Tiger blasts Garcia for 'fried chicken' slur, calls it 'wrong, hurtful'

Fake outrage.....

If he would've said fried plantains you wouldn't be offended, well on second thought you probably wouldn't ...Hispanics really don't talk back to the white man when he degrades them. 

Har har....

If you get offended about someone pigeonholing

Your food choice cuz of who u are you're sensitive.


U got folks dying of hunger on earth & cats getting

Bout fried chicken... :smh:
Ain't nobody cryin'

I just can't believe you can't understand how that can be offensive.

It would be the same as someone calling a Mexican person a ******.
Exactly Hispanics come to America by choice and be crying about "they're taking our heritage away from us" ... Blacks were STRIPPED OF OUR IDENTITY, cultural bond with our heritage and told we would NEVER be part of a country we BUILT, AGAINST OUR WILL, FOR FREE.

Hispanics got America on bang mode ...they have it good, it's probably why they take racism so lightly. They got that option of stop siphoning money into the motherland and just bounce back HOME with American currency.

...were are us blacks going? We don't have home, this IS our home. So when other races spout off elitist sense of entitlement like we're ethnic door mats, it's a problem.
Sometimes it ain't even about Tiger, it's about US and Tiger is part of US whether he likes it or not. And some of us REPRESENT for US at ALL COST and make them check that **** at door.

no one respects Tiger...and as a black man he does not deserve it.
an an individual of African American descent he has done everything possible to not acknowledge who he is.
and now of all the emotions you feel...you're "hurt"?
pull your skirt down. you're a sellout chump, and everyone knows that.
that's why no one has had a problem taking racial shots at him publicly.

So because he doesn't explicitly and loudly connect with being black (besides his physical APPEARANCE every day) it opens him up to MORE racism? Not sure.
yes, i know what a stereotype is.  a stereotype doesn't necessarily automatically equal racism, placism, whatever-ism.  i can't imagine he wouldn't be cool with that.  would you be cool if someone invited you over for fried chicken?  if you don't like it i can see that but if you DO like it would you honestly be mad if someone was all, 'yo leo come over and help me finish this bucket son,'.  yea right you'd be in the car squealing wheels because news flash - fried chicken is wonderful.

let me be clear.  i'm not defending garcia for tryna fire off some lame shots, i just don't think those specific shots were racist.  stereotypical?  i suppose.  offensive?  pssh.  if that's the best he got it's just not worth it.
Yes, who doesn't like a nice piece of fried chicken. 

But asking somebody you know to help you finish that bucket takes on a completely different meaning when its a public figure who obviously is trying to fire some shots. I mean Garcia went WELL outa his way for that one.

Dunno why, but it's a sensitive topic. Especially if it hits the news and in a sport that still has a long way to go in terms of integration.He might as well have thrown in some watermelon. 
Ain't nobody cryin'

I just can't believe you can't understand how that can be offensive.

It would be the same as someone calling a Mexican person a ******.

NO.  NO.  it's NOT the same.  garcia didn't say (like i already posted previously) 'yea ima invite that jigaboo over,'  THAT is racist and THAT'S something to get worked up over.  i just posted that.  he didn't doe, he said he'd invite dude over for fried chicken.  THAT'S what i'm trying to say.  y'all equating 'fried chicken' with 'nignog'.  sorry, it's just not the same at all.


******- Originates from the prevalence of pinto beans and other beans in Mexican cuisine. Its a stereotype about food and its offensive.

How is it not the same? :nerd:
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Har har....

If you get offended about someone pigeonholing

Your food choice cuz of who u are you're sensitive.


U got folks dying of hunger on earth & cats getting

Bout fried chicken...
wow i mean......i can't believe i'm gonna say this but 
Again some NTers cant seem to wrap their heads around the connotation of certain words or phrases :smh:
NO.  NO.  it's NOT the same.  garcia didn't say (like i already posted previously) 'yea ima invite that jigaboo over,'  THAT is racist and THAT'S something to get worked up over.  i just posted that.  he didn't doe, he said he'd invite dude over for fried chicken.  THAT'S what i'm trying to say.  y'all equating 'fried chicken' with 'nignog'.  sorry, it's just not the same at all.

can you admit that it was racially insensitive of him to say that? I'm not crying racist, I'm saying as a public figure he knows better. He knew he couldn't come out and call him a jigaboo. He looked for another way to get his point across by mentioning fried chicken. I wouldn't say people are getting worked up, but his actions still require some level of outrage. It's about respect at the end of the day. So what he didn't call him a mut, or a porch monkey. He still attacked the man
Ain't nobody cryin'

I just can't believe you can't understand how that can be offensive.

It would be the same as someone calling a Mexican person a ******.

NO.  NO.  it's NOT the same.  garcia didn't say (like i already posted previously) 'yea ima invite that jigaboo over,'  THAT is racist and THAT'S something to get worked up over.  i just posted that.  he didn't doe, he said he'd invite dude over for fried chicken.  THAT'S what i'm trying to say.  y'all equating 'fried chicken' with 'nignog'.  sorry, it's just not the same at all.


******- Originates from the prevalence of pinto beans and other beans in Mexican cuisine. Its a stereotype about food and its offensive.

How is it not the same? :nerd:

honestly though- look through our archives and count how many Mexican/Hispanic members have made racially-motivated threads (whether it police profiling/brutality, stereotypes, slang, word usage, potential hate crimes, opinions, clothing). Or Asian's for that matter, they really mainly come from one source. So its hard to compare their reaction


Now we are determining if a race of people find a word or phrase offensive only if a thread about it has been started on NT?
With food........

Aka fake outrage.

I wish i could find time to be mad at someone

Callin me a rice & bean eater :smh: :lol:
 I'm not even stuntin' the fact people acting like they're oblivious to the hurtful nature of fried chicken and association the with black stereotypes. 

So non blacks, if you have a sister, daughter or hot mom and someone makes a remark about "Invite him for for chicken" and I respond "As long as she's coming, she looks like she like em' big and dark, it's good because I like breast". If you say you actually think it's an innuendo about the size and cut of chicken you're like you're lying through your teeth.
With food........

Aka fake outrage.

I wish i could find time to be mad at someone

Callin me a rice & bean eater
Cause you a parasite son ...word to your moms 
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:smh: at most of yall. So it's ok to "jokingly" spew racial stereotypes at another race? ok.
So question.

If he was talking about a Mexican golf player and said "tacos and coronas", would this be an issue?


Who cares, this is a reach.
So question.

If he was talking about a Mexican golf player and said "tacos and coronas", would this be an issue?


Who cares, this is a reach.

Bingo, Dominicans call ourselves platanos..

Tiger decided to see how much credit he had left

In his race card... :lol:
So question.

If he was talking about a Mexican golf player and said "tacos and coronas", would this be an issue?


Who cares, this is a reach.

It's good media, and it's about the top ranked player in the world at his sport and deals with him being minority in his game. That's all.
sergio is clearly the one with the most rustled jimmies if he needed to say that. dude can't beat Tiger at golf.
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