?uestlove celebrity stories (Last Update PG.6: Benicio D T, Madonna, Rosario Dawson)

@ that pharrell story... I would've been %%%++++ tight if I was ?uest
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

"Eddie Murphy" + Prince story #2


then he opens the briefcase.....

pulls out the most unique skates i ever seen in my life. they were clear skates that not only lights up but when you skate the friction of the wheels to the ground causes sparks to come into your trail....

sorta like the billie jean video for the skating generation.

he did a lap around the rink leaving a rainbow trail of light and sparks in his trail. and the *!%%$ could skate!!!!!

murph caught up with me like

"imma get your phone for you....."




nas story's good. i think quest is lookin 2 deep in2 it tho......its not that nas is salty or ignonrant 4 the sake of ignorance or ego but that i mean cmonurs a drummer! now back thought nas should know but the drummer cmon man. unless nas went 2 a show or sumthin or saw yall perform.....
Originally Posted by EzFlash26

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by EzFlash26

Will's house though? wow!
I needed that insipiration...got damn.

?uest is that dude tho
. His J-Dilla story was
too, made me understand why people feel he's the greatest...


This was posted by ?uestlove a little while ago on the OkayPlayer Message Boards. It's about the creation of the beat for the Black Star track "Little Brother." Enjoy.

Love G. I do agree Dilla was absolutely monsterous on the boards
Originally Posted by celtixhalfshell

nas story's good. i think quest is lookin 2 deep in2 it tho......its not that nas is salty or ignonrant 4 the sake of ignorance or ego but that i mean cmon urs a drummer! now back thought nas should know but the drummer cmon man. unless nas went 2 a show or sumthin or saw yall perform.....

?uest has been the face of The Roots for a lot longer than Thought has, he puts himself out there much more than Black Thought because he's a little lessreserved plus he's a producer of repute as well; Nas should've known who he was.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

john mayer

while working on clarity.

john and i are like two stepbrothers trying to outdo each other.

like mark and john in that scene from boogie nights when they first meet

(i'll admit...he is the reason i use a macbook and said goodbye to my beloved viao)

we were one upping each other on trivia


celeb stories.

and then he killed me....

"i just dumped my gf this morn"

then he showed me a photo.


damn....this cat has options like THAT?



now whos JLH?.......oh snaps it jus hit me jen love hew
Originally Posted by Falcon4567

Originally Posted by celtixhalfshell

nas story's good. i think quest is lookin 2 deep in2 it tho......its not that nas is salty or ignonrant 4 the sake of ignorance or ego but that i mean cmon urs a drummer! now back thought nas should know but the drummer cmon man. unless nas went 2 a show or sumthin or saw yall perform.....

?uest has been the face of The Roots for a lot longer than Thought has, he puts himself out there much more than Black Thought because he's a little less reserved plus he's a producer of repute as well; Nas should've known who he was.

- no disrespect celtixhalfshell but if ?uesto is "just a drummer" to you, you need to step your music game up.no not rap, not r&b, MUSIC. you need to do a lil research on whom you speak my man. im sure you've never heard of James Poyser either.....

Originally Posted by jeyel

good stuff.. post more if you got em ..

- ill try tommorow, but the OG thread is foreal gigantic. so big infact, it will crash your computer...no joke.

- i know he had a story about dodging C. Webb because he was always trying to shop his beats and they was wack. plus a bunch more i havent posted yet.

- i might even post what Rhymefest's stories too.

- on a side note was anyone paying attention to the Iverson story??

- see yall in the am...
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by Falcon4567

Originally Posted by celtixhalfshell

nas story's good. i think quest is lookin 2 deep in2 it tho......its not that nas is salty or ignonrant 4 the sake of ignorance or ego but that i mean cmon urs a drummer! now back thought nas should know but the drummer cmon man. unless nas went 2 a show or sumthin or saw yall perform.....

?uest has been the face of The Roots for a lot longer than Thought has, he puts himself out there much more than Black Thought because he's a little less reserved plus he's a producer of repute as well; Nas should've known who he was.

- no disrespect celtixhalfshell but if ?uesto is "just a drummer" to you, you need to step your music game up. no not rap, not r&b, MUSIC. you need to do a lil research on whom you speak my man. im sure you've never heard of James Poyser either.....

