To my CA heads, if I were going to CA where should I go, NorCal or SoCal?

You should come to SoCal and visit me
Not even a comparison, SOCAL dude. We have everything that the 50 states can offer in one side of the state.....SOCAL
Originally Posted by rafsjays

Originally Posted by Smokey1212

I've lived in both for a minimum of 5 years. For vacation/short period of time (less than 2 months) go to So Cal. To live/long period of time go to NorCal. These are well known facts.

QFT. I live in the Bay, but I could see how a short time in SoCal could be funner than a short time in the Bay.

On the other hand, you really couldn't pay me to live in SoCal.
Originally Posted by lawdog1

Originally Posted by geminifly

Which area has the better looking latin women?

I'll qualify this by saying that I've spent alot more time in SoCal than NorCal (I live in L.A.), but I would have to say SoCal, easy. There's tons of hot Latinas over here. I don't think they're quite as common up North.
Are there only Mexican women out there or is it a little more mixed than that?
Originally Posted by geminifly

Originally Posted by lawdog1

Originally Posted by geminifly

Which area has the better looking latin women?

I'll qualify this by saying that I've spent alot more time in SoCal than NorCal (I live in L.A.), but I would have to say SoCal, easy. There's tons of hot Latinas over here. I don't think they're quite as common up North.
Are there only Mexican women out there or is it a little more mixed than that?
Its pretty diverse. Whatever you're into, Cali has it.
I didn't read all 5 pages, but I'm assuming it's gettingugly.

I'm from Norcal so I'm obviously biased toward Norcal and I think Norcal>Socal. But really, you can't go wrong either way. Both are great intheir own rights
....I agree with those that say both Norcal and Socalare nice and chill...but socal people are a bit more stuck-up/rich(because of all the celebrities living there, and no other reason).

If you haven't been to Cali it's definitely a good idea to go to both Norcal and Socal if you can. I'm in SoCal for college right now and I lovethe atmosphere/weather here.
I"m from east Bay, but go to L.A.
You won't regret it. I loved it there when I stayed there for a bit
I'm from the east bay as well, and even I'd tell you to hit up so cal instead. Weather's nicer, more places to go, eat, shop, clubs and lounges arebetter, and the girls down there
all of u bay heads that say socal>norcal must live in some wack !@# city like fremont or sunnyvale

LOL im from union city. its not so bad. theres a 24-hour walmart, union landing.... and thats about it. haha. id go to the city more, but im not spenidng over9 bucks round trip on bart on a regular basis.

oh yeah, take bart if youre ever up north just to say youve been on it. public transportation and radio stations (eh specifically power 106 and 102.7) in socalare horrible. i dont need to hear say "oh hot dayum, this is my jam" 20385 times before actually getting into the rest of the song. 93.9 ismuch appreciated though.

youll have more fun in socal.
Im from up north and I have to say if youre turning 21 socal is going to be more fun. But at the end of the day norcal>socal
sorry guys had to do it.
oh yeah norcal definitely beats us in public transportation. public transportation in soCal is pretty sucky and non existant
Socal for vacation, Norcal to live

I grew up in Oakland and just moved to Los Angeles...let me say this EVERY adult 21+ should live in or near Los Angeles at some point in there lives...thenight life is RIDICULOUS
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