Tom Brady On Anthony Smith (NFL Live)

A "REAL" man would have decked him for that regardless of penalty,
CRAFTSY21- seems your a little bitter about yesterday or all the times the PATS have beat pitt. let me just say something to you about a rematch. thesteelers are NOT winning in FOXBORO if they make it that far. your defense did not show up and what makes you think they will show up in the playoffs. troy orno troy. your not winning here.
also the colts will beat you before you ever make it to foxboro. your qb can not play on the level of brady either. only manning can compete. thats my take onthe steelers.
Originally Posted by JoRDaN201

Originally Posted by damianglass

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Brady is THAT dude, how many QBs got enough swag to go into defenses faces?
Swag nothing, he'd get put down so quick. He's luck Harrison had enough sense to not drop him on the spot.

Swag nothing? Name me another QB that would get in defenses faces like that.

I could care less either way, but to answer your question...Brett Favre.
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by JoRDaN201

Originally Posted by damianglass

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Brady is THAT dude, how many QBs got enough swag to go into defenses faces?
Swag nothing, he'd get put down so quick. He's luck Harrison had enough sense to not drop him on the spot.

Swag nothing? Name me another QB that would get in defenses faces like that.

I could care less either way, but to answer your question...Brett Favre.

Word. I forgot about him. No one else though. Maybe Vick if he was still in the league.

I think teams excel if you show that type of energy once in a while. If you see Brady doing that, you know the game means something.
Originally Posted by AssistantSupervisor81

Originally Posted by MART1N PAYNE

yea he went in on dude, said he only starting cause of injury
ESPN perfectly complimented the audio with video of dude gettin' burned by moss and (dare i say
) Jabar gaffney
It's funny because the only reason Brady got to play was because of Drew Bledsoe getting injured.

Brady would have started sooner or later, the staff was already skeptical of Bledsoe prior to the injury. He just got to start sooner.
Originally Posted by koolbarbone

Originally Posted by AssistantSupervisor81

Originally Posted by MART1N PAYNE

yea he went in on dude, said he only starting cause of injury
ESPN perfectly complimented the audio with video of dude gettin' burned by moss and (dare i say
) Jabar gaffney
It's funny because the only reason Brady got to play was because of Drew Bledsoe getting injured.

Brady would have started sooner or later, the staff was already skeptical of Bledsoe prior to the injury. He just got to start sooner.

As was the case with almost every single big name quarterback in the League. Word to Favre.
Seriously - brady is lucky to be alive, i thought it was going down when Harrison bumped into him in the endzone as he was running his mouth... i would've gladly seen harrison thrown out if he would've jacked brady up a little bit, ol boy is getting way too full of himself lately.. he better be watching over his shoulder if they get a rematch in the playoffs.
i find the talk about hurting brady halarious. It was the steelers who ran their mouth with all that guaranteeing talk and they got showed up. Any "retaliation" because Brady smoked em would just be classless and unsportsmanlike. Brady let his game do the talking, steelers didn't. takeyour Losses like a man.

At the end of the day, Brady gets the last laugh with the W.
I'd like to see Brady try that @!@$ against the Jets. Watch ya knees son, Mangini and the Jets might come at ya
Originally Posted by rockme11

CRAFTSY21- seems your a little bitter about yesterday or all the times the PATS have beat pitt. let me just say something to you about a rematch. the steelers are NOT winning in FOXBORO if they make it that far. your defense did not show up and what makes you think they will show up in the playoffs. troy or no troy. your not winning here.
also the colts will beat you before you ever make it to foxboro. your qb can not play on the level of brady either. only manning can compete. thats my take on the steelers.

Dawg... find me one place where i ever said the steelers were going to win this weekend... i NEVER said it, i said for weeks now.. hell, for MONTHS, that weweren't going to win this game - i described in detail why... and it was exactly how the game played out.