Originally Posted by jeyel

good stuff.. post more if you got em ..

- ill try tommorow, but the OG thread is foreal gigantic. so big infact, it will crash your computer...no joke.

- i know he had a story about dodging C. Webb because he was always trying to shop his beats and they was wack. plus a bunch more i havent posted yet.

- i might even post what Rhymefest's stories too.

- on a side note was anyone paying attention to the Iverson story??

- see yall in the am...

please! i am music. no really. i can go from johnny cash 2 radiohead 2 debussy 2 nasty nas one right after the other no problemo. what i meat by 'just adrummer' is to me the singer/rapper is usually the frontman. i dont watch tv except 4 sports and when my daughter watches dora
so really i cant say i know questlove be out there like that instead of blackthought.....im just basin my opinion that if anyone nas should know black thought since he's the one spittin the whole damn time.

as 4 nas not knowin quest....even if he did i guess it's just him snubbin quest. like 'who are u' which i find to be pretty
pulls out the most unique skates i ever seen in my life. they were clear skates that not only lights up but when you skate the friction of the wheels to the ground causes sparks to come into your trail....
sorta like the billie jean video for the skating generation.

he did a lap around the rink leaving a rainbow trail of light and sparks in his trail. and the #!+$! could skate!!!!!


This sounds just like a Chappelle skit.
- more.....

- the Chris Webber, Jurnee, and Gza stories are good, the others are cool too. read the A. Keys story carefully.....
Alicia Keys

remember the "double trouble" story from TFA?
talib and mos?---actually scratch that....peep the homegrown story.
mos was being mos---late
and somehow talib (unknown to me back then im sorry lol) managed to spit a verse on this song without my knowledge.

so the cats cussed me out cause instead of "messing around with dange'NO i shoulda been in the C room telling kweli he can't be on the song."

dangeNO was not D.

dangeNO was that light skinned chick im always up under in the A room of battery studios.

i had met rapheal s's longtime engineer Gerry during the "what they do" sessions. we got mad cool. so about a year later i saw some xmas lights in a box with some very specific decor that i remembered but couldn't quite place.

so i asked the receptionist "who is in A?" she said the name and i laughed cause damn that sounded like a pretentious #@* name.---but i saw the session sheet and it hit me!

those are the same xmas lights that gerry used in his bay area studio!!!!!!!

sure enough there was his name.

so i walked in



*daps and pounds....*

we talked and talked and talked.....

and then....

(simpsons harp)

she walked in.

(auuuuuuuuuuuwww----the sim....p....sonsssss.........*harp*)

"hey ahmir....met alish....


i won't get into specifics.....but i pretty much neglected the things fall apart album for about 2 weeks cause i was always in her room. picking her brain.....talking about music....and our new favorite discovery of 98: KRISPY KREAMES!


the mix was horrid.

kweli had managed to spit a verse.

i didn't care if mos showed up or not.

i had neglected the highlight of TFA over a chick.

this lasted for about 3 weeks and i just KNEW i was in.....

then.....she mentioned a boyfriend.

3 hour calls turned into "i'll call you back"....

until the fadeout.

i guess now i can also say that she was artist number one in the homegrown vol 2 track 4 story.

we saw each other at Fela 2 weeks back.

it just hit me that we actually were great pals at one point.

guess im the bad guy in this story huh?

RE: but her bio says 1981 quest?

but yet her cosby co star was born in 1979.

nah yo.

that is some shaving courtesy of sir clivester

she is older.

al green

im wild.

i do NOT like al's delivery on "im wild".

i like calm al.

not screaming raspy al.----although i will make an exception for the title track cause it was day one and was off the top and we were on the edge of our seats with the end (put ya.......SHHHHoes!!" hahah)

but he had gotten comfortable with this new voice and i didn't like it.

but telling him that is a whole nother thing.

we all have to have meetings like "who gonna be the bad guy?"

so we let rich be the bad guy.

but al had his own agenda and decided DAMNIT AL GONE DO WHAT AL GONE DO....THIS IS MY VOICE!

sure enough a simple request brought up old demons (he is scared of cee lo and "crazy" and is mad that we would even ask him to sing such a song)--so its quite clear he just wants to be contrary.

so we say "session done" start packing.

al dont like that.....he wants us to squirm and crawl but you cant out reverse psych us......we invented that @%!%.

so now he really mad....

