Ultimate Karen Vol. Official I Need to See the Manager Thread

So are you two saying that in these situations if you were only verbally provoked that you would escalate it to hands? Or are you saying that if you saw them put hands on someone else/touched you that you would beat them down?

I’m asking because I don’t know the law well enough to know what happens if you’re verbally provoked and then you hit them, if you would still be he held liable for assault. That has to have happened before so I’m sure someone in here has the answer
Man lawyer on deck, call whoever.
I think the law states this:
"If a white person provokes a person of color with verbal assaults, the person of color shall never ever retaliate with words nor with hands. He/she better take it and be thankful for the white person allowing them the privilege of being insulted by a white person. If a black person says hello to a white person, he/she shall be put in jail"

That's the law we live under ain't it?
Wyoming trash. That was the first place I got some direct, in my face racism since moving to the US
It's always a crap shoot when you whoop someones ***. It all depends if they or others call the cops and they want to press charges. If cops showed up to that gas station then 100% they charged her with battery. But in my experiences if a man is talking **** and you knock him out, they typically don't call the cops afterwards out of shame. Calling the cops means he'll have to face what happened again which most men, not all, but most won't do. Most men know how to take the lumps and move on. As long as you don't do enough damage to send them to the hospital cause in that case cops will automatically be called by the staff to show up and take a statement and then the hunt for you begins.

If you put someone in the hospital, they'll charge you with felony battery which is serious. You're looking at possible time. If dude isn't hurt too bad it'll just be a misdemeanor assault and battery. In which case, if you don't have such a bad record you can cop to some community service and some probation and a fine. Otherwise if you got history, depending on the judge, you might have to do a little time even for that.

These would all be WONDERFUL considerations if Equal Justice under Law was actually a thing.

Black people walking = killed.

Black people standing still = killed.

Black people talking = killed.

Black people being quiet = killed.

Black people sitting = killed.

Black people standing up = killed.

Black people following ALL the rules = killed.

Black people simply being Black = killed.

At some point - Black people have realized the the Constitution does not, nor has it ever applied to them.

I always find it amusing when people bring up law and order to a group of people who have never had justice and equality.
I always find it amusing when people bring up law and order to a group of people who have never had justice and equality.
I don't know all about that. I'm just speaking about my experiences bro. I've done time so don't talk to me about the law like I don't know. Foh
She blacked out after chasing the dragon

Drunken stupor, that wasnt the REAL her.

Give her her job back. Shes probably lost with out her parttime gig as a walmart associate
P Present walkingBred walkingBred nawghtyhare nawghtyhare ahat ahat Thanks for the responses guys! I learned something new this morning :lol: I agree that’s you can’t let this **** slide and it’s good to know you can run a fade within reason :smokin

It's all about choosing your battles.

White folks know the game...they invented it after all.

Had a summer job at a fast food place when I was in High School.

Was raised to look out for the elderly / respect my elders.

Senior white couple would come in every Saturday night for ice cream sundaes.

I would give them extra. They'd get in my line and wait for me on purpose.

Had to go out of town.

Came back and the senior white lady upon seeing me said the following:

"We missed you!"

"You always make me and my husband the BEST ice cream sundaes!"

"We were wondering - Where is that nice colored boy?"

She saw my face and froze.

Started apologizing immediately.

I stopped her and simply said - "I know".

Made her and her husband the same sundae I always did.

"I know" didn't mean I know what she meant or forgive her.

"I know" means my parents taught me about the world at a VERY young age.

They taught me who I am, what I am, and who my people are....who my enemy is, what my enemy is, and why my enemy is.

Choose your battles.

NEVER let them have control over your actions / reactions.

Never let them choose the time or place of the battle (they are REALLY good at that).

Other cases went other ways but I won't talk about those here.

Bottom line: Choose your battles. Know yourself. Know your enemy.

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
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It's all about choosing your battles.

White folks know the game...they invented it after all.

Had a summer job at a fast food place when I was in High School.

Was raised to look out for the elderly / respect my elders.

Senior white couple would come in every Saturday night for ice cream sundaes.

I would give them extra. They'd get in my line and wait for me on purpose.

Had to go out of town.

Came back and the senior white lady upon seeing me said the following:

"We missed you!"

"You always make me and my Husband the BEST ice cream sundaes!"

"We were wondering - Where is that nice colored boy?"

She saw my face and froze.

Started apologizing immediately.

I stopped her and simply said - "I know".

Made her and her husband the same sundae I always did.

I know didnt mean I know what she meant or forgive her.

I know means my parents taught me about the world at a VERY young age.

They taught be who I am what who my people are....and why my enemy is.

Choose your battles.

NEVER let them have control over your actions / reactions.

Other cases went other ways but I won't talk about those here.

Bottom line: Choose your battles. Know yourself. Know your enemy.

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
I've read your story 3 times. I still have no idea what it means. Is it the color'd part? How did the couple not know you were a person of color the whole time. Apologies if I'm just missing something and bein stupid
I've read your story 3 times. I still have no idea what it means. Is it the color'd part? How did the couple not know you were a person of color the whole time. Apologies if I'm just missing something and bein stupid
They knew it’s wrong to say “colored”. He said he knew because he knows that’s how they actually talked way back when, so he didn’t necessarily feel the need to go off on them, it wasn’t really worth it. That’s what I gathered from it.
They knew it’s wrong to say “colored”. He said he knew because he knows that’s how they actually talked way back when, so he didn’t necessarily feel the need to go off on them, it wasn’t really worth it. That’s what I gathered from it.
Ok that makes sense - had no idea if they were sorry cause those words accidentally slipped or cause they mistook him for being another white employee for a second and thought they could get away with the word. My bad

"Never saw a Confederate flag on the back of a Mercedes Benz."

- Me
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