Ultimate Karen Vol. Official I Need to See the Manager Thread

Now I will say this
I have no problem with folks speaking another language
But I do dislike when I’m in a room with coworkers
And my coworkers speak another language like in front of me
It feels rude to me
I come in peace.

Why do you think it is rude?

In YOUR opinion.
In YOUR opinion.
In YOUR opinion.
If me and u and another person are at work
Not on break
But like working
And u are in between the me and the other person
And I’m having a FULL ON CONVO
not work related loudly
In another language
While ur Working in between me and the coworker
How is it rude? lmao

Aint nobody talking about you slime :lol:
Never assumed they were talking about me
I’m just saying it’s rude
Imagine ur doctor while treating u
Is speaking Chinese to the nurse
I’m the same room as u while treating u
U wouldn’t feel that’s rude???
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think DC meant why is it rude that they're speaking in a different language?
I mean most will agree that some one interrupting or even just having a loud conversation while you're working is rude regardless of language.

Edit: My bad didn't see you addressed it. I still don't understand but oh well.
If me and u and another person are at work
Not on break
But like working
And u are in between the me and the other person
And I’m having a FULL ON CONVO
not work related loudly
In another language
While ur Working in between me and the coworker

Say me, you, and a white dude are in the break room.

Me and you start talking "Like Us" to the point where white dude has trouble following the convo (that he technically isn't even involved with).

Is that rude?
Never assumed they were talking about me
I’m just saying it’s rude
Imagine ur doctor while treating u
Is speaking Chinese to the nurse
I’m the same room as u while treating u
U wouldn’t feel that’s rude???
You keep giving examples but haven't explain how/why it is rude.

In your opinion.
In your opinion.

How/Why is it rude to NOT use the most common language in any room ?
In your example with the nurses. If everyone were speaking English, would that not have been rude in your opinion?
You keep giving examples but haven't explain how/why it is rude.

In your opinion.
In your opinion.

How/Why is it rude to NOT use the most common language in any room ?
I THINK I get what u and aNYone aNYone is saying
Its not professional
That’s probably a better term to use
Than saying rude
Also I’m speaking about in a professional setting
Not a casual setting
Do whatever u want in a casual setting
I’m speaking specifically a professional setting
In your scenario with the doctor speaking to the nurse in Chinese, while you're in the same room working.
Say that doctor was speaking English to the nurse and not Chinese. Is that not rude to you?
A full on convo in English
Or another language
While treating me
In a professional setting
With nothing to do with why I’m at the doctors office
Yes it’s rude or I should say unprofessional
A full on convo in English
Or another language
While treating me
In a professional setting
With nothing to do with why I’m at the doctors office
Yes it’s rude or I should say unprofessional
Ok gotcha.
So the language itself doesn't matter? I get that.

It was sounding like if the other doctor and nurse were having a conversation in English that had nothing to do with you or why you were there, then that would have been fine, but if they were speaking in Chinese then that was unprofessional.
WHY is it not professional?
Cause I feel it is
And not to mention other companies
Say that while in the presence of patients or customers
If it’s not a convo involving the patient or customer
U can’t speak another language in their presence or within ear shot
Ok gotcha.
So the language itself doesn't matter? I get that.

It was sounding like if the other doctor and nurse were having a conversation in English that had nothing to do with you or why you were there, then that would have been fine, but if they were speaking in Chinese then that was unprofessional.
nah I ain’t tripping off the language
Just the actual convo as a whole
Also I’m speaking about in a professional setting
Not a casual setting
Do whatever u want in a casual setting
I’m speaking specifically a professional setting
What is professional though. If you're team is in the middle of a meeting or briefing, obviously it doesn't make sense to break out your native tongue. In a setting like that communication to all is paramount.

But we are human beings, not robots, meaning people have casual convos at work all the time, probably more so than "professional" ones. If people are in the damn break room chopping it up in another language that has nothing to do with me.

It's like if I'm chopping it up with something at work who is culturally aligned with myself and we start chopping it up. Am I suppose to damper my New York accent, or not use certain slang words?

Because when we do talk how we do there are some that may not be able to follow the convo 100% but is that a problem in a casual setting?
What is professional though. If you're team is in the middle of a meeting or briefing, obviously it doesn't make sense to break out your native tongue. In a setting like that communication to all is paramount.
That has happened though which is why I said it was unprofessional
But we are human beings, not robots, meaning people have casual convos at work all the time, probably more so than "professional" ones. If people are in the damn break room chopping it up in another language that has nothing to do with me.
Have u read my posts
I CLEARLY have stated I have no problem with it on break
Just not in the middle of working on something
It's like if I'm chopping it up with something at work who is culturally aligned with myself and we start chopping it up. Am I suppose to damper my New York accent, or not use certain slang words?

Because when we do talk how we do there are some that may not be able to follow the convo 100% but is that a problem in a casual setting?
Bruh read my posts
I’ve explained it fully over 3 or 4 posts
If every person spoke their own dominant race language or have their own, nobody would feel a way. It'll be perfectly normal.

I know a fellow sneaker camper I met and use to see a lot in LA. Light skin black guy. He fluently spoke English and Spanish. He literally told me it's his main conversation starter, especially with the ladies. He would start off talking English and then speak in Spanish when he wanted/needed to.

I cant wait for the day I fully understand & can properly speak Spanish so I can act like I dont know English.

America mainly runs off of speaking English but theres also No Law for someone to use it.

There are several other countries whose main language is English. She can go over there if that's such an issue for her.....
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