"uh huh....see....see!!!! if yall mother****as put them god damn um um......computers away.....and and and concentrate on the job at hand and do YOUR JOB....and stop worrying about MY JOB you would see that all would fit into uh uh uh uh place!!!!---cause there is only one al green!!!! you go head and sing the part since you think its so easy!!!!"

your right al.

im wrong.....and sorry...

(gets madder!!)

"well next time leave them damn computers alone!!! we dont need that there naw anyhow!!!!!!!!!!"

--cool al.....


multiply this by 3 years and that was the lay it down sessions.

Lord Chris Webber

Web would stalk me for DAAAAAAAYs wanting me to hear his beat tape after sixer games. i would even avoid some games just to avoid it altogether.

Tina Knowles

lange did about 5 shows at the HOBs this year.
i went to the one she did with Lyfe.
we were in her dressing room with her moms
(btw......the photo on her iphone cover is moms at 27)

COT DAMNY!!!!! (c) tracey morgan.


pop knowles comes in the room and doesn't seem to notice i was standing in the corner so he SLAMS (accidently) the door open---

@%!% hits my nose HAWD....

she screamed (tina) "you are hurting him!! someone is behind there...."

i played it off like i wasn't hurt.

i was...

but i didn't want lange nor her mom to think i was a punk.

played it off....til i got home and was like "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!"

spike lee

spike was cool enough to lemme sit next to him in 2001 for the knicks vs kings game (white jesus was on fire that day even though kings lost) we then went to his upper west side crib (COTDAMMMMMMY) to watch the super bowl. all the cast of characters in his films came by (like all the italian cats from jungle fever's soda shop).....man...i ate so friggin much i caught the itis. but i was too embarrassed to let anyone see food put me in a coma. so spike let me sleep in his writing room which has this awesome big #@* catchers mit couch. his pop culture collection is CRAZY, scripts from other films and artifacts from his films. he let me nap til 1am....lol

Jurnee Part One

i'll say that the two people that i will feel for the most if barack loses will be kal penn (harold and kumar fame) and jurn.

those two campaign so hard for him i would be none surprised if they both ran for office in 2024.

she singlehandedly started my real career in the world of politics.
i made some comment on how i want to live up to my rep and really do more politically based things but had no clue on how to start.

she laughed.
told me to pick her up at 4.



we been going at it for rack for the last 8 months. both together and separate. initially i wanted to do laymen work: make calls, get sandwiches, pass flyers, register people.---not the celeb tv/radio @%!%....

well all that changed 3 weeks ago. she told me i was speaking in the inner city to the youth about registering (she has that rudy "buuuud" @%!% going on where she TELLS you what you are going to do and like a dummy you be on some "how high?!" @%!%.---

i mean she dont know philly dont $#%$ with us, nor the hood, or kids.....she was like "these are your points *cracks whip* STUDY! *cracks whip* we getting up at 9 dont be online all night cause we got troops to recruit!


much like her character on GDs jurn that whole day would be on some MLK/X jesse @%!%:

grabbing the mic and screaming like a preacher:

ladies and gentlemen we ARE in a state of emergency (sista soljahs voice)
our brothers and sisters are falling by the wayside!!!!
(preach sista)
these republicans dont care about you!!!!!!
dont care about me!!!
*well well!!!*
dont care about yo momma!!!!
*yes sista!!!*
this is THE MOST crucial time ladies and gentlemen!!!!!!!!!
(twinny twin twiiiiiiiiiiiiiin!!!)

--after that 10 minutes fired up speech then she be like "AND NOW A FEW WORDS FROM THE BROTHER, MR QUESTLOVE OF PHILADELPHIA'S ROOTS CREW!!!!! GIVE IT UP!!



"um....(this thing on?)....um....what she said...."