Trust - I ain't talking my team up, I'll leave that to you dudes. The facts are this - we ran at will against you, you guys passed the ball 35straight times, and two of your TD's came on broken coverage by a guy you are all making fun of as being a 3rd stringer... so what happens when we get our1st string pro bowl safety defensive leader back and the weather takes the air out of the ball? How a reasonable person can't understand why that mightspell trouble for you guys is beyond me... but keep stroking belichik/brady guys... it's all good.

I come in here to defend anthony smith because he's catching flack for something that didn't even happen - you guys act like he was really talkingsomething when he wasn't. I tell you that brady needs to be careful running his mouth like that in my guys faces because a few of them are half-pyscho andwould glady try to suplex dude for saying the wrong thing... And you guys act like "he salty, oh damn he salty!! saltysaltysalty!"...
It's just ridiculous.. most of you sound like you're 12 years old onhere, and maybe you are, maybe that's the problem.. But the pats fans that i know are reasonable have all pretty much agreed with what i'm saying, soi'm here to tell you guys, it's YOU who need to look in the mirror. Quit calling me out over things that aren't what you make them out to be... getover yourselves. You beat us.. we all agreed you would? Why so insecure?
Brady let his game do the talking, steelers didn't. take your Losses like a man.

so far from the truth.. have you not realized what this post is about? Brady is talking right now.. he was talking last week, and the week before that.. he was talking DURING the game this week. He's a **** talker likeeverybody else, take him off the pedestal already chief.
13 weeks we've been hearing this and guess what?
it's all good...they can go 16-0 and lose once and nothing will matter..I think something similar to the Colts game when Manning broke the TDrecord will unfold
Yeah Brady talks smack...but he backs it up. And in yesterday's case, it was in retaliation from Smith getting loud in warmups, which is fine. Hedoesn't take it overboard, like Rodney Harrison sometimes does. I think it's fine, and again, as long hes backing it up on the field.
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Yeah Brady talks smack...but he backs it up. And in yesterday's case, it was in retaliation from Smith getting loud in warmups, which is fine. He doesn't take it overboard, like Rodney Harrison sometimes does. I think it's fine, and again, as long hes backing it up on the field.

i got no beef with you deadset.. you're pretty cool headed about it all and i appreciate it.
so far from the truth.. have you not realized what this post is about? Brady is talking right now.. he was talking last week, and the week before that.. he was talking DURING the game this week. He's a **** talker like everybody else, take him off the pedestal already chief.
The point is, Brady has the right to talk.

This dude Anthony Smith had the right to speak his piece, and he did. He said that he thought Cincy WR's were better than NE's. His opinion, but heput it out there. He put out all that talk about winning this, guaranteeing that. Not exactly the type of guarantee you usually hear or whatever, but he stillput stuff out there.

So now Brady did what he did yesterday, and today's HE'S talking. Ain't nothing wrong in that.

He was speaking the truth since the game ended. How they've played better safeties than Smith. Truth. How he was airing it out over his head and such.Truth.

Tom definitely got that swag.

He talks mess, but week after week, TD after TD, the numbers are right there along with his talk.
Originally Posted by franchise3

so far from the truth.. have you not realized what this post is about? Brady is talking right now.. he was talking last week, and the week before that.. he was talking DURING the game this week. He's a **** talker like everybody else, take him off the pedestal already chief.
The point is, Brady has the right to talk.

This dude Anthony Smith had the right to speak his piece, and he did. He said that he thought Cincy WR's were better than NE's. His opinion, but he put it out there. He put out all that talk about winning this, guaranteeing that. Not exactly the type of guarantee you usually hear or whatever, but he still put stuff out there.

So now Brady did what he did yesterday, and today's HE'S talking. Ain't nothing wrong in that.

He was speaking the truth since the game ended. How they've played better safeties than Smith. Truth. How he was airing it out over his head and such. Truth.

Tom definitely got that swag.

He talks mess, but week after week, TD after TD, the numbers are right there along with his talk.

