Marketing and timing. I think a lot of it is the cross comparison pieces with Kendall Jenner's 818. Thotties think they're on that "exclusive" not going with the other popular brand.
Y’all ever have an ex that was always trying to pop back up somehow/someway? Like either through text, word of mouth from someone or even social media?

Ex I broke up with at the end of last year has consistently tried to mend things between us and I pretty much cut her off in May. Fast forward to June and I’m out atl on vacation, shawty hits me the day after her bday talking about how it’s effed up that I didn’t wish her happy bday. I told her I’m on vacation, going on dates and haven’t even thought about you. So I’m thinking that’s done with. Come to find out she still follows me on snap and was always the first checking anything I posted. So out of the blue randomly yesterday after no type of communication, she hits me up talking about she apologizes how ish went between us last month, hopes I’m happy and hopefully we can repair our friendship. Since I didn’t accept her apology and told her off, she says I didn’t have to respond and to leave her alone…….last I checked I wasn’t the one who reached out. Maybe it’s just me but that’s just weirdo behavior and I’m glad I dodged that bullet.

I did block her on snap and all other social media since I don’t need that energy in my life.
Word of mouth for me. A couple people I’m cool with who also know her always find a way to bring her up. I’m usually like

She also texted my mom and they spoke in person last week. Women have a different set of logic I swear .
Word of mouth for me. A couple people I’m cool with who also know her always find a way to bring her up. I’m usually like

She also texted my mom and they spoke in person last week. Women have a different set of logic I swear .
See I knew I wasn’t the only one dealing with weirdo behavior like that. My roommate knows my ex personally and she had hit him up after seeing my snap of the new chick I’m dating, saying “you need to get some noise canceling headphones”. After he told me that we both just looked at each other like that’s ******* weird af to say.
willypete willypete
Funny you mention exes hitting you up mine hit me up last week after absolutely no contact since September..said she's moving and asked if I want to catch up before she leaves. She's a very good person but things just didn't work between us

Part of me wanted to say yeah, but thinking about it nothing good can come from it, I gave her her closure but you know with women it's never enough. Meeting with her would not do anything positive for me, and God knows it might me an ambush for her to roast me again blah blah blah..ask about my current girl...not worth the stress and time wasted at all
willypete willypete
Funny you mention exes hitting you up mine hit me up last week after absolutely no contact since September..said she's moving and asked if I want to catch up before she leaves. She's a very good person but things just didn't work between us

Part of me wanted to say yeah, but thinking about it nothing good can come from it, I gave her her closure but you know with women it's never enough. Meeting with her would not do anything positive for me, and God knows it might me an ambush for her to roast me again blah blah blah..ask about my current girl...not worth the stress and time wasted at all
Was gonna say sounds like an invitation to smash but saw that you said you have a current girl. I’d ignore her at all costs.
willypete willypete
Funny you mention exes hitting you up mine hit me up last week after absolutely no contact since September..said she's moving and asked if I want to catch up before she leaves. She's a very good person but things just didn't work between us

Part of me wanted to say yeah, but thinking about it nothing good can come from it, I gave her her closure but you know with women it's never enough. Meeting with her would not do anything positive for me, and God knows it might me an ambush for her to roast me again blah blah blah..ask about my current girl...not worth the stress and time wasted at all
Yeah she’s definitely trying to throw a wrench into your current situation. Best not to entertain it at all.
How do you feel about it?

She’s a good woman. Stable, got a lot going for herself. Her situation is unique in that she shares three kids and one is high needs, so dating hasn’t been too good to her. I never wanted to string her along, and we’ve both put up stop signs, but seems to hook back up eventually. (Excellent sexual chemistry)

we’ve talked about our dates/partners and have been open, but she’s never been fully onboard with the poly life. I feel like I should just let it simmer and give her, her peace. She has to see the good in her qualities, in order to find what she wants. My hovering presence isn’t helping. I don’t know, it’s easy for me to be ‘out of sight, out of mind’ type real quick. So at the end of the day it’s nothing.
She’s a good woman. Stable, got a lot going for herself. Her situation is unique in that she shares three kids and one is high needs, so dating hasn’t been too good to her. I never wanted to string her along, and we’ve both put up stop signs, but seems to hook back up eventually. (Excellent sexual chemistry)

we’ve talked about our dates/partners and have been open, but she’s never been fully onboard with the poly life. I feel like I should just let it simmer and give her, her peace. She has to see the good in her qualities, in order to find what she wants. My hovering presence isn’t helping. I don’t know, it’s easy for me to be ‘out of sight, out of mind’ type real quick. So at the end of the day it’s nothing.
It seems like you care about her and I agree with giving her space. Realizing that you're a bad distraction to someone, sometimes you have to be the one to push them away. I definitely think she'll be back though... Just be mindful she'll pull away again.
I seen you said 3 kids and my mind immediately said nope. But sometimes it’s definitely good to separate yourself from someone and if you two happen to find y’all way back to each other then maybe it’s meant to be
She’s a good woman. Stable, got a lot going for herself. Her situation is unique in that she shares three kids and one is high needs, so dating hasn’t been too good to her. I never wanted to string her along, and we’ve both put up stop signs, but seems to hook back up eventually. (Excellent sexual chemistry)