Jurnee Part Two

i forgot!!!

my best jurn story was

AFTER campaigning in cali at venice.

we drove to orange county to catch No Country For Old Men (only theater in town playing it)

after the flick we went to Borders to get some books and stuff.

i got a call from my manager and it looked like it was going to be a lengthy convo....

so i pulled over and took the call cause i didn't wanna get pulled over for talking on the phone while driving.

wasn't no rap. we talked about the grammy jam and i said i'd hit him up when i got to room.

well...two secs later flashing lights.

these +*%%*%% drew their guns and told both she and i to get out the car.---jurn tried to turn her hidden video camera on but wasn't quick enough....

so here we are....

sprawled out on out car hood like cuba gooding in boyz in the hood i was like "oh my god.....we are dead.....or better yet I AM DEAD cause if her oldest bro catches wind of this HE is gonna kill me.

they put us both in the back of the paddy wagon while they searched my car left and right.

we are actually laughing at the irony of this situation.

then....our wrost nightmare.

they tried to open the trunk:

?: jurn.....what is the likely hood that the cops are going to believe that all those psychology books and the scrabble game is ours?

j: good question, its not like they believe that blacks like a mini coop.

?: god, for my sake i pray they dont go in that trunk....or we are DEAD.

---they tried for 5 mns and gave up.

let us go afterwards. tried to explain that i pulled over at a mini coop dealership so naturally they thought i stole it.

that whole ride was silent on the way back.

THAT is when i decided to do something about it and campaign for barack.


as stated in that method man post i have not met any wu members at their peak. i forgot gza was my labelmate.

this story actually starts with mars co-op (clones)

this mofo meets odb on south street and chills with em.

anywho, im on the way home from a party and on some "no country for old men" @%!% i come into a pitch dark crib and then *clicks light*


me "auguuguhg!!!!"
him "auugughghgugh!!!"

who are you?!

"true born..."

the hell you doing in my house?!?!?!!

"mars dropped me off"

how did he let you in my crib?!?!

"he let me in the crib"

BUT HOW!?!?!?!?!

"he let me in...."

you know that funk that is so bad it actually smells good? my living room smelled like chocolate brownies.

he told me the story at how odb lost him and he's trapped in philly and he needs at least tomorrow to get a chinatown bus back to staten island.

he looked like a wu **$%! and ALL NIGHT he was on some "yo son im getting my deal im in a bidding war with either epic or a&m....."


this was a classic hanger on story and a PRIME reason why you NEVER hear about me and my crew. only crew you EVER see me with are cats who have a REASON for being there. i SWEAR i HATE hanger on cats cause of THIS scenario.

a hanger on dude (mars is STILL holding on to clones) giving another hanger on dude MY place to crash (never told me how he got in the crib) and now i gotta listen to a bunch of @%!% talking and lies and name dropping for the next 24 hours.

he needs my phone for his manager

(an artist with no cell?)

he needs a lift to bustation

(an artist and no car service account?)

he needs to go to western union for money

(an artist with no credit card)

he needs to borrow money cause his manager cant western union him the money)

--trya get rid of dude now...

$#%$ it....ill take this 40 buck lost.

3 days later....

eating lunch in geffen...

gza walks in...

"naw dukes we don't know no true born....."

i aint forgive mars SINCE
I'm in a bad place emotionally after reading about the Charlie Murphy and Ashy Larry show that could've been.
- more......

intro to film tarrentino style

"lemme tell you something playboy. i live that lifestyle. my man loved yall dusty +$+%$#. he had real love for yall. yall *$$@ on my mans. he was the reason brooklyn loved yall +$+%$#. see i do real things like %@%% 3 #$++$!$ at a time. i do *$$@ like spread love and buy out the bar. my life is fab my man you hear me?---no no no no dont you look at the ground look me in the eye like a man....

i do REAL *$$@ playboy.

real *$$@."

-sean puffy combs backstage at the wetlands to ahmir thompson for an underground/commercial summit meeting tween me tip mos, him and 13 big guys.


opening film.

we had spent a majority of 96-97 in europe.

big had spent late 96 getting back at all who dissed him on wax (jeru got a pass cause primo intervened for "playin ya self"), pac (dilla made the beat but they ixnayed it) ogc (the story the d and d engineer told me of this revenge act was something out of new jack city and i am AMAZED this story never got out)---he had made it known he was looking for us too for the "what they do" video. which he assumed was us dissing him for THINKING he was dissing us on "flavor in your ear" (both parties are wrong)

anywho....he passed away and we made our return to the states in april of 97.

tip invited me to roll with him to go to our OG black lily spot wetlands to watch this new kid in action named mos def to lyricist lounge. i was like "sure"! (had only known mos for his stint with de la on stakes album.)

he played me some demos from the new tribe album (OG version of "against the world>>> album version of against the world)

so we get there and its packed to the hilt.

tip hosts and brings up some noteables.

so the Mos is introduced next and he KILLS it with his intro and his overall friendly and joking manner onstage.---we aint seen a mofo this nice since the fresh prince talk to an audience. that within itself made him instantly engaging.

so he says he is working on a collaborative project called black star and he wants to do an acapella cut for us before he leaves.

now again

it is MAD crowded.

this is my first night in america since march 9th.....really since "what they do" was on the air.

