To those attending a university, do you have any classes with or see star athletes on campus?

though I can't say I knew about Camby's academics specifically...

One of the ECon teachers at my school said she was his tutor back in the day and said he was the only player on the UMass BBall team that actually cared abouthis grades.

Anyway I go to Towson, we have a crappy I-AA football team so the football players are just regular guys around here. I'm only a Freshman but I'vebecome good friends with a kid on the basketball team. He's dropping like 13 a game off the bench. We just did our final presentations today and we goingout to celebrate! *pause* Most of the time I party with the baseball team and have become good friends with a handful of the players. Sometimes I do just sitthere and laugh when they're running around half naked faces covered in Peanut Butter yelling, and I think damn... These are Division I athletes.
I took ECON with a bench player. Dude wore his windbreaker jump suit every damn day. I tried to figure out who he was. I finally did when I saw him on thebench during GMU's Final 4 run a few years back.
When I was at LSU on scholarship I lived on the second floor of a three story apartment complex and on the top and bottom floors were 4 LSU football playersliving in each apartment. We got to know them pretty well and on Cinco de Mayo they came to our apartment and got blazed off that green. A few other time wewould ride around in a few players Escalades etc. and they were all about poppin' E. I won't name, names only because quite a few are pretty goodstarting NFL players. We showed them some good times, but by far they showed us better times, not to mention all the ladies that were d-riding them. We alsouse to hang out with Tyrus Thomas quite a bit as well. Dood was as dumb as bricks.
Originally Posted by s0leFUNK

UMD. I see Sean Mosley all the time. His girl live in my apt. complex. Cool and funny #$# dude

Also met Vasquez at the bar once. Gave daps and kept it movin.

Male groupies at this school are ridiculous though
Yea tell me about it

All of yall dudes sound like mini groupies though
Mostly just at parties. If they're not freshmen then they live off campus if they're "Star Players" ex. Eric Berry
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

I had class with Nic Wise freshman year. It's not like I kick it with him, but he came to by birthday party last year. He's cool people. Son is ALWAYS tryna spit game to some broad

I kicked it with or met Jordan Hil, Chase Budinger, Antoine Cason, and a few other dudes who play at Arizona as well. Even met Hassan Adams at the rec center randomly one time

Chase is by far the funniest one when wasted. Funny as in acting like an dumb $%+.

Cason was real cool. He was a senior when I was a freshman. We were at the "First Black Party of the Year" (you know how those go
). He noticed my LA attire and welcomed me to Zona.

I stay seein cason still randomely at omalleys on thursdays...its like my dude arent you playin for the chargers?
lol the athletes at my school, you don't even know they're athletes unless they tell you. athletics aren't really all that important here. but youstill have jersey chasers
Originally Posted by Young Street86

Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

I wonder who had class with pacman jones. I bet he was stupid dumb
. I kinda feel sorry that dude
. Just a product of his environment almost to the highest level

went to h.s. wit him and had spanish class with him. Neither of us did a bit of work(we were both on the b-ball team)/ got cookies from him in practice once
/ saw him at the club a few years back, no not a strip club lol, dude straight flexed like he aint kno a n_
How was he in basketball? Seems like he has some Nate RObinson in his game
Had class with Jerimiah Masoli this summer, pretty cool dude. Also have class with Kenny Rowe all the time as he is a Poly Sci Major as well.
Had class with Jerimiah Masoli this summer, pretty cool dude. Also have class with Kenny Rowe all the time as he is a Poly Sci Major as well.
Originally Posted by omgitswes

lol the athletes at my school, you don't even know they're athletes unless they tell you. athletics aren't really all that important here. but you still have jersey chasers

i remember the athletes at our school would wear their sweatshirt/gear inside out cause the team sucked so bad and they didnt want to be seen in them. i askedone of the dudes why he did that, he said "have you seen our record?"
but i hear the culture has changed there now
I met Keith Clanton my first day on campus as well he was a really nice guy and introduced himself to me and at the time i had no idea who the hell he was. icould tell that he was a basketball player but hadd no idea that he was a top recruit in our class, anyways i see him in the union from alot and we just give alittle head nod and go about our business
When I went to WVU I had classes several classes with athletes.
Had a couple classes with Steve Slaton and a class with Pat White they were cool dudes.
Pat White was mostly quite during the class unlike some athletes who like
to talk and make stupid random comments throughout the class.
I went to Purdue...I played pick up basketball with E'Twaun Moore and Robbie Hummel. Used to see them aroundcampus all the time.

I went to high school with Darren Evans from Virginia Tech...we still chat it up on FB every now and then, butthat's it.
Kind of.. not like Tim Tebow..but a few.

My 7th grade teacher claims she tutored Emmit Smith when she went here.
Originally Posted by solematic j21

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by AF1 Beast

Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by FlyJr22

I went to Gunderson High School with James Jones from the Packers. Actually friends with him too, like we'll say what's up and shake hands. You wanna talk about Jock though? This guy RAN the school. His girlfriend did his homework, teachers and coaches praised him and everybody else just rode his ____. One time he was upset at something and his girl (white girl cheerleader with a phatty
) was like "What is it James?" dude was like "nothing leave me alone...." and I swear to you this was her response "do you want me to suck your ___) I went
as my jaw dropped
. Dude looked like a grown $%% man in high school though, EVERYBODY knew he was goin to the league for either basketball or football



That one always takes away the anger, you wouldnt even remember why was you mad in the first place word to Kat Williams.
i love my girl
i see the basketball team and the football team all the time
they're all really cool and are fun to hang out with
nice boys for the most part

EDIT: Dwayne Johnson works out in the gym sometimes
just beautiful
Originally Posted by IM A HELION

I went to Purdue...I played pick up basketball with E'Twaun Moore and Robbie Hummel. Used to see them around campus all the time.

I went to high school with Darren Evans from Virginia Tech...we still chat it up on FB every now and then, but that's it.
couldn't beat west side until we left in 06
I go to UCF so there isn't much to talk about. However, I did meet Michael Jordan a few weeks ago at our opening bball game. He came to watch Marcus'game and I was his server and bartender in the suites that night. Seems like a real chill guy actually. Got to ride in the elevator with him and his gf too.
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