Tips on approaching women. "UPDATE PG 6"

What do you guys think are some signs a chick wanna get approached?
Constant/sexual eye contact
Smiles at you from afar
Always trying to be in your vicinity like sitting next to you/behind you
Something I learned in a sales class that applies to women is that something like 70% of communication is non-verbal. Figure out body language and you're set.
No dambs must be given when on quest for straightforward and don't eat to beat
In a nutshell, act cocky x funny, don't fear rejection. It's either a yes or no your failure rate is always 100% if you don't approach at least give your self 50%....
quiet steps, from behind with a rag
Drink more, dambs will become a foreign concept after a few shots
I can agree for the first couple times...

But when you have the ability to leave your dambs at home VOLUNTARILY ... and break thru your inhibitions sober ...

You've mastered the art of being social.

:pimp: :pimp:
To the dudes in relationships.....
do you still approach females even if you have no intent or expectations to smash? Sort of like, to avoid getting rusty and perfecting your game?
Yeah. You never know when the *** jumps ship. Life is a game of chess not checkers so i suggest you be on machivelli ****.
1. Gotta have amnesia, like a NFL corner back
2. Understand that you WILL get rejected, no matter how crisp you are.
3. Understand that a good majority of the time, its not you.
4. Like homey said up top, always be presentable when you leave the house.
5. Like homey said up top, practice makes perfect. But don't go out heaving from half court. PERFECT practice makes perfect. When you spit, make sure you recap on what you did good and bad.
6. Go to different cities and try new things. Go to different bars and different clubs with different people at different times...
7. Understand that at these bars and clubs, chicks are defensive so don't take rejection our useless numbers personal.
8. In public, bee tactful about your approach. This raises your chances.
9. Rule number one
10. The worse that can happen is she says no.
This is all approach stuff.
You want to know after you get her, or before you get her?
OP should print this out and frame it on his wall.
couple excerpts from a damn good article I recently came across on this subject

Don't assume that because a girl is exceptionally pretty that men are beating down her door. Some of the women I thought would be the most popular are the loneliest because men are afraid to speak to them and they in turn are afraid to initiate first. Pretty girls tend to have lower self-esteem than those ladies men would categorize as average because guys fear them. She probably has a boyfriend, she’s probably stuck up, she’s probably dumb, she’s probably a gold digger. And you’re probably just an insecure ***** who doesn’t know how to approach the opposite sex– Man up!

Cocky guys tell, Confident guys show. Car salesmen work hard as hell to sell Hyundais. They have to run down all of the crazy **** the car does, because no one really wants a Hyundai. Car salesmen don’t have to sell a Bentley, they open the door, let the customer sit in, and it’s a wrap. Regardless of your exterior, you have to know that under that hood is a Bentley engine, you don’t need to be loud and braggadocios to make her pay attention. At the same time, you can’t sit by the wall, make creepy *** eye contact, and expect her to see how great you are, you have to know when to initiate conversation. It takes heart to walk over and ask a bomb *** girl her name, thugs and rich n_ have mastered the art of “that b_ don’t want me, the next one will” and so should you. Thugs don’t care about rejection because they have a harden view of the world, most of those n_ have survived traumatic circumstances from an early age, so asking shorty with the pretty eyes for her number doesn’t put fear in his heart at all. Men with money don’t care about rejection because they are driven by that Robert Redford, “If I really wanted you, I could buy you” swag. Money may not be everything but it’s the best vest a person can have, when going into the battlefield of love. The one thing both of these men have in common is that they don’t give a f_. The average guy has insecurities that he can’t mask by being hood or having a Rolex, so where does his strength to tap a girl on a shoulder come from? Inside. You have to motivate yourself, build your ego, and throw caution to the wind if you want the power to talk to the women of your dreams.

If dressing like Kanye gives you confidence, do that. If rocking that gold chain makes you feel like Tity Boi, do that. It doesn’t matter how you package yourself or the tricks you use to boast your esteem, just remember to maintain who you are. Too many guys think they have to lie to get *****, and that’s never the long-term answer. In the end if she’s going to agree to go out with you she’s going to find out who you really are. Don’t set her up to fall in love with this idea, when the real person is a totally different individual. Be a confident you, not a confident knockoff version of what you think women are looking for.

article is somewhat lengthy but well worth the read link
Slap them silly and they have no choice but to confront and talk to you.

