Uber Driver killed by 13 and 15 yr old in DC

Most poor people aren’t violent criminals. Folks mobbing through Neimans and Sally’s to steal products aren’t doing that to survive and feed their family. This is a mentality issue. A lack of respect for others, lack of guidance or poor guidance growing up.

If you talk to teachers or folks in education, they’ll tell you the best time to develop good behavior for these kids is before middle school. Some of these kids are well past influencing.

Lock these kids up while we wait on the policies to go through that’ll help “future them”. The folks not into that ******** can sleep better and focus on living a modest life where they can.
No one is saying not to punish criminals. We just want them not to get to that point in the first place.
We're not but we have to call a spade a spade. People are more likely to marry individuals of a similar education level and socio economic status, Black women of all demographics are the least likely to date outside of their race.

If we have a surplus of black women who are educated and not enough black men on the same playing field of equal socio economic status this is what we get.

So then the question becomes one of results.

If Black Women are using their degrees to stand on just to look down on Black Men = results.

If Black Women are using their degrees to stand on to uplift Black Men = results.

I know Black women who make well over 6 figures and are broke as a joke but have designer clothes, nice cars, and nice houses, but are single parents to multiple children and can't keep a man to save their lives. :lol:

IJS we have to consider the results.

What use is a degree if you don't have the awareness to build a nest before laying eggs? Even a bird knows that. :lol::smh:
Thats fine, but some posters are definitely trying to side-step saying we should punish the criminals being posted.

What poster said that.

No poster has said that.

So then the question becomes one of results.

If Black Women are using their degrees to stand on just to look down on Black Men = results.

If Black Women are using their degrees to stand on to uplift Black Men = results.

I know Black women who make well over 6 figures and are broke as a joke but have designer clothes, nice cars, and nice houses, but are single parents to multiple children and can't keep a man to save their lives. :lol:

IJS we have to consider the results.

What use is a degree if you don't have the awareness to build a nest before laying eggs? Even a bird knows that. :lol::smh:

My man you're dodging indisputable facts to bring up an anecdotal Cardi B caricature that is broke but has enough paper to be a home owner, and have multiple cars that we can neither confirm nor deny. But if she does exist what's the socio economic status of her children's fathers? I'd bet the house she didn't find multiple high earning black men to make her a single mother. How is it her fault they're broke?

This isn't even a black thing, it's a western civilization dating fact. If you're a man and you're broke or don't provide value of any kind you are going to get looked down on. No woman of any race wants a man that can't provide. It is what it is, get money or some Vaseline.

- People date and marry people of the same race, and socio economic status.
- If there is more BLACK women getting educated than black men, where are these eligible bachelors going to come from? This is also considering the fact that of all demographics BLACK women and ASIAN men having the biggest challenges with dating outside of their race.
-Women as a whole don't date down. Go to any PWI graduation (specifically nursing) and look at how many white women are leaving college with a ring on their finger. This isn't a mistake.

I just don't agree it's a woman's job to uplift you as a man, your father should've instilled that ambition and importance of work ethic in you as a child and if you didn't have that father figure this world isn't going to care. Better figure it out or be lonely /date women no one else wants.
Man be quiet…..talking about enslaving black children. These same black children are VOLUNTARILY enslaving themselves by committing armed robberies, armed carjackings, and worse yet MURDERS against other black people. Would you say that same enslaving garbage to the VICTIMS of these crimes committed by these so called children?? Speaking of black children voluntarily enslaving themselves……..

Glad they finally got his ***. Tell me tomdiginson tomdiginson ….what specific preemptive program would help this bad *** kid that not only at the tender age of 15 killed 1 person but tried to kill another kid on a crowded bus?? Name the program champ??

This Baby K kid is a terrorist…..there’s simple no other way to view him as. That might be a harsh word or reality for folks to understand on here but it is what it is. He created fear in the black community…..if he was white and did what he did we would label him the same. Let’s keep the same energy for those that deserve it. Whoever he stayed with while he was on the run and his momma and them should ALL be locked up as well. They helped create the violence that Baby K put the community in.
Do you expect these programs to magically eliminate youth crime entirely or something? :lol:
Even more ironic is that excessive prosecutions in the war on drugs played a large role in aggravating poverty, lack of education and broken homes.

I’m not suggesting someone like that Baby K kid and whoever aided and abetted him shouldn’t face prosecution. However as the war on drugs showed, prison isn’t some sort of magic wand that’ll keep these kids in check.
Prison does not address the root causes of crime, only its consequences.
Said what? I’m saying some poster is avoiding/side-stepping answering questions about what should be done to the 15 yo that killed a girl and attempted to murder another student.

