Ultimate Karen Vol. Official I Need to See the Manager Thread


surprised Amy’s dog didn’t look like this
Guaranteed she ends the week as a victim crying on TV when she caused all this on her own racist volition :lol: :smh:

Already seeing white knights left and right contorting themselves to defend their fair maidens honor >D

AS THEY SHOULD. She is being verbally assaulted and called a racial slur. Her dog was being mistreated because of the stress she was under.
its cool. we back like we never left

now its @karensgoingwilds, with an 's' lolll

my boy is a cop in long island. man listen. a lotta times cops deal with some violent ****, and depending on where they work, they may see some crazy ****. but man he showed me some calls that were next level stupid. like...someone lost a chicken.

like it ran off.

i didn't even know u can call 911 for that. its the kind of call any normal human being (that doesn't want to abuse their power and/or act violently towards another human being outside of true life or death defense) would question if being a cop was worth it.

cops, service industry, healthcare workers, bus drivers, etc....i swear they really see a level of dumb humans can display that many of us not in those positions to serve the community can be ignorant to. (...unless you have some friends that are like that).

oh and i realize calling the police for a lost chicken is as much as a waste of time as calling cops on someone who fell asleep reading in a library while being black. the latter has potentially life threatening consequences. the chicken story was just the first thing that came to mind when i thought of what's the stupidest thing you can call the cops for.
What a crazy *** *****. Notice at the end when she finally leashed the dog he goes.."thank you!" That **** probably had her fuming even more :lol: also didn't even catch how she pretty much strangled her dog the first time I watched the video. Pathetic racist ***** deserves everything coming to her. Glad the guy is safe and nothing happened to him
She did that **** on purpose so the dog would start barking and making noises that could be heard in the background of that phonecall.

Disgusting *****. They need to charge her. Throw her in the clink so she can really fear for her life
You can't talk to grown men/women the way this **** is talking to him. This is some ******* subtle slavery mentality. **** this dumb broad. The fact someone thinks they own another adult because they're higher on the totempole in an organization....**** this dumb world
You know what I feel like the primary reason things escalated this far for her is because of the dog looking like it was choked up on camera instead of the call to the police for being black. They don’t care about us like that.

didn’t think about this, but it makes sense. I’ve seen a surprisingly high number of white people showing outrage at this situation, and we know how they love their dogs more than human beings.

dog being hurt for a few seconds on video=outrage over the abuser

Black person being hurt/murdered on video=Why was he wearing what he was wearing, he got a citation 5 years ago, he has a middle finger selfie from his MySpace days, he might have said something before the video of him being murdered, wait til the facts come out, etc
didn’t think about this, but it makes sense. I’ve seen a surprisingly high number of white people showing outrage at this situation, and we know how they love their dogs more than human beings.

dog being hurt for a few seconds on video=outrage over the abuser

Black person being hurt/murdered on video=Why was he wearing what he was wearing, he got a citation 5 years ago, he has a middle finger selfie from his MySpace days, he might have said something before the video of him being murdered, wait til the facts come out, etc
THIS type of **** is what I get furious about. People will save an animal and pamper it then go and tell black people that it's not always bout race. FOH
I didn’t even hear about that police killing. I don’t watch the news but yeah **** Minneapolis pd. Probably some of the most corrupt cops in the country.
Oh he's going to prison.
Yep. He should've stepped in BUT it's known there's a hierarchical system in things like the police force, military etc. If the other dude was his senior, the police culture would make it hard for him to step up. That doesn't excuse him being a bystander and not doing the right thing. But this **** happens with white collar crime too - employees not feeling like they can speak up until **** hits the fan. If there were no camera or witnesses and he spoke up, that white police office could easily take away his livelihood, IF he's his senior.

Watch him become the fall guy and then somehow pivoting to the fact he caused Covid. Both are at fault, but the knee bender is the one that should and needs to bear the brunt of this.

EDIT: I retract my statement. That dude has the same arrogant face as if he's getting off on his partner suffocating the man. **** them both.
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Bruh. None of them will go to prison. This is minneapolis pd we’re talking about.

the only reason that cop from Minneapolis went to prison is because he’s black and killed a white yoga teacher from Australia. They didn’t murder a white guy, nothing will happen.
Wasn't it a Minnesota cop a few years back that shot dude reaching for his wallet and the wife caught it all on her cell?
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