Once upon a time not long ago
When people wore Adidas and lived life slow
When laws were stern and justice stood
And people was behavin' like hip-hop was good

(he is taking gaps in between his spoken word so we understand his lyrics and emphasis)

There lived a little boy who was misled
By a little Sha-tan and this is what he said
"Me and you kid we gonna make some cash,
Jackin' old beats and makin' the dash..."

(we INSTANTLY knew this was gonna be classic......*grabs popcorn*)

They jacked the beats, money came wit' ease
But son, he couldn't stop, it's like he had a disease
He jacked another and another, Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder
Set some R & B over the track for 'Deep Cover' (187!)
The kid got wild startin' actin' erratic
He said "Yo, that presidential I got ta have it..."

(oh *$$@! WE KNOW WHO HE TALKING ABOUT!!!!!!!)

With liquor in his belly son, he made up the track
But little did he know that his joints was wack

(--he repeated it one more time for the hearing impared)

ut little did he know that his joints was wack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The shiny A & R said "Great new hit G!"
"Whenever you need a loop, yo come get me..."
The kid got amped and he starts to figure
"I'm-a get dough like all-a these otha #%+*$!!"
So, he's in the studio workin' 'round the clock
For pop radio, jacked the beat to 'Planet Rock'

(we are HOWLING. like HOWLING WITH ROAR BY NOW mos is like "shhhhhhhhh!")

Was out in the street when he met this sister
Who couldn't sing for shhhh but the mix wit' her sister
Hooked up the track and in excitation
He decided he'd head for the radio station
But (But!) he was runnin' and he made a left
Was skeezin' at top speed and ran into Mos Def
I slowed the young man down and I started: "Yo money,
Yo, why you sellin' lies to our wives and children?"

(we let out a "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *$$@!!!!")

He ran upstairs up to the top floor
Opened up the door then guess what he saw? (Who?)
JANE the chickenhead radio host
Who be yappin' 'bout beef between east and west coast
He said "This one's a bullet, you got ta give it run!"
The chicken said "Thanks." and spanked it #1

(everyone is still laughing.....mos is waiting so he can drop this lil gem on us)

He went outside, was gettin' props all over
Then he dipped into his ride, the 4-point Rover
Raced up the block doin' 83
Some cats with Hennessey saw him at a R-E-D
He winked his eye like his star status mattered
They rat-a-tat-tatted to make his blood splatter
"You rockin' crazy ice and all you do is cling static
And rollin' down to Brooklyn late night is problematic..."
His eyes was bloody red, he hung on every word they said
They told the kid "Back down, that playa *$$@ is dead."


Deep in his heart, he knew he was gone
But he grabbed his 45 and decide to blaze on
Wit' shades on founded had him astounded an'
Before long, the young man got surrounded
Those grabbed the guns, so goes the glory
And that is the way I got ta end this story
He was out chasin' cream and the American dream
Tryin' to pretend the ends justify the means
This ain't funny so don't you dare laugh
It's just what comes to pass when you sell your @*!
Life is more than what your hands can grasp

Good Night!

he held this bboy freeze


and we HOWLED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I HIGH FIVED!!! (yo that is that *$$@)

I YELLED (tell the truth my brother!!! tell the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

ME AND TIPS BOY WAS SO ELATED WE HUGGED!!! (man hip hop is a beautiful thing)

I WAS SO BESIDE MYSELF!!!! I 360'd the ROOM!!!!!!!!

a 2 minute applause!