I'm asking what poster. @ them. I know I didn't say it, tomdiginson tomdiginson didn't and neither did TooOlfForThisIsh TooOlfForThisIsh didn't. I just want to know what NT user in this thread has said that a 15 year old killer should not be punished for his crimes.
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I'm asking what poster. @ them. I know I didn't say it, tomdiginson tomdiginson didn't and neither did TooOlfForThisIsh TooOlfForThisIsh didn't. I just want to know what NT user in this thread has said that a 15 year old killer should not be punished for his crimes.
You’re not understanding my statement. tomdiginson tomdiginson is not stating that Baby K SHOULD BE punished for his crimes. You can start here and read the rest of the exchange with deuce king deuce king
You’re not understanding my statement. tomdiginson tomdiginson is not stating that Baby K SHOULD BE punished for his crimes. You can start here and read the rest of the exchange with deuce king deuce king
What are you talking about? I did not say people who break the law shouldn't be punished. You just tuned into the thread and started making up assumptions. Go back on the sidelines cause you're clearly not ready for this adult conversation. We've been in here trying to rationalize with deuce king deuce king for the longest.. We're talking about solutions to prevent them from getting on the path of breaking the law. He's in here stroking fear to put black kids in prison. He's a step away from saying to shoot them on-site without cause.
What are you talking about? I did not say people who break the law shouldn't be punished. You just tuned into the thread and started making up assumptions. Go back on the sidelines cause you're clearly not ready for this adult conversation.
Oh then maybe that's my misunderstanding. So you can you clarify for me, should Baby K receive jail time for his crimes?
Oh then maybe that's my misunderstanding. So you can you clarify for me, should Baby K receive jail time for his crimes?
I don't know what a baby K is, but if they are out here killing people, then of course. What other obvious questions do you need me to answer?
What poster said that.

No poster has said that.

My man you're dodging indisputable facts to bring up an anecdotal Cardi B caricature that is broke but has enough paper to be a home owner, and have multiple cars that we can neither confirm nor deny. But if she does exist what's the socio economic status of her children's fathers? I'd bet the house she didn't find multiple high earning black men to make her a single mother. How is it her fault they're broke?

This isn't even a black thing, it's a western civilization dating fact. If you're a man and you're broke or don't provide value of any kind you are going to get looked down on. No woman of any race wants a man that can't provide. It is what it is, get money or some Vaseline.

- People date and marry people of the same race, and socio economic status.
- If there is more BLACK women getting educated than black men, where are these eligible bachelors going to come from? This is also considering the fact that of all demographics BLACK women and ASIAN men having the biggest challenges with dating outside of their race.
-Women as a whole don't date down. Go to any PWI graduation (specifically nursing) and look at how many white women are leaving college with a ring on their finger. This isn't a mistake.

I just don't agree it's a woman's job to uplift you as a man, your father should've instilled that ambition and importance of work ethic in you as a child and if you didn't have that father figure this world isn't going to care. Better figure it out or be lonely /date women no one else wants.

Undoisputable Facts? Word?

All hail King Washed! Keeper of Undisputable Facts. Kneel before the Fact Keeper for he has spoken! :lol:

Cardi B is married to her child's Father, Mr. Facts. :smh:


Why do you describe Black men as "broke/not providing value"?

What does any of your Black Man bashing/pitting Black men against Black women have to do with the facts shown in the chart?

The anecdote/woman I'm talking about knows who she chose and why. There are PLENTY of good, educated, professional black men in these parts (DMV) that she could have chosen to marry/have kids with vs becoming a single parent to multiple children, spending her money unwisely, and living beyond her means with a generally negative disposition towards relationships with men.

The larger point: So what if Black Women collect more degrees than Black Men? What are the results?

Has it resulted in the strengthening of our families? Are any fewer Uber drivers being killed by 13 and 15-year-olds because Momma got a degree?

Getting some real feminist vibes going on right now. :smh:

Perhaps in your view, Black Women shouldn't uplift Black Men but a wife should surely uplift her husband.

I think we are talking about different things.

If you want to fight a gender war then so be it, you're the kind of folk I don't have any business engaging with.

I'd rather spend the energy with folks that want a different result.

Finally -

When it comes to Black educational achievement based on gender, the numbers really don't support your theory:

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Undoisputable Facts? Word?

All hail King Washed! Keeper of Undisputable Facts. Kneel before the Fact Keeper for he has spoken! :lol:

Cardi B is married to her child's Father, Mr. Facts. :smh:


Why do you describe Black men as "broke/not providing value"?

What does any of your Black Man bashing/pitting Black men against Black women have to do with the facts shown in the chart?

The anecdote/woman I'm talking about knows who she chose and why. There are PLENTY of good, educated, professional black men in these parts (DMV) that she could have chosen to marry/have kids with vs becoming a single parent to multiple children, spending her money unwisely, and living beyond her means with a generally negative disposition towards relationships with men.

The larger point: So what if Black Women collect more degrees than Black Men? What are the results?

Has it resulted in the strengthening of our families? Are any fewer Uber drivers being killed by 13 and 15-year-olds because Momma got a degree?

