Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

So when should I take things literally, and when should I take things as metaphor?

Do metaphors exist in the Bible?

Could the story of Creation in six days be a metaphor for a 6 part process?

I really need your answer to these questions in the plainest language possible. Like, pretend I'm a small child.
Ight I got ya.

As I said with my analogy, you wont understand God's words if your reading in pride and disbelief.

Open your heart and listen to your conscience and with that the word will speak to you.  

Turn your life over to Christ and you will see that word comes alive, or simply

the Spirit that God lays in you interprets the Bible for you.

I believe in 6 days.
Anyone over the age of 10 that believes Noah's Ark was an actual historical event needs a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation.
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That's not a personal attack, I don't know the guy. I'll never post a personal attack here. What I am doing is observing, and nothing here feels genuine. It doesn't feel like a person speaking on something they truly believe in and are passionate about. It's the same packaged drivel some former sinner resigns to in lieu of their own words and thoughts. There's nothing original to see here, and will neither move nor convince anyone. Come back when you get a real voice.


Submissiveness from my view point is being willing to give up yourself for a greater cause. The opposite would be pride and stubbornness I guess. Which one is easier to deal with for you?

1 Timothy 2:11-12

Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.

what greater cause does that serve?
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My hope is that everyone finds what I've found. If not then that's on them and God. Not going to force the issue.

nah i feel you b. but i'm just saying, you don't have to be around the bush. but what you just said basically means, "my hope is that everyone converts." lol. because what you found, converted you into a Christian.
Probably unanswerable but why is Christianity obedience to God, not Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, the multiple religions that crumbled before any of these religions even came to be? Who are you to say a Muslim isn't obeying God. On the contrary, they'd say they are obeying all his wishes. 

What proves to you that Christianity is what God wants? Is true obedience? 

Oh an another thing, there were religions before Judaism and Christianity. Just need to look out East and see Buddhism and Hinduism. And even before those religions there were many beliefs. What is the Christian viewpoint of the development of these religions? Why did they come to be before Christianity? That's an actual question, I do kind of have the answer, but just want to hear it from a Christian. 

God, Christ and what they represent.

Well for me, there has always only been 1 God. How he has been worshiped or what people labeled it with has changed.
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So when should I take things literally, and when should I take things as metaphor?

Do metaphors exist in the Bible?

Could the story of Creation in six days be a metaphor for a 6 part process?

I really need your answer to these questions in the plainest language possible. Like, pretend I'm a small child.
Ight I got ya.
As I said with my analogy, you wont understand God's words if your reading in pride and disbelief.
Open your heart and listen to your conscience and with that the word will speak to you. 
Turn your life over to Christ and you will see that word comes alive, or simply
the Spirit that God lays in you interprets the Bible for you.

I believe in 6 days.

Ok, so I've definitely taken Christ into my heart.

And I'm absolutely sure that most of the Bible is metaphor and an amalgamation of ancient religions, filtered into a new version for a population in need of a new overarching religion after so many Jews started to question Judaism, leading to this one Jew named Jesus to point out not only the hypocrisies of religion but of societal power structures.

But that's not at all what most Christians think.

Are you saying it's all subjective?
nah i feel you b. but i'm just saying, you don't have to be around the bush. but what you just said basically means, "my hope is that everyone converts." lol. because what you found, converted you into a Christian.

1 Timothy 2:11-12

Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.

what greater cause does that serve?

You found that scripture but didn't research the purpose of it?
so in the long run, THEY CONVERT.

am i right? that's what planting a seed is, no? so it can blossom eventually?
Matthew 13

Then He spoke many things to them in parables, saying: “Behold, a sower went out to sow. And as he sowed, some seed  fell by the wayside; and the birds came and devoured them. Some fell on stony places, where they did not have much earth; and they immediately sprang up because they had no depth of earth. But when the sun was up they were scorched, and because they had no root they withered away. And some fell among thorns, and the thorns sprang up and choked them. But others fell on good ground and yielded a crop: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!”
OP if I jump off the roof of a skyscraper and while free falling change my mind and accept Lord Jesus as my savior. When I pancake that concrete do I get to be on the list for a Heaven's suite or do I tailgate in Hell?
With over 200 replies I was thinking full blow religious argument thread but after reading OP :lol: troll thread. Seems appropriate.
I have a question, not only for OP but all "believers"

Have you ever thought about what if you are completely wrong? What if all the bull you guys are spewing out is just that, complete nonsense? What if everything you believe, all your utterly judgmental views, all those made up biblical stories were wrong? These are serious questions

There is absolutely no way you can prove god is real or that anything in bible actually happened. So there is no definitive way to justify anything you guys are preaching

Im agnostic so I do not believe in the typical image of god and religion. BUT I have come to terms with the fact that I could be completely wrong. As much as I do not believe it, there could very well be a god and everything thing you guys believe could end up being 100% true.