Works like a charm.
couple excerpts from a damn good article I recently came across on this subject

Don't assume that because a girl is exceptionally pretty that men are beating down her door. Some of the women I thought would be the most popular are the loneliest because men are afraid to speak to them and they in turn are afraid to initiate first. Pretty girls tend to have lower self-esteem than those ladies men would categorize as average because guys fear them. She probably has a boyfriend, she’s probably stuck up, she’s probably dumb, she’s probably a gold digger. And you’re probably just an insecure ***** who doesn’t know how to approach the opposite sex– Man up!

Cocky guys tell, Confident guys show. Car salesmen work hard as hell to sell Hyundais. They have to run down all of the crazy **** the car does, because no one really wants a Hyundai. Car salesmen don’t have to sell a Bentley, they open the door, let the customer sit in, and it’s a wrap. Regardless of your exterior, you have to know that under that hood is a Bentley engine, you don’t need to be loud and braggadocios to make her pay attention. At the same time, you can’t sit by the wall, make creepy *** eye contact, and expect her to see how great you are, you have to know when to initiate conversation. It takes heart to walk over and ask a bomb *** girl her name, thugs and rich n_ have mastered the art of “that b_ don’t want me, the next one will” and so should you. Thugs don’t care about rejection because they have a harden view of the world, most of those n_ have survived traumatic circumstances from an early age, so asking shorty with the pretty eyes for her number doesn’t put fear in his heart at all. Men with money don’t care about rejection because they are driven by that Robert Redford, “If I really wanted you, I could buy you” swag. Money may not be everything but it’s the best vest a person can have, when going into the battlefield of love. The one thing both of these men have in common is that they don’t give a f_. The average guy has insecurities that he can’t mask by being hood or having a Rolex, so where does his strength to tap a girl on a shoulder come from? Inside. You have to motivate yourself, build your ego, and throw caution to the wind if you want the power to talk to the women of your dreams.

If dressing like Kanye gives you confidence, do that. If rocking that gold chain makes you feel like Tity Boi, do that. It doesn’t matter how you package yourself or the tricks you use to boast your esteem, just remember to maintain who you are. Too many guys think they have to lie to get *****, and that’s never the long-term answer. In the end if she’s going to agree to go out with you she’s going to find out who you really are. Don’t set her up to fall in love with this idea, when the real person is a totally different individual. Be a confident you, not a confident knockoff version of what you think women are looking for.

article is somewhat lengthy but well worth the read link

feelin all of this
1. Gotta have amnesia, like a NFL corner back
2. Understand that you WILL get rejected, no matter how crisp you are.
3. Understand that a good majority of the time, its not you.
4. Like homey said up top, always be presentable when you leave the house.
5. Like homey said up top, practice makes perfect. But don't go out heaving from half court. PERFECT practice makes perfect. When you spit, make sure you recap on what you did good and bad.
6. Go to different cities and try new things. Go to different bars and different clubs with different people at different times...
7. Understand that at these bars and clubs, chicks are defensive so don't take rejection our useless numbers personal.
8. In public, bee tactful about your approach. This raises your chances.
9. Rule number one
10. The worse that can happen is she says no.
This is all approach stuff.
You want to know after you get her, or before you get her?

This is it.
Well lemme ask y'all this, personally I have 0 problems approaching a chick cuz at the end of the day it's a 50/50 ball. My question is how do y'all handle the situation after you get shortys #? I usually keep it short & sweet, have a lil convo and try to set something up. I get about 3 numbers a week and 97% of them just end up not texting back. Do you try to talk to em for a lil while 1st? I usually have the mindset that you'd rather kick it in person so she can really see what ur about rather than tryna be casanova through txting. My rough numbers this season (summer) are about 250 attempts, 20 phone numbers and 5 of em I actually ended up kicking it with.

But for the ppl that are working on the approach game, I would just advise that you shoot as much as possible and understand that some chicks are just not gonna wanna hear what u got to say. Chalk it up to the game, you really can't get too high or too low. My personal favorite openers are "hey, I saw you earlier tn and wanted to know ur name" and "I seen you earlier and wanted to know what ur ethnicity is". I fee like something basic like that usually gives a good response and also if they don't try and play you out, they'll know ur intentions from the jump so there's no chance to get friend zoned. It's about them knowing your kicking game but not making it seem like a big deal. Situational openers work the best though.