Never denied any of what you just said... seriously, does anybody actually read what's being said on here? The guy said tom does all his talking withhis play... i pointed out all the instances where that's a blatant lie, that he talks with his smug+!%% mouth all the time, pre-game, in-game, post-game...sunday through saturday. Yes he backs it up, but don't act like he's mr. clean out there, the thread itself is about HIM TALKING.

goddamn - ST's IQ goes right down the crapper every year this time of the season.. i swear.
Brady= Michael Jordan of football right now. MJ was notorious for his trash talking back in the day. The both of them can back it up. It's part of thegame--get into your opponents head psychologically. Smith was shook for the rest of the game. They purposely burned him on every play. I wouldn't besurprised if this fool gets a sports psychologist and is coaching highschool ball in like 2 years after that*+@%-whooping.
Something tells me Brady wasn't saying the same things to James as he was to Anthony...


"I don't care to repeat it, especially if my mother reads it," said Brady in response to a question about his exact words to Smith. "She wouldn't be very happy with what I said."
Wow Tom, what a badass...
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by franchise3

so far from the truth.. have you not realized what this post is about? Brady is talking right now.. he was talking last week, and the week before that.. he was talking DURING the game this week. He's a **** talker like everybody else, take him off the pedestal already chief.
The point is, Brady has the right to talk.

This dude Anthony Smith had the right to speak his piece, and he did. He said that he thought Cincy WR's were better than NE's. His opinion, but he put it out there. He put out all that talk about winning this, guaranteeing that. Not exactly the type of guarantee you usually hear or whatever, but he still put stuff out there.

So now Brady did what he did yesterday, and today's HE'S talking. Ain't nothing wrong in that.

He was speaking the truth since the game ended. How they've played better safeties than Smith. Truth. How he was airing it out over his head and such. Truth.

Tom definitely got that swag.

He talks mess, but week after week, TD after TD, the numbers are right there along with his talk.

Never denied any of what you just said... seriously, does anybody actually read what's being said on here? The guy said tom does all his talking with his play... i pointed out all the instances where that's a blatant lie, that he talks with his smug+!%% mouth all the time, pre-game, in-game, post-game... sunday through saturday. Yes he backs it up, but don't act like he's mr. clean out there, the thread itself is about HIM TALKING.

goddamn - ST's IQ goes right down the crapper every year this time of the season.. i swear.

You nitpick at the littlest things when it comes to Brady and the Patriots.

Does Brady talk? Sure. But like how did on NFL Live today, all day everyday? Get outta here.

Nobody in this thread all of a sudden went
look at good ol' TomBrady talk like the way he's talking today. Gee willikers!!

And the other poster who posted that Brady backs up his talk with his play, meant just that. Brady talks, but unlike a Smith who talks, Brady backs it up withnumbers/his play.

Nobody in this thread is
as if this is the first time we're hearing Brady talk.

because we don't get to hear what's being said on the field, in thegame. We hear Brady talk but he usually doesn't rip into guys like how he did on NFL Live today.

Again, you nitpick at the littlest things when it comes to the Pats and the Steelers.
^^DAMN salty, he burned the Steelers so bad just give it a rest. He was talking smack to both of those dudes equally. Acting like he's afraid
It's a regulated game not a street fight, you can say whatever you want without having to worry about violent repercussions that extend beyondwhat happens while the ball is in play.
Dude Craftsy stay salty at the world.

Salty at the Brady and the Pats everytime they win. Refs this, injuries that. Don't act like Brady doesn't talk smuck this. Refs that. We ran all overyou guys this. Softest team ever if they win the Super Bowl that. I wish somebody would rock Brady this. New England isn't going undefeated that. ETc. etc.etc. to the etc.

Something tells me Brady wasn't saying the same things to James as he was to Anthony...
See what I mean? Who says this kinda stuff?


Patriots won. Steelers lost.

Life goes on.
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