we’ve talked about our dates/partners and have been open, but she’s never been fully onboard with the poly life. I feel like I should just let it simmer and give her, her peace. She has to see the good in her qualities, in order to find what she wants. My hovering presence isn’t helping. I don’t know, it’s easy for me to be ‘out of sight, out of mind’ type real quick. So at the end of the day it’s nothing.
Good on you for making the adult decision of distancing yourself. Some cats would still try to hover around and feed them false hope.
My ex girl from a few years ago blew up from 155 lbs to 245 lbs while we together, stopped dressing up when we went out, basically just got too comfortable. Also constantly talked about wanting to go to grad school but never did it over a 7 year period, despite not having anything holding her back from a resources standpoint.

Meanwhile I continued to advance in my career over the years, stayed in shape, started therapy, stuff like that. She would jokingly say things like “you’re not going anywhere” and “I’m gonna do XYZ when I’m a stay at home mom”. Tried suggesting physically activities to help with her weight, she wasn’t interested. Straight up told her that I was concerned about her weight and that she really needed to exercise, she told me she didn’t need it and that if I didn’t accept her at her weight someone else would. I left

Fast forward to a few years later and I notice one of our HS friends retweeted her. She’s still the same weight, constantly tweeting about how men are trash, how she wants a man that earns six figures, stuff like that. Tragically single and bitter at the world. It was actually sad to see.
That's a bat**** insane weight difference to lay on someone. Almost 1 full woman extra.

It’s crazy, man. This was over like 4 years. I cannot count the amount of times I mentioned exercise over the years. Hiking, tennis, weight exercises, even outdoor social events that would require us to do a little walking and she wasn’t hearing it. Not to derail the thread but she’s the kinda chick Kevin Samuels talks about. She looks down on average earning men and thinks the kind of guy she wants (tall, six figure guy) will accept her as she is and it’s not gonna happen, especially at 30 years old and 245 lbs.

But it was my fault for sticking around for so long. :lol:
It’s crazy, man. This was over like 4 years. I cannot count the amount of times I mentioned exercise over the years. Hiking, tennis, weight exercises, even outdoor social events that would require us to do a little walking and she wasn’t hearing it. Not to derail the thread but she’s the kinda chick Kevin Samuels talks about. She looks down on average earning men and thinks the kind of guy she wants (tall, six figure guy) will accept her as she is and it’s not gonna happen, especially at 30 years old and 245 lbs.

But it was my fault for sticking around for so long. :lol:
You got out of there and that’s all that matters. You not tied down to her in anyway, shape or form so you good.
It’s crazy, man. This was over like 4 years. I cannot count the amount of times I mentioned exercise over the years. Hiking, tennis, weight exercises, even outdoor social events that would require us to do a little walking and she wasn’t hearing it. Not to derail the thread but she’s the kinda chick Kevin Samuels talks about. She looks down on average earning men and thinks the kind of guy she wants (tall, six figure guy) will accept her as she is and it’s not gonna happen, especially at 30 years old and 245 lbs.

But it was my fault for sticking around for so long. :lol:
Nah that’s not even on you. In my opinion, you did the right thing to stick around and suggest working out with her and ****. She didn’t wanna work at it, which just means she didn’t value the relationship as much as you did.

you tried, she didn’t. Don’t forget that.
local ting slid on me yesterday. Prior to this , we exchanged a few likes on pics and maybe an emoji on stories. I’m not paying for no damn OF but I will blow that back tf out.

back to my old ways. |l

"Soooo is that a yes you do want the link, or...." = stick to the topic. I am making it clear that my only interest in this exchange is to make you an ******** subscriber and I am trying to retain your interest even though your proposition for drinks has no genuine appeal to me.

"I would be down for drinks some time" = Let me leave it open-ended and provide no definitive indication of my schedule so that I can retain your interest and still hopefully convert you into an ******** subscriber based on the false hope that we'll meet for drinks.

Stop giving this harlot attention man.
you'd be better off starving her.
It’s crazy, man. This was over like 4 years. I cannot count the amount of times I mentioned exercise over the years. Hiking, tennis, weight exercises, even outdoor social events that would require us to do a little walking and she wasn’t hearing it. Not to derail the thread but she’s the kinda chick Kevin Samuels talks about. She looks down on average earning men and thinks the kind of guy she wants (tall, six figure guy) will accept her as she is and it’s not gonna happen, especially at 30 years old and 245 lbs.

But it was my fault for sticking around for so long. :lol:
You would be the Villain in any Tyler Perry movie.
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