*turns my body to walk to the bar area to get a water and then....

go to 8:24

that was the picture perfect zoom of

turning my body from the stage to say excuse me to the guy standing right behind me to go to the bar.

except it was puff.

and he watched EVERY moment of my cheering mos on.

puff was 14 deep.

i literally said to myself "my god im about to get mo betta'd up in the alleyway"

Dame Dash

my favorite moment came when trying to convince jay lemme freak the "me and my +@%!!" line in song cry at the garden show.

dame was blown away like he saw the potential for hip hop right then and there.

so come show time he RAN and got puff during this song so they could hear that flip.

they BOTH did the dice dance to this when we did it lol.

however the next go round for the radio city shows for reasonable doubt were not so fortunate.

we took a dinner break so that jay could watch the game at his favorite eatery (my god the shrimp!) and i happened to see the infamous Dash van outside.

i was like "oh *$$@......."

i thought i was gonna be like a first hand witness to some real rap beef *$$@ (by this point cam was bucking shots with dame co signs)---but they just past each other by like they didn't know each other.


Bone Thugs

1995 MTV Awards

i forgot what is was that we were doing in nyc, but we were staying at the then niko (man if you were blessed enough to be in the game early 90s then the niko hotels---japanese designed joints---were HEAVEN SON!)

this was the mtv year MJ kissed lisa marie. i think rosanne was in our hotel too.

anywho i remember our first "minion" moment in hip hop came courtesy of bone.

they was riding high off the "crossroads" video and was SO feeling themselves. i made a late night Mcd run and i got in the elevator and it was the 4 of em some BAD @*! jawns (95 redbone standard) and security.

ive been in the game long enough to know when someone is clowning you and when someone aint.

all i remember is these mofos was tryna "stan" me cause i was rocking an afro similar to theirs. that was a Loooooooooong @*! trip down to the lobby (stops in between made that *$$@ feel like it was forever) and they were talking some inside speak *$$@ that obviously was directed towards me.

cut to 2007.

ill NEVER EVER forget that moment and seeing them in the phx airport (they had show in philly) brought back ALL them memories. of course they didn't remember but dont think i wasnt gonna use this prime moment in time to be on some get back.

i made sure me and riq had the bulk head seats as to gloat about first class status vs Bone's sudden "tables are turned" stuck in coach position when we got on plane. i wanted to be the first seated so by the time they got on they'd catch the vapors!

so much that dream turned out to be....

at luggage claim can you believe one of them boys told us how much he liked "the sick and tired" song with anthony hamilton?

Bobby Brown

most of yall remember grammy weekend when at our Twas The Night Before The Grammies Jam i managed to pull of the impossible (much to someone's chagrin) and reunite (imo) P's best POST paisley park project for their first show in 20 years.

actually their 2nd show in 20 years.

The Family Reunion.

since we were holding rehearsals in burbank (really spying cause a pal told me of sly and the family stone rehearsing for that strange grammy reunion at that same location) both the roots and the family decided to rehearse at this spot too. it was state of the art with 20 large soundstages for full blown stage productions (usher and stevie wonder were flanked next to each other) and some smaller spots for smaller bands too. and it was spread out an entire city block. (like so large you needed a gold cart to travel)

so i told my guys take 15 so that i could get rehearsal footage for my blog.

i started shooting once i was in the parking lot en route to the family room.

so im outside walking doing this long @*! drawn out production

"ladies and gentleman, once upon a time a 14 year old copped a cassette from an unknown band put together from the leftovers of another band (the time) and some additions (wendy's twin sister suzannah ---the object of all of p's best love songs from 84-88, and eric leeds the younger brother of tourmanger alan leeds on sax)......so im going on and on and i realize just how big this lot is....over 40 airport hanger/rooms and its grammy weekend so ALL these spots are preoccupied. so this "15" i called will be more like 30 cause this was turning into the Seinfeld parking lot episode when they all got lost.

i make my way to the receptionist and she says "go to lot 32".

so en route i start again with the camera

"ladies and gentlemen we have a man on a mission to find his "Family"......"

well i see the building with 32 on it and i see a long hallway with 20 doors

and there are no signs so i start with the furthest door and check each one with camera running as to not miss a thing.

