Tips on approaching women. "UPDATE PG 6"

OP next time you see her just ask her out to lunch or coffee the next day or so thennnnn get the digits. And call or text to confirm the day of.
Do this.
1. "You seem like a chill person let's grab some lunch sometime this week"
2. She says yes
3. Acquire digits. Hug her good bye and leave.
Same class different time?

"Since we have the same class, would you like to study together sometime?.........(If yes) So can I get your number?
dnt just ask for the number straight up. when you engage in small talk, towards the end of the small convo,
suggest "you miss having class together" and ask if she wants to go grab a cup of coffee(wait for her response). then ask for the number. i usually just hand them my
phone and tell them to type it in
I really like this approach this most likely what i do next time.
Do this.
1. "You seem like a chill person let's grab some lunch sometime this week"
2. She says yes
3. Acquire digits. Hug her good bye and leave.
Since he only talked to her once in that class and it was about the test. I found that a little creepy lol.
 i said the exact same thing because we only talked once in that class.

A lot of useful information in this thread. Plan on going to the mall today so I can recruit. The goal is to get at least 3 numbers.
you approach a woman the same way you approach a man... you just slip the fact that you wanna **** into the presentation.

the idea, as always, is to make friends. it's just that some friends will help you move and some will suck your ****.
1. Gotta have amnesia, like a NFL corner back

2. Understand that you WILL get rejected, no matter how crisp you are.

3. Understand that a good majority of the time, its not you.

4. Like homey said up top, always be presentable when you leave the house.

5. Like homey said up top, practice makes perfect. But don't go out heaving from half court. PERFECT practice makes perfect. When you spit, make sure you recap on what you did good and bad.

6. Go to different cities and try new things. Go to different bars and different clubs with different people at different times...

7. Understand that at these bars and clubs, chicks are defensive so don't take rejection our useless numbers personal.

8. In public, bee tactful about your approach. This raises your chances.

9. Rule number one

10. The worse that can happen is she says no.

This is all approach stuff.

You want to know after you get her, or before you get her?

to be real... if you're not presentable, you really dont have a chance. dont care have suave and debonair you are... if you're not presentable, cut that short.

doesnt mean you have to be drop dead, Calvin Klein model handsome... but crispness on things you can control (skin, hair, clothes) is what's key.

also, woman watch movies differently from what we do. they want that fairy tale type scenario (ever seen my best friends girl?). that's why its so hard to pull in the club. who wants to say "we met Beamers when i was poppin' yambs" ... ever hear a relationship that started in the club? a woman will say she met a guy on the internet before she say they met in the club.

as far as everyday mackin, you gotta be tactful... it may sound corny, but spark up some kinda convo about anything that you think could grab her attention. it rarely works to say "hey, i think you're cute. i want to go out." you gotta get something rolling first.

"do you know where ____ is?" "i'm trying to make this spaghetti and i dont know what's the best sauce" "i seen you have that psychology book... are you taking ____?

it may sound kinda corny, but you can scare a chick by being too aggressive too quick. they get this from alotta guys, though... many guys tend to do this, but dont know how to turn the convo to some "waddup w/ me and you kickin' it" vibeage in a smooth manner. this takes practice, and turning the convo to some vibeage is what separates playas from everybody else.

its a fine line between being aggressive, too aggressive, passive, and too passive... you want to be right in the middle, leaning toward slightly aggressive.

you chop it up, get some giggles, and DONT TALK TOO MUCH. make her contribute to the convo. dont be afraid to make a joke, and not laugh. when in a conversation, the person who laughs and smiles the most is the person that needs validation from the other party.

a smile/laugh from you has to be earned. dont do all that grinning and chinning... if she says something legitimately funny, smile, and keep it moving. on the other hand, if she's diggin you, everything you say will be received with a smile or laugh, followed with a lengthy response. if you're not getting that (short answers and no smiles) bow out gracefully and understand that A MAJORITY OF THE TIME, ITS NOT ANYTHING THAT YOU'VE DONE OR SAID... ITS HER.

here's an experiment for you... if you have some yambs or even a chick that you text, completely take the LOLs and smiley faces out... watch how she starts to do it... you know she's worried about what you think when she starts and ends a text with LOL...

sounds corny, but give it try and see

many fellas get uncomfortable in a brief period of silence, and think its their job to fill it in with chatter. this makes it seem like you're trying to impress her with game. sometimes, the best game is shutting the hell up. just like you dont like awkward moments of silence, she doesnt either... and if she's feeling you, she'll DEFINITELY try to fill it with questions or talk..

why? well, when you feel uncomfortable, you talk b/c you're not sure what she's thinking. you think she's judging you. SAME THING WITH THE GIRL... they think "was that joke not funny? why didnt he respond the way i thought? that was SO stupid... why did you say that... i have to say something quick" and out comes the words.

all this stuff only happens 2/10 times though... to be real, if she's feeling you, it doesnt matter what you do, but guys dont know when to SEE that a girl is feeling them... smiles, talking, long answers are all signs...


anything else?

Young Rick was spitting facts back in the day

1. Gotta have amnesia, like a NFL corner back

2. Understand that you WILL get rejected, no matter how crisp you are.

3. Understand that a good majority of the time, its not you.

4. Like homey said up top, always be presentable when you leave the house.

5. Like homey said up top, practice makes perfect. But don't go out heaving from half court. PERFECT practice makes perfect. When you spit, make sure you recap on what you did good and bad.

6. Go to different cities and try new things. Go to different bars and different clubs with different people at different times...

7. Understand that at these bars and clubs, chicks are defensive so don't take rejection our useless numbers personal.

8. In public, bee tactful about your approach. This raises your chances.

9. Rule number one

10. The worse that can happen is she says no.

This is all approach stuff.

You want to know after you get her, or before you get her?

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