Uber Driver killed by 13 and 15 yr old in DC

I answered you, but your simple *** didn't realize that. Go re-read my post. As I stated before, you keep talking about the after, when the suggestions were the before. The suggestions made were to challenge the ones in existence. Some of them aren't even proactive. They are reactionary.

You've been in here rambling for months, tap dancing for the closet racists on niketalk. Don't you realize they are liking your post and egging you on cause they think you're a fool?

Where did you answer my direct questions about the Baby K killer asked towards you??
Unless/until we get back to this:


The results aint gonna change.

"They" killed James Evans off for a reason.
Baby K is definitely going to get convicted as an adult.
I don’t see how people advocate for juveniles that commit part one offenses and give them “excuses” as to why they do these things. I don’t have no sympathy for anyone no matter age or race that do these part one offenses, NONE. Let them burn!
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juveniles as terrorist.. cmon bruh :lol:

kids probably make up under 10% of all total crime. and hella less are violent ones.

y'all read the news/internet too much.
juveniles as terrorist.. cmon bruh :lol:

kids probably make up under 10% of all total crime. and hella less are violent ones.

y'all read the news/internet too much.

How would you describe THIS specific juvenile in question Baby K?? Read the article below…..what word or words best describe him.

How would you describe THIS specific juvenile in question Baby K?? Read the article below…..what word or words best describe him.

he's a menace but terrorist, nah. he'll be out in 25. **** they let that crazy lil boy from the 90s out last year
he's a menace but terrorist, nah. he'll be out in 25. **** they let that crazy lil boy from the 90s out last year

I hear ya champ. Even the word “menace” connected to this juvenile Baby K seems a little light-hearted but if that’s the word you would use to describe him so be it.

The mother of the school bus video feels differently…..hence why she is in “FEAR”. Video below.

I just wish they’d take guns out of these kids hands, and make them throw hands until their tongues are hanging out. Lil dude definitely a shooter. Let another kid put hands on him and see what he really about. These scoundrels quick to grab a gun because they scared to shoot the fair one
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I just wish they’d take guns out of these kids hands, and make them throw hands until their tongues are hanging out. Lil dude definitely shooter. Let another kid put hands on him and see what he really about. These scoundrels quick to grab a gun because they scared to shoot the fair one
Word make ‘em fight and they’ll be looking silly like Ant and Davey.
Word make ‘em fight and they’ll be looking silly like Ant and Davey.

The way I grew up, you earned respect from your hand usage. I know I’m 35 so I’m a old head but damn. Gunplay was not huge during my youth. Guns were rare amongst kids.

We all just threw hands and either pieced it up and kept it moving. You always had that one prideful dude who could never win a fight and always wanted a rematch :lol:
I just wish they’d take guns out of these kids hands, and make them throw hands until their tongues are hanging out. Lil dude definitely a shooter. Let another kid put hands on him and see what he really about. These scoundrels quick to grab a gun because they scared to shoot the fair one
Can’t do that without using your own gun though.
In DC, I don't think there is a shortage of, "business programs" for these young folks to get into.

I don't thinkbthr LACK of extra curricula activity is the issue.

Folks are struggling financially and when that happens bad decisions are made. I think it's that simple.

How we ever fix that is a separate issue. I can't see it ever happening though, things are the way the puppet masters designed them to be.

There will be another Baby K, and another, and another, and another.

Dude will still be up here screaming about imprisoning children like that's going to fix the issue. Everyone with a brain knows the biggest driving factor behind crime is poverty and the path of least resistance outside of poverty is education. Education doesn't just mean sending kids to traditional 4 year colleges after graduation. Trade pathways need to be added back to public schools, HVAC, beauty school, plumbing, mechanic, carpentry. There is no reason any high school graduate should be walking across that stage without a college acceptance letter, joining the military, or some form of trade.

We need an entire public education overhaul and that responsibility falls on the federal government, too much of public school funding is reliant on state and local taxes. Public schools now are even more segregated now than they were in the 1960's. A child's probability of being a law-abiding citizen is too heavily reliant on their spawn location.

Which means we have nice big rich white schools, and run down majority black schools just like before. But once again some people don't really want to fix the issue.
Even if you overhaul the public school system the same socio-economic issues will still be present. Unless we find a way to make schools more intertwined with the everyday life of parents and families.