*ladies and gentlemen i present THE FAMI--empty room--
*walks to next door down the hall....empty....

this becomes a running joke when suddenly i hear voices in the 13th door.


camera running.

get in the mindframe of that lil kid in beauty shop with his video camera making every moment count cause he knows he is about to hit paydirt:

"ladies and gentleman no amount of empty doors will ever stop me from finding one of the funkiest bands of the 80s, this being their second rehearsal for their second show EVER--i have been waiting for so long *sees door* to present to you people one of the most loved *hand on door knob* pet projects that prince has ever given to the world *twists the knob to open only to see the second sound proof door*--most of you love the song they birthed before it became sinead o'conner's staple "nothing compares 2 u"---*pushes the door in* most of you didn't know they did it *turns the corne----OH MY LORD 8 BIG BLACK +$+%$# HUDDLED AROUND A TABLE AND *turns around in a panic* %@%% WAS *running* THAT BOBBY BROWN doing what look to be lik----*runs for his life!!!*

(voice from inside "EYH!! WHAT THE %@%%?!?!?!?) in that ice cube jd's gafflin "jack them #%@$#%%!!@*%% for their nissan trucks" country accent i will shoot now and ask questions later voice)

*leaves gold cart on the premise and runs like hell cause for all those cats knew i was tmz looking for footage to shoot and sure enough while in the safety of my room from across the lot (which i got in the door in the NICK of time) i saw like 5 big @*! cats scoping the parking lot looking for whomever that was with the camera spying on bobby.

this was the ONLY time i was glad that black people did NOT know the roots.

RE: i mean they COULDA been looking at

his extensive tour itinerary
or a blueprint to his house in beverly hills
or monopoly.

im just saying

9 dudes huddling a table and they see this camera in the door first before they saw me.

and based on that country "HEY!"

i was running for my life cause i knew this could NOT be explained AND believed with a straight face.
Can you explain this one to me? I get lost in the end. Is Mos talkin about Diddy?

intro to film tarrentino style

"lemme tell you something playboy. i live that lifestyle. my man loved yall dusty +$+%$#. he had real love for yall. yall *$$@ on my mans. he was the reason brooklyn loved yall +$+%$#. see i do real things like %@%% 3 #$++$!$ at a time. i do *$$@ like spread love and buy out the bar. my life is fab my man you hear me?---no no no no dont you look at the ground look me in the eye like a man....

i do REAL *$$@ playboy.

real *$$@."

-sean puffy combs backstage at the wetlands to ahmir thompson for an underground/commercial summit meeting tween me tip mos, him and 13 big guys.


opening film.

we had spent a majority of 96-97 in europe.

big had spent late 96 getting back at all who dissed him on wax (jeru got a pass cause primo intervened for "playin ya self"), pac (dilla made the beat but they ixnayed it) ogc (the story the d and d engineer told me of this revenge act was something out of new jack city and i am AMAZED this story never got out)---he had made it known he was looking for us too for the "what they do" video. which he assumed was us dissing him for THINKING he was dissing us on "flavor in your ear" (both parties are wrong)

anywho....he passed away and we made our return to the states in april of 97.

tip invited me to roll with him to go to our OG black lily spot wetlands to watch this new kid in action named mos def to lyricist lounge. i was like "sure"! (had only known mos for his stint with de la on stakes album.)

he played me some demos from the new tribe album (OG version of "against the world>>> album version of against the world)

so we get there and its packed to the hilt.

tip hosts and brings up some noteables.

so the Mos is introduced next and he KILLS it with his intro and his overall friendly and joking manner onstage.---we aint seen a mofo this nice since the fresh prince talk to an audience. that within itself made him instantly engaging.

so he says he is working on a collaborative project called black star and he wants to do an acapella cut for us before he leaves.

now again

it is MAD crowded.

this is my first night in america since march 9th.....really since "what they do" was on the air.

Once upon a time not long ago
When people wore Adidas and lived life slow
When laws were stern and justice stood
And people was behavin' like hip-hop was good

(he is taking gaps in between his spoken word so we understand his lyrics and emphasis)

There lived a little boy who was misled
By a little Sha-tan and this is what he said
"Me and you kid we gonna make some cash,
Jackin' old beats and makin' the dash..."

(we INSTANTLY knew this was gonna be classic......*grabs popcorn*)

They jacked the beats, money came wit' ease
But son, he couldn't stop, it's like he had a disease
He jacked another and another, Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder
Set some R & B over the track for 'Deep Cover' (187!)
The kid got wild startin' actin' erratic
He said "Yo, that presidential I got ta have it..."