So I urge you guys to consider that. Your lives are no more better or more righteous because you believe.
OP if I jump off the roof of a skyscraper and while free falling change my mind and accept Lord Jesus as my savior. When I pancake that concrete do I get to be on the list for a Heaven's suite or do I tailgate in Hell?

I'm sorry but LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. You just hypothetically premeditated your own suicide as if God wouldn't have known your intentions and heart. Seriously man :lol:
Ok, so I've definitely taken Christ into my heart.

And I'm absolutely sure that most of the Bible is metaphor and an amalgamation of ancient religions, filtered into a new version for a population in need of a new overarching religion after so many Jews started to question Judaism, leading to this one Jew named Jesus to point out not only the hypocrisies of religion but of societal power structures.

But that's not at all what most Christians think.

Are you saying it's all subjective?
Im saying you haven't accepted him as  your Lord and savior.

You love being blind, thats why your are throwing smokescreens.
I have a question, not only for OP but all "believers"

Have you ever thought about what if you are completely wrong? What if all the bull you guys are spewing out is just that, complete nonsense? What if everything you believe, all your utterly judgmental views, all those made up biblical stories were wrong? These are serious questions

There is absolutely no way you can prove god is real or that anything in bible actually happened. So there is no definitive way to justify anything you guys are preaching

Im agnostic so I do not believe in the typical image of god and religion. BUT I have come to terms with the fact that I could be completely wrong. As much as I do not believe it, there could very well be a god and everything thing you guys believe could end up being 100% true.

So I urge you guys to consider that. Your lives are no more better or more righteous because you believe.
I understand what your saying

Actually, my beliefs brings ME personally some peace of mind in this effed up world

It may not be for you, but that's fine & I respect it
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I'm sorry but LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. You just hypothetically premeditated your own suicide as if God wouldn't have known your intentions and heart. Seriously man :lol:

Judas and Eve are two.solid examplrs in theology about Free Will. We have no free will.
I have a question, not only for OP but all "believers"

Have you ever thought about what if you are completely wrong? What if all the bull you guys are spewing out is just that, complete nonsense? What if everything you believe, all your utterly judgmental views, all those made up biblical stories were wrong? These are serious questions

There is absolutely no way you can prove god is real or that anything in bible actually happened. So there is no definitive way to justify anything you guys are preaching

Im agnostic so I do not believe in the typical image of god and religion. BUT I have come to terms with the fact that I could be completely wrong. As much as I do not believe it, there could very well be a god and everything thing you guys believe could end up being 100% true.

So I urge you guys to consider that. Your lives are no more better or more righteous because you believe.

How are you expecting answers WHILE kicking dirt in our face?
I have a question, not only for OP but all "believers"

Have you ever thought about what if you are completely wrong? What if all the bull you guys are spewing out is just that, complete nonsense? What if everything you believe, all your utterly judgmental views, all those made up biblical stories were wrong? These are serious questions

There is absolutely no way you can prove god is real or that anything in bible actually happened. So there is no definitive way to justify anything you guys are preaching

Im agnostic so I do not believe in the typical image of god and religion. BUT I have come to terms with the fact that I could be completely wrong. As much as I do not believe it, there could very well be a god and everything thing you guys believe could end up being 100% true.

So I urge you guys to consider that. Your lives are no more better or more righteous because you believe.
I think that's a question most people have within themselves. Me personally,the question of a higher being doesn't affect me that much, and I rather focus on what's happening now, rather than the past or future. Try to be the best person I can be, just because. Interesting to think about/talk about though. 

Overall, a lot of people are religious for that what if. What if it is true? Rather be safe than sorry. I know people like this 
. A lot of religious folk are religious because of family too. They grew up within it. 
Judas and Eve are two.solid examplrs in theology about Free Will. We have no free will.

Judas's story didn't end at the betrayal. He had time to repent.

Eve exercised free will. Genesis was written AFTER , so wouldn't the story just need to be retold. Its not like the Bible released and then Eve ate the fruit.
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