To my CA heads, if I were going to CA where should I go, NorCal or SoCal?

Oct 3, 2007
Which would be more diserable? For like a summer vacation or something with some friends?
I'll start it off, norcal > socal
^^^ Newport = SoCal


So Cal for sure...
Way better weather, girls, beaches, sports.. pretty much everything...

and I've spent time in the bay.. SF and Oakland to be exact... not even close
I'm turning 21 next month and looking for venture out CA for the summer time since i'll be legal.
SoCal > NorCal

come on now there is nothing you can do in norcal that you cant do in socal but we have allot more!!!!
SF is a great vacation city in itself, maybe one of the best cities in the world. But So Cal overall is a lot more desirable. Just a lot more space andattractions.
why not go both, SoCAL + NorCal? its like a 6-8hr drive each way

cruise the great highway along the coast
im from the bay, but i live in irvine right now. id definitely say go to socal. theres way more to do, and better food joints too.
im 23 and just visited Cali for the first time this past august. i spent about 2 weeks in SD + LA it was fun, but their are a lot of things i felt that wereenh about socal (still enjoyed my trip a ton)

i wanna visit norcal too one day as well
I'm from NYC but lived in CALI and SoCal > NoCal

You have everything you want and more and if you care to do some running around Mexico .. Not TJ .. You will just enjoy your time even more
Depends what youre interests are. When I say NorCal I speak of the Bay area btw, they have a lot more chill people, very easy going. SF is very diverse.Whereas my experience from goin to SoCal, women are wayyy better looking imo but it comes with the stuck up attitude.. Depending on what your interests areNorCal/SoCal are great in general for diff reasons, Cali is where its at!!

OP will u get to LA...try Santa Monica blvd or most clubs in West Hollywood. You should fix in there pretty good

OP when u get to LA...try Santa Monica blvd and most clubs in West Hollywood night life. You should fix in there pretty good
I've lived in both for a minimum of 5 years. For vacation/short period of time (less than 2 months) go to So Cal. To live/long period oftime go to NorCal. These are well known facts.
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