(oh *$$@! WE KNOW WHO HE TALKING ABOUT!!!!!!!)

With liquor in his belly son, he made up the track
But little did he know that his joints was wack

(--he repeated it one more time for the hearing impared)

ut little did he know that his joints was wack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The shiny A & R said "Great new hit G!"
"Whenever you need a loop, yo come get me..."
The kid got amped and he starts to figure
"I'm-a get dough like all-a these otha #%+*$!!"
So, he's in the studio workin' 'round the clock
For pop radio, jacked the beat to 'Planet Rock'

(we are HOWLING. like HOWLING WITH ROAR BY NOW mos is like "shhhhhhhhh!")

Was out in the street when he met this sister
Who couldn't sing for shhhh but the mix wit' her sister
Hooked up the track and in excitation
He decided he'd head for the radio station
But (But!) he was runnin' and he made a left
Was skeezin' at top speed and ran into Mos Def
I slowed the young man down and I started: "Yo money,
Yo, why you sellin' lies to our wives and children?"

(we let out a "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *$$@!!!!")

He ran upstairs up to the top floor
Opened up the door then guess what he saw? (Who?)
JANE the chickenhead radio host
Who be yappin' 'bout beef between east and west coast
He said "This one's a bullet, you got ta give it run!"
The chicken said "Thanks." and spanked it #1

(everyone is still laughing.....mos is waiting so he can drop this lil gem on us)

He went outside, was gettin' props all over
Then he dipped into his ride, the 4-point Rover
Raced up the block doin' 83
Some cats with Hennessey saw him at a R-E-D
He winked his eye like his star status mattered
They rat-a-tat-tatted to make his blood splatter
"You rockin' crazy ice and all you do is cling static
And rollin' down to Brooklyn late night is problematic..."
His eyes was bloody red, he hung on every word they said
They told the kid "Back down, that playa *$$@ is dead."


Deep in his heart, he knew he was gone
But he grabbed his 45 and decide to blaze on
Wit' shades on founded had him astounded an'
Before long, the young man got surrounded
Those grabbed the guns, so goes the glory
And that is the way I got ta end this story
He was out chasin' cream and the American dream
Tryin' to pretend the ends justify the means
This ain't funny so don't you dare laugh
It's just what comes to pass when you sell your @*!
Life is more than what your hands can grasp

Good Night!

he held this bboy freeze


and we HOWLED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I HIGH FIVED!!! (yo that is that *$$@)

I YELLED (tell the truth my brother!!! tell the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

ME AND TIPS BOY WAS SO ELATED WE HUGGED!!! (man hip hop is a beautiful thing)

I WAS SO BESIDE MYSELF!!!! I 360'd the ROOM!!!!!!!!

a 2 minute applause!


*turns my body to walk to the bar area to get a water and then....

go to 8:24

that was the picture perfect zoom of

turning my body from the stage to say excuse me to the guy standing right behind me to go to the bar.

except it was puff.

and he watched EVERY moment of my cheering mos on.

puff was 14 deep.

i literally said to myself "my god im about to get mo betta'd up in the alleyway"
Originally Posted by So4i5

Can you explain this one to me? I get lost in the end. Is Mos talkin about Diddy?

- yeah. Mos has a rep for not giving a single solitary ____. the significance of the story was all the tension between the roots and diddy camp at the time, inwhich ?uest says the song "what they do" was more abut diddy than Big. they come to the gig to see Mos, he disses Puff along the same lines"What they do" did and Puff was right there looking at them the whole time cheer Mos on.

Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

Wait holdup......Alicia Keys was the inspiration for Break You Off?

- did you read the Bilal story on the first page?? that'll give you a
, at least it did me.
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by So4i5

Can you explain this one to me? I get lost in the end. Is Mos talkin about Diddy?

- yeah. Mos has a rep for not giving a single solitary ____. the significance of the story was all the tension between the roots and diddy camp at the time, in which ?uest says the song "what they do" was more abut diddy than Big. they come to the gig to see Mos, he disses Puff along the same lines "What they do" did and Puff was right there looking at them the whole time cheer Mos on.
Thanks bruh.
Mos Def is that dude. ?uest seems like achill person.
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