I just don't know how much fixing schools will really do for the overall issues we face.
Folks using the word “POVERTY” a little too loosely around here. There’s a big difference between actual poverty and not being able to shop at Gucci and Louie for example. With that being said most of these so called poverty families are self imposed due to their own individual failures. How can anyone help you if you aren’t willing to help yourself. Momma has 4 kids by 3 different baby daddy’s……self imposed POVERTY.

In the meantime in between time while folks are wasting time talking about business programs, and a government overhaul that won’t take place and ain’t taking place I say continue keep locking these little bastards up…..confine them in any jail or hole in the wall spots with bars on it that we can find and clean up the community that way in order to handle business.
Unless/until we get back to this:


The results aint gonna change.

"They" killed James Evans off for a reason.

P Present said it as clear as possible above..…..just as I did several pages back. WE aren’t fixing anything in our community until WE get back to the actual foundation of the black family. Husband, wife and kids. Anything else leads to a path of destruction and failure. Bottom line, until black women see the value in black men and create a family with 1 black man we will be in total chaos as a community.
Exactly Fam.

It was planned to be like this.

We all know the USG/private industry has always incentivized the destruction of the black family using any means necessary from slavery itself to financial aid programs (Section 8, corrupt law enforcement, economic warfare (redlining/joblessness), war on drugs, war on crime, etc.

Most folks don't realize that while the Civil Rights Movement was going on, the Feminist Movement was going on.

White feminists realized they needed Black and Brown women to advance their agenda and invested heavily to that end but they really got things going during the Civil Rights Movement / after integration.

White racist feminists convincing single black women that "They don't need no man" under the guise of "empowerment/freedom" was a brilliant strategy that perfectly aligned with the USG/private industry's goals. Daughters of the Confederacy indeed. :lol:

The numbers aint lying.




The foundation of any community, culture, environment, society, etc is the family unit.

Anything built on a broken foundation is bound to fall.

IMHO it's too late to undo what has already been done.

Best to stay out of the way, mind your own business, let it play out, practice self-defense, and live your best life in the process.

Eventually, it will turn around if things get bad enough.

Hopefully, by then there will be enough left to save.
Hmm, so the war on drugs and culture of incarcerating black men may have played a role in the destruction of black nuclear families?

So more prison for more people might actually create social problems? Who knew?
Even if you overhaul the public school system the same socio-economic issues will still be present. Unless we find a way to make schools more intertwined with the everyday life of parents and families.

I just don't know how much fixing schools will really do for the overall issues we face.

There is no" quick fix". You can't quick fix generations of damage in one day. The reasons schools are not intertwined and important with the families is because they themselves also are not educated. A childs first teacher is their parent. No matter which way you cut it the most logical and tangible action that can be done is to fix the educational system.

But once again this only matters if people WANT to make a change rather than just punishing criminals and building bigger and more prisons.

-People with more education are more likely to get married and stay married, that's a fact.
-People with more education on average earn more than those without.
-Children with parents who are college educated are also more likely to attend a 4 year university

If people in this thread REALLY care about the nuclear family beyond using it as a scapegoat to throw shots at women they would also state the importance of education.

Like you said at the end of the day people are financially struggling, I for one believe the welfare system and handing out money does anything more than create more problems and damage. HOWEVER if you teach a man to fish.....
Hmm, so the war on drugs and culture of incarcerating black men may have played a role in the destruction of black nuclear families?

So more prison for more people might actually create social problems? Who knew?

Good point.

The percentage of incarcerated Black men has been in decline for 20 years or so yet in that time, the number of unmarried Black men has grown at its fastest rate since 1980.

It's going to take time to undo what has been done.

Either way, criminals should still be prosecuted/incarcerated and the racist Justice System should be reformed.

Both can be true in my mind.
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The percentage of incarcerated Black men has been in decline for 20 years or so yet in that time, the number of unmarried Black men has grown at its fastest rate since 1980.

Black women are running laps around black men academically. That's your answer to that one.

If we're going to talk about what women are not doing we have to keep the same energy for men.
Black women are running laps around black men academically. That's your answer to that one.

If we're going to talk about what women are not doing we have to keep the same energy for men.

I didn't realize we were competing against each other :lol: :smh:
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I didn't realize we were competing against each other :lol: :smh:

We're not but we have to call a spade a spade. People are more likely to marry individuals of a similar education level and socio economic status, Black women of all demographics are the least likely to date outside of their race.

If we have a surplus of black women who are educated and not enough black men on the same playing field of equal socio economic status this is what we get.
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