Told ex I miss her but she just assumes I'm running game.....

Oh last week she told me to bring my new dog over because its mad cute. I sent her a pic of it. But thats the first time she ever asked to "hang out" if you can call it that. But I felt wack to take a cab to her spot fifteen blocks away so she could see my dog when ive been trying to ill for weeks and nada. I had already had plans for a bopper to come thru too so it was an easy ignore
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welp... sounds like she's keeping you around so when something goes wrong with the other guy, she'll have you to fall back on..
someone said it before. if she wants you, she'll show it. This aint a life time movie, B... you're not about to serenade her into getting back with you...
while you're over here worried about her, she's not worried about you until you arent there...
you need to keep in moving, my dude... keep getting your new yambs, and when she's ready, she'll let you know...
as far as the text messages, you aint gotta be THAT cold blooded with it. :lol: just let her know that you got a lot on your plate... you know she's doing her, and whenever she's ready to take you serious, let you know...
bong... no more worries about her wavering...

How does a girl that's prob cautious to show her cards around you "show it"?
welp... sounds like she's keeping you around so when something goes wrong with the other guy, she'll have you to fall back on..
someone said it before. if she wants you, she'll show it. This aint a life time movie, B... you're not about to serenade her into getting back with you...
while you're over here worried about her, she's not worried about you until you arent there...
you need to keep in moving, my dude... keep getting your new yambs, and when she's ready, she'll let you know...
as far as the text messages, you aint gotta be THAT cold blooded with it. :lol: just let her know that you got a lot on your plate... you know she's doing her, and whenever she's ready to take you serious, let you know...
bong... no more worries about her wavering...

how does a girl that is no doubt cautious to show her cards around you for fear you're just toying with her like you toy with every other girl "show you" she has feelings? I'd assume she'd never put herself out there unprovoked but I could be wrong..she'd have to know I was serious before she jumped out the window, id think
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Oh last week she told me to bring my new dog over because its mad cute. I sent her a pic of it. But thats the first time she ever asked to "hang out" if you can call it that. But I felt wack to take a cab to her spot fifteen blocks away so she could see my dog when ive been trying to ill for weeks and nada. I had already had plans for a bopper to come thru too so it was an easy ignore

that was your opening right there...but you passed it up for some 4sure bunns that you could get anytime. you just talking game homie, you not serious about getting back in shorty good graces.
how does a girl that is no doubt cautious to show her cards around you for fear you're just toying with her like you toy with every other girl "show you" she has feelings? I'd assume she'd never put herself out there unprovoked but I could be wrong..she'd have to know I was serious before she jumped out the window, id think
cuz she's a damb girl...

not too many instances where if a girl wants a guy, it doesnt happen. she's not going to say "oh, i'm ready"...

but when she starts trying any way to see you... or laughing at every thing you say... or them yambs are EXTRA GOOD... or she's super encouraging of you... or throws hints that she's lonely, then there it is...

she'll know you're serious when whenever she tries to deal with you, you're focusing on bettering yourself, and not worried about on the scene, or in new yambs...

"i'm about to hit the gym" "i'm studying for this test" "i'm about to put in some overtime at work" "i'm trying to set up an interview with this company"...

this like that show that you're grinding, not worried about her, but also not worried about other yambs too...
She'll respond to my texts. Sometimes even drunk text me stuff that makes me think she misses me. She absolutely won't answer my phone calls. What is that about? No boyfriend I know that for a fact.

:rofl: I'm sorry... but crap like this crack me up! Yeah buddy... you go ahead and think that.

Whether a steady boyfriend or getting smashed on the regular. Her vagina is getting split one way or another.
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Her friends see me out so they know I'm out with cold females..but I text her to try and get something going and it doesn't seem to materialize. Like I said she did ask me to breeze thru with my new puppy but I already had plans and thought that was mad weak that she only initiated a meet up because of a damn dog, a cute dog but still..taking a cab to go see some girl that has been stiff arming me for the longest
Relationship ended because she heard I was a player..It wasn't anything OD like cheating..after we parted ways she texted me she loved me and stuff..she still yhinks about me but is heavily guarded and doesn't wanna be made to look like a fool
Stop putting her on a pedestal when she's only an obstacle. F that bird. Better yourself. Cut her off completely and move on. Its obvious you're lying about "cold females". If you had a stable of bad biddies you would pay no mind to ol' girl.
Stop putting her on a pedestal when she's only an obstacle. F that bird. Better yourself. Cut her off completely and move on. Its obvious you're lying about "cold females". If you had a stable of bad biddies you would pay no mind to ol' girl.