Getting some real feminist vibes going on right now. :smh:

Perhaps in your view, Black Women shouldn't uplift Black Men but a wife should surely uplift her husband.

I think we are talking about different things.

If you want to fight a gender war then so be it, you're the kind of folk I don't have any business engaging with.

I'd rather spend the energy with folks that want a different result.

I'm now a feminist with you RustyShackleford RustyShackleford

They took my chelseas b.
What poster said that.

No poster has said that.

My man you're dodging indisputable facts to bring up an anecdotal Cardi B caricature that is broke but has enough paper to be a home owner, and have multiple cars that we can neither confirm nor deny. But if she does exist what's the socio economic status of her children's fathers? I'd bet the house she didn't find multiple high earning black men to make her a single mother. How is it her fault they're broke?

This isn't even a black thing, it's a western civilization dating fact. If you're a man and you're broke or don't provide value of any kind you are going to get looked down on. No woman of any race wants a man that can't provide. It is what it is, get money or some Vaseline.

- People date and marry people of the same race, and socio economic status.
- If there is more BLACK women getting educated than black men, where are these eligible bachelors going to come from? This is also considering the fact that of all demographics BLACK women and ASIAN men having the biggest challenges with dating outside of their race.
-Women as a whole don't date down. Go to any PWI graduation (specifically nursing) and look at how many white women are leaving college with a ring on their finger. This isn't a mistake.

I just don't agree it's a woman's job to uplift you as a man, your father should've instilled that ambition and importance of work ethic in you as a child and if you didn't have that father figure this world isn't going to care. Better figure it out or be lonely /date women no one else wants.

Pretty much all of what you said is true….just when it comes to us as black people, the nuance &multi-faceted nature of the problem doesn’t allow for a linear logic train the way you’re putting it. The men that these educated women would be looking for on their level are few and far between because the majority were spawned from single moms…those same guys grow up to perpetuate the cycle and the women who also are raised by single moms not only don’t know how to wearily avoid these guys, they SEEK them. (Again single parenthood when it’s the mother in our community because of all the factors like SES is catastrophic). This where the fallacy of monogamy really truly hurts us especially in this day and age/circumstances.

And the mindset, mold, etc that is the unworthy guy not worthy of marrying the “educated” black woman is celebrated and glorified by our entire culture and especially by the same black woman that will complain about the guys not being worthy.
Ah another person caught who got called out on their BS who now has to call a Black men racist and use homophobic terms since they know they’re in the wrong. Let me go ahead and hit that report button. Happy Wednesday.

If they are out here killing people, then of course.
If they are out here killing people, then of course.
If they are out here killing people, then of course.
If they are out here killing people, then of course.
If they are out here killing people, then of course.
Do you expect these programs to magically eliminate youth crime entirely or something? :lol:
Even more ironic is that excessive prosecutions in the war on drugs played a large role in aggravating poverty, lack of education and broken homes.

I’m not suggesting someone like that Baby K kid and whoever aided and abetted him shouldn’t face prosecution. However as the war on drugs showed, prison isn’t some sort of magic wand that’ll keep these kids in check.
Prison does not address the root causes of crime, only its consequences.

Actually quite the opposite champ. I expect the youth to eliminate crime……if that’s what they want. That being said believe it or not the kids that have been posted in here VOLUNTARILY want to go to jail, so I say give them what they want.

Every kid, or article that I and others have posted on here clearly illustrates how said juvenile committed a heinous act. Once that article is posted and someone such as myself or others suggest jail there’s some “let’s give them a second chance/business program activist” that basically doesn’t want any juvenile to go to jail…..no matter how bad the criminal offense. Even still nobody has a specific answer or response to deal with the Baby K character….even after knowing he has killed once before and tried to kill again. A business program ain’t helping that kid, folks is wasting time suggesting otherwise. Jail is mentioned for SPECIFIC kids that have already committed in most cases multiple felonies.
I don't know what a baby K is,

See right here folks……..prime example of some “let’s give them a second chance/business program activist” that’s clearly uninformed and arguing just to argue and not aware of what’s taking place. This is the kind of guy you don’t want on side if you want to win.
Lock up never prevented that person or anybody around em from committing more crimes…That can’t be the only solution because it doesn’t work
See right here folks……..prime example of some “let’s give them a second chance/business program activist” that’s clearly uninformed and arguing just to argue and not aware of what’s taking place. This is the kind of guy you don’t want on side if you want to win.
So you consider locking up black youth as some type of game that you have to win? Yikes.
Did Fam just call another man for help after all that "manhood" talk? :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Ain no one calling for help 😂. Your whole rebuttal didn’t have any backing. You just called me a feminist.

EYE thought it was hilarious being called a feminist for using facts to back my argument. I thought us as men were able to articulate our points w/o letting our personal opinions sway us from the evidence supported.

I'm not even a feminist, but I'm not going to pander this women are always wrong bs either. I hold everyone accountable regardless of gender or sex.
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