. He was like "!+!+ that dawg we going to Miami!". When it's closer to that time I'ma hit you up man real talk. I'm all about networking and meeting new people, plus them pool parties is EXACTLY where we need to be!

- Preciate it.
You got my vote homie! It's a crazy coincidence that I came across this thread when I did. Me and my patna are planning a trip to the MIA the weekend of July 22. We almost changed plans and decided to go to Vegas instead but I shot him the link to this thread. He was like "!+!+ that dawg we going to Miami!". When it's closer to that time I'ma hit you up man real talk. I'm all about networking and meeting new people, plus them pool parties is EXACTLY where we need to be!

- Preciate it.
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