Took the words outta my mouth. He need her back cuz the "cold females" aint dishing out.
She's probably afraid to trust you bec chances are she'll get hurt again. I mean the only thing to do is try and prove yourself to her.
You guys are wrong. If I was thirst id admit it, we on an anonymous message board. Her friends see me out, they obviously report back to her im still attractive and still getting bad chicks..but that may just reinforce what she thinks of me, in a bad way....

I'll cut her off like you guys say but I know she'll hit me up in a week or two, what do I respond with at that point?
She's probably afraid to trust you bec chances are she'll get hurt again. I mean the only thing to do is try and prove yourself to her.
Thats my problem right now...just saw my ex this past wkend, she barely said a word to me. It was a pretty cold break up, I dont want to get back with her I just want to make amends for how it all went down , if thats even possible. I know she still cares about me but she has her guard allllll the way up, which is understandable.

In your situation OP, if you really want to be with her you're gonna have to be the one to take that extra step.. . YOU have to to prove it to her. Dont expect her to put herself out there, that will never happen. She already dropped a hint by telling you to come by and you blew it, I doubt she'll give you another opportunity you're gonna have to do it yourself.
Thats my problem right now...just saw my ex this past wkend, she barely said a word to me. It was a pretty cold break up, I dont want to get back with her I just want to make amends for how it all went down , if thats even possible. I know she still cares about me but she has her guard allllll the way up, which is understandable.

In your situation OP, if you really want to be with her you're gonna have to be the one to take that extra step.. . YOU have to to prove it to her. Dont expect her to put herself out there, that will never happen. She already dropped a hint by telling you to come by and you blew it, I doubt she'll give you another opportunity you're gonna have to do it yourself.

this man gets it
You guys are wrong. If I was thirst id admit it, we on an anonymous message board. Her friends see me out, they obviously report back to her im still attractive and still getting bad chicks..but that may just reinforce what she thinks of me, in a bad way....

I'll cut her off like you guys say but I know she'll hit me up in a week or two, what do I respond with at that point?

Bruh you gotta do you. Personally I'd tell her how I felt, and ask if she feels the same way. If not I'd tell her we should cut ties, cuz I couldnt remain in a friendship with those feelings.
People got in her ear and told her I was a player.. she felt dumb like I conned her or something and deaded it. She'll get drunk and text me she has feelings for me but it never materializes..we've texted more lately but idk..she might just be toying with me. Still refuses to answer my calls idk what the hell that's about like my spoken word is that ether or something
Thats my problem right now...just saw my ex this past wkend, she barely said a word to me. It was a pretty cold break up, I dont want to get back with her I just want to make amends for how it all went down , if thats even possible. I know she still cares about me but she has her guard allllll the way up, which is understandable.

In your situation OP, if you really want to be with her you're gonna have to be the one to take that extra step.. . YOU have to to prove it to her. Dont expect her to put herself out there, that will never happen. She already dropped a hint by telling you to come by and you blew it, I doubt she'll give you another opportunity you're gonna have to do it yourself.
Maybe its best if you just left it alone. Sometimes things are better off unsaid especially if you dont want to get back with her.

I agree with everything you said regarding op. You have to put in the effort and prove to her that you want to be serious and not just writing her or whatever because your bored.
You guys really think her telling me to bring my dog over was legit? It was like 11 p.m. on a Tuesday and I literally had a girl on her way over already. I assumed once I asked where her new place was she would have stiff armed me. Hard to take her too seriously ya dig..
if you really serious about getting back with her and tired of her just texting then when she does tell her she needs to call you and stop entertaining her with texts cause it sounds like she running game and if that is the case just dead her man too many women to deal with stuff like that
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