Tips on approaching women. "UPDATE PG 6"

^its more like baseball avg. just gotta keep swinging and stay above the mendoza line (.200). youre gonna go through streaks. just gotta step to the plate and try to deliver.
Females are weird man. Scenario.

Book this girl on a Sat.
She calls me on Sunday. I tell her, "I am busy. Call you later."
I text her that night saying, "Wassup." (I didn't know living situation so I wasn't going to call ad 11:30 the first time)
She never replies to text. Nor does she call back.
I call back Thursday, it goes straight to VM. I don't know if it was because she clicked the IGNORE button or if she was in a non-serviced location.
So I delete the number because she is BS'n.
She calls me last night at ONE AM.
I see the missed call when I woke up this morning. I text her at like noon saying, "Wassup."

This has to be a joke :lol:
thats why i refuse to play that cat and mouse game bruh...make em chase you...thats the best thing to do...wait for one to chose you...make her live up to your standards and qualifications
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^ Man I thought I was doing that by giving her MY number initially.

It is just foolishness now. She was cute as hell too man. Oh well.......... :smh:
Living situation? It's a cell phone only person you would wake up is her :smh:

You started the chase and it backfired :lol:
Not really in the business of calling folks at that time of night if I don't know them. She could have a dude. Once I find out if she does/doesn't, then I can know when to call her.

I am starting to think she doesn't have text messages. She did have a raggidy phone.
^ Man I thought I was doing that by giving her MY number initially.
It is just foolishness now. She was cute as hell too man. Oh well.......... :smh:
it doesn't matter how the # is exchanged in my opinion ..
people say "give them your number "...

Cuz they might be too scared to call you... depends on the fell of the chick..nng
yea my numbers aren't pretty, but also you gotta take into account every girl I've approached is at least a 7/10. I have not and will not kick it average joints. I mean I have some of my old chicks I beat every once in a while but I aim high and that's why numbers are :x . A lot of these bad chicks be putting up unneccasry force fields. Imma work on my craft more, tonight I was out and bagged 3 chicks #s but we'll see what's really good when I hit em up a couple days after. I know I ain't where I need to be, but I've def got rid of that fear which I feel is the most important hurdle cuz at the end of the day if you aint ugly and you approach a chick w some confidence you will 80% get some type of convo going. I am not one to lie or exaggerate about yambs.
yea my numbers aren't pretty, but also you gotta take into account every girl I've approached is at least a 7/10. I have not and will not kick it average joints. I mean I have some of my old chicks I beat every once in a while but I aim high and that's why numbers are :x . A lot of these bad chicks be putting up unneccasry force fields. Imma work on my craft more, tonight I was out and bagged 3 chicks #s but we'll see what's really good when I hit em up a couple days after. I know I ain't where I need to be, but I've def got rid of that fear which I feel is the most important hurdle cuz at the end of the day if you aint ugly and you approach a chick w some confidence you will 80% get some type of convo going. I am not one to lie or exaggerate about yambs.

everyone believes you famb, aint no one gonna lie about a 0.4% success rate. Keep doing your thing pleighboi. :smokin Ima need to expunge some of my dambs as well.
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Anybody have friends that play too much? My boy is trying to put me on to his co-worker but she isn't even my speed. But peep this, he already went up to her telling her that, "My man is trying to holla at you." THEN he comes to me, showing me a picture and telling me, "She is waiting for you to call." Man why go to her first. :smh:
^^^happens all the time. we did it purposely back in high school for some laughs, hookin ya boys up wit the ugly chicks. it was funny
just approach. you see a girl you think looks good? approach. a girl gives you eye contact? approach. you dont lose anything by approaching. the worst that happens is she wont be interested. but not all the girls are gonna like you anyways right?

if you pass up the opportunity to approach then youre gonna regret it later on. at least if you approach and shes not interested, then you tried. when i do approaching i think of it as practice to get better. the more you approach the more you get better at it. you cant be afraid to approach, just do it. theres a chance she could be into you, then theres a chance she wont be into you. but you wont know until you approach her.

I got a boy like that. He will see something he likes in the streets but always makes up an excuse as to why he won't go at her.
"She looks like she is angry."
"She doesn't have a sociable demeanor."
"Her bag is too expensive, she is high maintenance."

I got a boy like that. He will see something he likes in the streets but always makes up an excuse as to why he won't go at her.
"She looks like she is angry."
"She doesn't have a sociable demeanor."
"Her bag is too expensive, she is high maintenance."

My boy is the same way! We were at mountain creek (water park) and me him and 1 other person are waiting at the bottom of this big 90 foot slide. The rest of the crew are on line for the slide. Anyways this cute employee is standing around giving my boy the illest looks. She looked at him like 10+ times no joke. I'm telling him to go talk to her and he's mad hesitant and not even remotely interested. I'm like wtf is wrong with you? Just talk to her it's not hard. He kept saying nahh nahh man. Before she leaves she have him 3 more looks and walked off. The next day he's like man I shoulda talked to her what was I thinking. I think im gonna call the water park and just describe her to the person on the phone so they could find her for me :smh:
just approach. you see a girl you think looks good? approach. a girl gives you eye contact? approach. you dont lose anything by approaching. the worst that happens is she wont be interested. but not all the girls are gonna like you anyways right?
if you pass up the opportunity to approach then youre gonna regret it later on. at least if you approach and shes not interested, then you tried. when i do approaching i think of it as practice to get better. the more you approach the more you get better at it. you cant be afraid to approach, just do it. theres a chance she could be into you, then theres a chance she wont be into you. but you wont know until you approach her.

This is the key

No matter how handsome, tall, muscular , fresh , rich you are ...... Your not going to be able to bag every chick and because of that dating is a numbers game. So you got to just keep trying until you get a winner. That's really the secret to getting tons of girls and its because dudes are too afraid to approach is why they don't get play.

You ask most of the dudes you know that get yambs on the regular and its cuz they try to talk to tons of girls. Then ask those that don't is cause they are shy and just expect girls to come to them.
 I've been reading some of the post in this forum because I have problems approaching woman and to me it seems kind of hard to approaching woman. I might as well just start online dating or getting use to being lonely for a very long time. 
come on son
Be presentable, be yourself, dont overanalyze the situation, know what to say, be confident, and dont let failure discourage you.

Word. Its all about how comfortable you are with yourself. If you're confident and even halfway smooth with your words you'll be cool
 I've been reading some of the post in this forum because I have problems approaching woman and to me it seems kind of hard to approaching woman. I might as well just start online dating or getting use to being lonely for a very long time. :smh:
come on son :smh: :smh:

Online dating is a good way to get practice. It's not that different from when people hookup via AOL/Yahoo chat rooms, Myspace,FB,Twitter etc even though people front like it is.
I would like to think my way with women is A1, I get my fair share. However, there is one problem that I at the moment don't have a solution for...

Bagging a chick at the gym. What's the way of approaching at the gym? :nerd:
i have worn this outfit many times minus the v neck and g shock
I think its safe to say almost everyone has worn at least two of the things I posted
one time i was wearing a v neck i highschool i didnt know that alot of gay men wear them until this girl i liked laughed at me and told me. felt batmannn

anyone here approached a milf before?
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