Ultimate Karen Vol. Official I Need to See the Manager Thread

What happens in situations where a Karen asks to see a manager and the manager is a Karen herself?
Entitlement overload

That’s because you’re still trying to make about the virus, who’s wrong, who’s right and all that newfangled is vs them ****. How is 1% greater than 99% all of a sudden? Yes, 100k people died, but it’s still 1% of the infected. Emotions don’t change that.
The american mortality rate is 6%. I see math isn't your strong point so I'll tell you that's 6x higher than 1%.
Next time you're going to be smug, actually make sure you're right first.


Check the Laws in your state and call the police on any wild Karens / Kevins.

This harassment has to stop!

Probably wont work but hey...something is better than nothing.

Disorderly Conduct § 18.2-415 The disorderly conduct law in Virginia is narrow and only covers actions that purposely mean to cause public inconvenience, annoyance, or alarm and have a tendency to result in acts of violence by the person at whom the behavior is directed. This is what is known as a “fighting words” law. Since street harassment rarely results in the harassed person fighting back, these laws usually have not been used to address street harassment. But you can still try using to report harassment that annoys or alarms you. If enough people make a case for why it should be used, then it might be applied more often. Disorderly conduct also includes being publicly intoxicated and disrupting the operation of a school or school activity or a government meeting or funeral service. Penalty: Disorderly conduct is a Class 1 misdemeanor and may result in confinement in jail for up to twelve months and a fine of up to $2,500, or both.

Obstructing Your Path Obstructing Free Passage of Others § 18.2-404 In Virginia, it is illegal to unnecessarily block or otherwise prevent someone from entering or leaving a public place or a private property that is open to the public. If a street harasser is keeping you from going somewhere because s/he is physically blocking your way or s/he is in or near the doorway of a building (such as a convenience store) and is harassing you or others, you can report that person. Penalty: Obstructing Free Passage of Others free passage of others is a Class 1 misdemeanor, punishable by up to 1 year in jail or a fine of up to $2,500, or both

Bout to be in these streets like:



Check the Laws in your state and call the police on any wild Karens / Kevins.

This harassment has to stop!

Probably wont work but hey...something is better than nothing.

Disorderly Conduct § 18.2-415 The disorderly conduct law in Virginia is narrow and only covers actions that purposely mean to cause public inconvenience, annoyance, or alarm and have a tendency to result in acts of violence by the person at whom the behavior is directed. This is what is known as a “fighting words” law. Since street harassment rarely results in the harassed person fighting back, these laws usually have not been used to address street harassment. But you can still try using to report harassment that annoys or alarms you. If enough people make a case for why it should be used, then it might be applied more often. Disorderly conduct also includes being publicly intoxicated and disrupting the operation of a school or school activity or a government meeting or funeral service. Penalty: Disorderly conduct is a Class 1 misdemeanor and may result in confinement in jail for up to twelve months and a fine of up to $2,500, or both.

Obstructing Your Path Obstructing Free Passage of Others § 18.2-404 In Virginia, it is illegal to unnecessarily block or otherwise prevent someone from entering or leaving a public place or a private property that is open to the public. If a street harasser is keeping you from going somewhere because s/he is physically blocking your way or s/he is in or near the doorway of a building (such as a convenience store) and is harassing you or others, you can report that person. Penalty: Obstructing Free Passage of Others free passage of others is a Class 1 misdemeanor, punishable by up to 1 year in jail or a fine of up to $2,500, or both

Bout to be in these streets like:


Look at her stance :lol: :lol:
working as a hotel valet in college made me develop a hatred of karens that I will take to my grave
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Again man, some of these middle aged white women are out of control.

Not a video incident but this happened on the other side of town today.

Again man, some of these middle aged white women are out of control.

Not a video incident but this happened on the other side of town today.


Part of the reason why I posted this here, and not in any of the other relevant threads, is to remind people of the origins of the Karen meme.

Yea we're all benefiting from some much needed comedic relief from the meme right now.

But in case any white people aren't aware, or if anyone is just generally confused by the meme, Karen originated from people pushing back against racism and white supremacy and using the internet to broadcast and shame perpetrators.

Before mainstream society decided to join in for the laugh, Karen the social construct was specifically about calling out ordinary Americans for everyday attempts to use white supremacy as a tool to subjugate and police black people in public.

Yes, the meme evolved into calling out the general entitlement and snobby behavior we see far too often from a certain segment of society, but this just a quick reminder that it didn't start a joke, and it will still be here when the joke ends.

I love how dude doubled down and took ANOTHER vid of this lady.

how dumb is Karen? You wanna go viral AGAIN?? Just call the corporate office from home you idiot. Talking bout “yOu POStED tHiS. LEmme sPeAk tO YUr mAnaGEr!” Why? because you’re an idiot and people now know that?

over/under on her coming back after he posted the second video?
Part of the reason why I posted this here, and not in any of the other relevant threads, is to remind people of the origins of the Karen meme.

Yea we're all benefiting from some much needed comedic relief from the meme right now.

But in case any white people aren't aware, or if anyone is just generally confused by the meme, Karen originated from people pushing back against racism and white supremacy and using the internet to broadcast and shame perpetrators.

Before mainstream society decided to join in for the laugh, Karen the social construct was specifically about calling out ordinary Americans for everyday attempts to use white supremacy as a tool to subjugate and police black people in public.

Yes, the meme evolved into calling out the general entitlement and snobby behavior we see far too often from a certain segment of society, but this just a quick reminder that it didn't start a joke, and it will still be here when the joke ends.

I agree but I also think Karen is a racist slur used to perpetuate racism against White women.
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