To this day I can't believe I seen this in a movie.....Red Pill or Blue Pill?

Originally Posted by Kakashi
You win bro
Clearly you have much bigger brain to giveout than I do
Originally Posted by FrankMatthews

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Way to generalize. If people who view movies as just movies are what you described, then you must be one of the great Americans that are holed up in a bomb shelter somewhere deep in the woods with an AK and some extended clips in a huge pile in the corner, waiting for the Zombie/Communist/Fascist/Alien/Illuminati/Jesus returning take over who has a negative view of just about every single aspect of the world for the simple fact that things just aren't going the way he planned in life and someone needs to be blamed.
Here's a bit of Helgelian math for you all. Solve:

Extreme right wing unquestiond patriotism + extreme left wing corrupt government conspiracy = ?
Originally Posted by FrankMatthews

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Way to generalize. If people who view movies as just movies are what you described, then you must be one of the great Americans that are holed up in a bomb shelter somewhere deep in the woods with an AK and some extended clips in a huge pile in the corner, waiting for the Zombie/Communist/Fascist/Alien/Illuminati/Jesus returning take over who has a negative view of just about every single aspect of the world for the simple fact that things just aren't going the way he planned in life and someone needs to be blamed.
Here's a bit of Helgelian math for you all. Solve:

Extreme right wing unquestiond patriotism + extreme left wing corrupt government conspiracy = ?

The answer looks like a one-party, or totally bipartisan government in my eyes... Interestingly enough, that doesn't look that different from the one thatis running our nation right now.
Originally Posted by FrankMatthews

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Way to generalize. If people who view movies as just movies are what you described, then you must be one of the great Americans that are holed up in a bomb shelter somewhere deep in the woods with an AK and some extended clips in a huge pile in the corner, waiting for the Zombie/Communist/Fascist/Alien/Illuminati/Jesus returning take over who has a negative view of just about every single aspect of the world for the simple fact that things just aren't going the way he planned in life and someone needs to be blamed.
Here's a bit of Hegelian* math for you all. Solve:

Extreme right wing unquestiond patriotism + extreme left wing corrupt government conspiracy = ?
A middle ground that consists of muddled ideas and a lot of political doublespeak. Leads to politicians saying things that are seemingly opposite,however in practice they are almost indistinguishable from one another. This is then of course just a front because there is no true two party system, but asystem that is run by a ruling class desperate to stay in power.

At least that's my take on the matter.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by devildog1776

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

I understand there's philosophy to the Matrix trilogy. The problem arises when we over analyze entertainment to the point it's not enjoyable. The point of a movie like that is to think about it, but not torture yourself and try and find some deeper meaning in the presentation.

how can u consider obtaining knowledge torture? It's quite enjoyable to be free from the institutional shackles ... You may think it's torture but it's enlightenment son.. Can't take this plagurized set up to fail system serious... People like yourself believe everything is peaches and cream, wall st is going up so everything is ok... The govt is honest and caring... Obama is a blessing . Jesus was real and the pope is really is solely a holy figure in world politics.... A little advice for the future.... Your country will be different one day you'll wake up in this lifetime and your country will be a shell of it's former self....

Way to generalize. If people who view movies as just movies are what you described, then you must be one of the great Americans that are holed up in a bomb shelter somewhere deep in the woods with an AK and some extended clips in a huge pile in the corner, waiting for the Zombie/Communist/Fascist/Alien/Illuminati/Jesus returning take over who has a negative view of just about every single aspect of the world for the simple fact that things just aren't going the way he planned in life and someone needs to be blamed.

See? I can do it too.

"We ran thru 100's of girls in a two yr period... took no names and didnt care about feelings"... Odds are if you wifed her up she wiped us down... this is a brotherhood that will NEVER be broken ..TEAM RAUNCHY 4 life
Also, if this is the future of intellectual thought I may have to borrow your AK for a second so I can shoot myself in the head now.

The Philosophy forum is for sale btw
If it makes so much sense to you why can't you explain it so we can all be in on the giant secret?
Originally Posted by HI PROFILE

Originally Posted by Kakashi

Originally Posted by man listen


I understand it how I understand it. It just goes back to your other point on metacognition
just minutes ago you said "that was easy" and supplied a theory for your confidence , you were running on thin you offer apology
even though you were a genius in your previous statement?

why did you look down? wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaw....SPLAT!

i better stop, i might win a putlizer prize
stop trying to boast how smart you are ( becasue nobody really gives an F) and explain the wile coyote reference or... G-T-F-0


"You take the BLUE PILL, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe
You take the RED PILL, you stay in wonderland and I tell you how deep the rabbit hole goes!"

...Im offering you the truth nothing more

Originally Posted by GTEK

Originally Posted by DrewDioxin

first off this thread should have been made about 7 years ago.

2nd, your really not coming through with anything not thought of before. I personally had existential theories after seeing this, and anyone with a brain probably did too.
Originally Posted by marath0n

StaXX wrote:

Enlightenment people.
These kind of threads are gems, but it will probably go over A LOT of heads.




Originally Posted by Nothin4ever




Originally Posted by man listen

I wonder what would happen if the coyote ever caught the road runner
broadband internet connection up to 125 times faster than dial-up and up to 5 times faster thanstandard DSL
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i was standin at work then i started to think about god and all that
" if our planet was created in this universe then what created the universe"
when did it start why did it start?
so there has to be a "god" or something we dont know ....
Humans are the roadrunner? They live their everyday life running around with a blank stare seemingly without a purpose. Going off natural instinct instead ofpausing and trying to see what is around them, void of emotion. I really have no clue what Coyote would be though...could you at least help me out.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Humans are the roadrunner? They live their everyday life running around with a blank stare seemingly without a purpose. Going off natural instinct instead of pausing and trying to see what is around them, void of emotion. I really have no clue what Coyote would be though...could you at least help me out.

Humans are the coyote, the roadrunner is the state.
Originally Posted by FrankMatthews

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Humans are the roadrunner? They live their everyday life running around with a blank stare seemingly without a purpose. Going off natural instinct instead of pausing and trying to see what is around them, void of emotion. I really have no clue what Coyote would be though...could you at least help me out.

Humans are the coyote, the roadrunner is the state.
I think airmaxpenny is onto something. Why doesn't the road runner just stop. He's responsible for the chase as much as the coyote.

But I also think FrankMatthews is absolutely right.

As well as Kockashy.

And let's not forget the person reading all this that chooses not to comment
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