Tired of missing releases? Tired of paying ATC?

Mar 13, 2014
Look this is not a sales pitch.  I am just trying to see how many pair's of shoes my bot can secure in one session.  With me and 2 friends we were able to secure 20+ shooting stars, 20+ labs, 20+ concords 11 lows, 20+ solar foams.  This was just with us 3, I am trying to test the limits of the bot.  This will NOT be sold, just need testers.  

AGAIN, this is NOT for sale, do not ask to buy it.  This is also NOT a hype thread, as it won't be sold EVER.  Just need 10 testers who have FAST internet and will be available during release times.  If you're not available during release times, do not inquire.  I need people who are actively trying to get shoes.  

Some info on the bot.

1. Multisocket (Multiple attempts at your pair simultaneously,  5 per tester)

2. NOT web based, no loading any browsers (except to check out).

3. You solve your own captchas. (DONT PAY OUTSOURCERS)

4. Utilizes all search techniques.

5. You must have a Windows based computer.  OS doesnt matter..

6. *Those who test will have continued access to bot UNLESS misuse occurs.

Not sure where to post this, I figured the general would be good.

This program was made because all of these cocky add to cart services who don't even program, yet act all high and mighty. That is the reason I am trying to fix the game.
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let the free market do its job...we don't need another bot out here doing high speed purchases
let the free market do its job...we don't need another bot out here doing high speed purchases
It isn't a free market when you have add to cart services holding shoe companies hostage and requiring them to pay a fee to purchase through that company.
Why u need 20 pairs of 1 shoe.
These were all done for individuals who previously missed out on nike releases.  We helped people get shoes in their cart for free.  All I want to do is test the limitations.  I plan on continuing to help people get shoes in their carts for free.
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I think most are missing the point here.  I am not selling software, just trying to help people out giving them a fair chance.  If you don't want to be involved, take it easy.
Because I am offering the same thing others are charging  $30-$40-$50-$60-$100 a release for, for free.  Not profiting off it, not doing it for ecred, doing it simply because I hate the cocky add to cart services out there.  You think scalpers would go buy tickets, and flip them for retail?  Thats what I am trying to do for the community.

My bot was built because I personally was tired of striking out getting shoes I liked, didnt want to pay for an atc service, and felt the whole game in general needed to switch.

I'm not here to sell you some story, I am just saying the shoe "game" is whack and there has to be a few people to even the playing field for others who can't afford to spend 50$ to GET a shoe in their cart.  Some of you guys are so up tight, not every one in here is trying to destroy the sneaker community.  Some people just want to help.
How are you fixing the game by creating and using what is killing it and shame on me for even saying "the game"
1. Rigged Raffles

2. Rigged RSVPs

3. Managers unloading FSRs

4. Hundreds of bots being sold at obnoxious prices, i've seen as high as 500$.

You think shoe bots are the thing thats killing the game?  It's GREED.  What do I stand to profit?
Should scan for malicious software before downloading.
Trust me, I have no need nor want to trojan or infect anyone with anything.  That's not my MO.  Didn't upload any software either... . Good looking out though for the non tech-savy, the bot does use winsock to transfer the captchas so if you're behind a router you MIGHT need to open a port or two.
Nah I just go to the mom and pop spots and pay the extra $75+ to get them a couple weeks earlier. I like to avoid all the degenerates who line up for shoes
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