Yesterday I was at this spot in the heights, and I got two #s. 1st chick I just went up and said I wanted to know her name yadda yadda yadda. She said she liked my shirt, cuz took a pic and after it was a wrap. 2nd shorty started talking to me not even 30 sec after I finished up w the 1st shorty. She said "umm can I fix the tag on the back of ur shirt? It's been bothering me all night" When I heard that I knew it was a wrap :evil: Anyways, hit em both up today, nada from either of em.
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smiling helps. don't try to be some thug with ya mean-mug face goin...unless you tryna attract these *******s

practice your smile.
don't make it be some creepy grin, but a genuine I-have-my-life-together smile.

have you ever noticed that when someone smiles at you that you automatically smile back?
To the dudes in relationships.....
do you still approach females even if you have no intent or expectations to smash? Sort of like, to avoid getting rusty and perfecting your game?

If you're in a relationship I would seriously considering just having casual small-talk with women.

You can still work on your conversational skills with strangers (IMO anyway)...just end with a "nice meeting you" and keep it pushin.
Well lemme ask y'all this, personally I have 0 problems approaching a chick cuz at the end of the day it's a 50/50 ball. My question is how do y'all handle the situation after you get shortys #? I usually keep it short & sweet, have a lil convo and try to set something up. I get about 3 numbers a week and 97% of them just end up not texting back. Do you try to talk to em for a lil while 1st? I usually have the mindset that you'd rather kick it in person so she can really see what ur about rather than tryna be casanova through txting. My rough numbers this season (summer) are about 250 attempts, 20 phone numbers and 5 of em I actually ended up kicking it with.

But for the ppl that are working on the approach game, I would just advise that you shoot as much as possible and understand that some chicks are just not gonna wanna hear what u got to say. Chalk it up to the game, you really can't get too high or too low. My personal favorite openers are "hey, I saw you earlier tn and wanted to know ur name" and "I seen you earlier and wanted to know what ur ethnicity is". I fee like something basic like that usually gives a good response and also if they don't try and play you out, they'll know ur intentions from the jump so there's no chance to get friend zoned. It's about them knowing your kicking game but not making it seem like a big deal. Situational openers work the best though.

Yesterday I was at this spot in the heights, and I got two #s. 1st chick I just went up and said I wanted to know her name yadda yadda yadda. She said she liked my shirt, cuz took a pic and after it was a wrap. 2nd shorty started talking to me not even 30 sec after I finished up w the 1st shorty. She said "umm can I fix the tag on the back of ur shirt? It's been bothering me all night" When I heard that I knew it was a wrap :evil: Anyways, hit em both up today, nada from either of em.
that **** is gonna happen from time to time, nothing you can do about it

but the way that inital interaction goes can set you up for failure or success, the impression you make will determine whether she thinks you're worth pursuing. even if a girl thinks you're cute from jump, you have to show that you arent just the average cat out there if you want to actual grab her interest. you have to know how to balance being flirty/clearly hitting on her vs being an interesting person and good conversationalist. lotta guys are good at the flirty stuff but not so good at showing a more personal intriguing side.. thats what piques their interest and shows that you're different from the average guy. basically forget about "hitting on girls" in your mind for a while and just get really good at making/carrying on interesting conversation that has nothing to do with romantic motives. if you devote yourself to mastering that as a skill, it will pay huge dividends for your social life/game.
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be confident, go in there with no fear. if she shoots you down, move on. life goes on...

was at the library and got this foreign exchange student's info, just chatted up about why she is here and what she is studying and about her work. try to make it seem like i was interested in her. doesnt have a phone right now (or maybe she didnt want to give it out?), but she gave me her email and work phone. might as well shoot her a message, just tryna have some fun
if anyones here worked sales/ commissioned sales before, it really helps with getting over ur fear of rejection.. i worked for 100% commission only sales @ neiman marcus when i was in college, and theres no hourly pay. if you don't sell anything you don't get paid. so that shy crap or fear of being rejected won't fly there. its the same concept with women, except that instead of money, its their birth canals you're after. and if you don't approach, you're going to be spanking your plank on spankwire every night

when you try to sell something to a customer and they don't buy it, you immediately forget about it and go after the next customer. theres no 'shame' in being rejected because you're just using them as a means to an end. the same applies for women. if one rejects you, move on to the next one. eventually you'll find a broad that wants to give up the box then you'll feel like a champ.
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