True Life: I'm homeless

Im not criticizing his situation

Just his priorities.

Ive been thru the struggle...but i got my *** up out of it.
Op has a car....he can get a job.

And i really honestly hope he gets it together.


This is hella ignorant.. dude talkin like OP been in this situation for months asking us for donations and help to get him off the streets but chooses not to get a job.

When OP posted this thread he was just about to get homeless, and he was preparing himself by asking for tips. This was meant to be a way for him to vent and get advice on issues he would be facing along the process of recovering his life. Then all the trolls came around questioning things and attacking OP acting like they needed to know details about the causes of his situation.

If he was asking for money, I could understand. But all he's asking for is some positive encouragement and some tips if anyone's been there.

To finalize my thoughts on his car, even if it was a BMW I don't think it would matter considering he said he lost both of his jobs (I think he said he had two) and he has a savings to help with daily necessities, so selling it would do more damage than help if he needs it for an interview or an opportunity that comes up.
Worked with many homeless individuals in the social service field for many yrs. To be actually homeless is to isolate yourself from mainstream society and dive into a world where you live on the streets worry free of what society wants from you. OP seems SOL but can choose to dive into the world of homelessness. It's your choice OP. Just don't lose your sense of self and security famb. Stay up!
You should ask that girl to let you get some yambs in the whip OP.
Why would OP sell his car if he still has a savings? He's not at absolute $0, nor does he need a certain amount of $ for his situation to be rectified. Selling the car, in the middle of winter with no other solidified housing option, would be a big mistake.

OP hasn't asked for money, and because of his pride has actually forgone asking for help. He still has a savings, he just doesn't feel comfortable spending any money on housing until his legal situation is cleared up. It does not make sense to go through the trouble of selling a car when everything could be good in as little as a month. It takes time to sell a vehicle anyways, so unless OP is at absolute $0 or needs the extra money, it would be a waste of time to try to sell the car when he could be working a temp job or taking care of his legal issues.

All yall dudes catching feelings about OP having a nicer car than yall should go back to the first few pages. OP had multiple jobs before his issues started. Maybe you should work harder if his car invokes jealousy and anger. Him falling on temporary hard times is not telling of his character or his priorities, it just means he got sidetracked. Possibly by something out of his control. Thats how life works.

OP, you continue to have my support man. Hope everything is going well with the legal side of things.
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Also he has a car payment. It's not like he's going to sell the whip and keep the money. He still has to pay the bank back and he'll keep the left overs. I swear most nt'ers got to be the most dense people ever. Either that or 90% of the place is under 16.
I created a Go Fund me for OP. PM me your first and last name and email address OP so I can make it so you can withdraw the $$..
Also he has a car payment. It's not like he's going to sell the whip and keep the money. He still has to pay the bank back and he'll keep the left overs. I swear most nt'ers got to be the most dense people ever. Either that or 90% of the place is under 16.

I think its both. Thats why i dont even try to debate with people on here. Say your piece then let them talk so you can see who is an idiot.
Also he has a car payment. It's not like he's going to sell the whip and keep the money. He still has to pay the bank back and he'll keep the left overs. I swear most nt'ers got to be the most dense people ever. Either that or 90% of the place is under 16.

I think its both. Thats why i dont even try to debate with people on here. Say your piece then let them talk so you can see who is an idiot.

I feel the same. I'm not going to argue with people who clearly don't have not much going on up there or have no idea how the world works.
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Bruh...Tebow you just made my day. That **** is hilarious.

Going through all the comments, thank you to those sticking up for me and putting some sense in these trolls heads.

When im on wifi, ill have to check living in car vids. And ill have to check out that reddit thread
Bruh...Tebow you just made my day. That **** is hilarious.

Going through all the comments, thank you to those sticking up for me and putting some sense in these trolls heads.

When im on wifi, ill have to check living in car vids. And ill have to check out that reddit thread
I'm glad it made u laugh. How was ur day? People need to contribute to the go fund me.
So living in a vehicle is an accepted lifestyle for some people. Peep..

Is that gofundme official or what
I'm waiting for OP to send me his first and last name and email address. So he'll be able to withdraw any money donated to the page. I've donated $5 so far. It's an active page now though.
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