Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

At the end of the day we have no proof to prove our points, either we believe or we dont, its just a theory,

The terrorist attacks showed me the power of religion at a young age
I hope you aren't referring to 9/11 sir. Def wasn't religion, it was blamed in that case. 

But we can look at Israel presently, going ham in the name of God. 
OP, I believe id God & Christ as you do

But there is one thing Ive learned along the years on the internet & message boards

Religious topics NEVER END WELL

Brave soul you are

pretty much. i look at it like this. if a Hindu came to me and tried to convert me, i'd say, "no thanks, im good."

how in the world can i expect that same Hindu to convert to Christianity if i asked him? it's hypocrisy imo.

it aint happening. people got their beliefs, and i respect it. i won't push, force, nor make fun of peoples beliefs, and i hope i get that in return.
Religion =/= Relationship with God.

So many people have died for a slew of other reasons. Lack of money is a biggie. Can't afford healthcare then you're in a pickle. Power and material gain is a HUGE factor. Hate is the biggest cause.
I agree religion does not equal a relationship with a God or higher being. I view it as two separate things for some reason. 

With that said, why does Christianity need to be the way to have a relationship with God? Why is that RELIGION the only way to have a RELATIONSHIP with God. Assuming you are Christian, you are not necessarily equating religion and the relationship, but it's pretty close. 

And you state his message is that of love. Well, to a person who didn't grow up in a Christian background and is actually a different religion, there doesn't seem to be much love, especially when that person is immediately damned. 
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I agree religion does not equal a relationship with a God or higher being. I view it as two separate things for some reason. 

With that said, why does Christianity need to be the way to have a relationship with God? Why is that RELIGION the only way to have a RELATIONSHIP with God. Assuming you are Christian, you are not necessarily equating religion and the relationship, but it's pretty close. 

And you state his message is that of love. Well, to a person who didn't grow up in a Christian background and is actually a different religion, there doesn't seem to be much love, especially when that person is immediately damned. 

I'm Christian. I don't know you but have love for you. I don't know a thing about any of you now or those I've debated/argued with in the past. Still got love for y'all.

Well when it comes to a relationship with God, without being obedient to God, how can one grow closer to him?
It was for me, though. And since it was my question...
If you were to read a couples love letter, you wouldn't be able to feel the intimacy because
its not about you.
Once you become born again in the Spirit, the Word comes alive. You feel the love.

So when should I take things literally, and when should I take things as metaphor?

Do metaphors exist in the Bible?

Could the story of Creation in six days be a metaphor for a 6 part process?

I really need your answer to these questions in the plainest language possible. Like, pretend I'm a small child.
pretty much. i look at it like this. if a Hindu came to me and tried to convert me, i'd say, "no thanks, im good."

how in the world can i expect that same Hindu to convert to Christianity if i asked him? it's hypocrisy imo.

it aint happening. people got their beliefs, and i respect it. i won't push, force, nor make fun of peoples beliefs, and i hope i get that in return.

Well personally, I'm not aiming to convert anyone right now. Just planting/nurturing seeds.
Jesus worked (healed) on the sabbath. That right there makes your whole argument pointless.
:lol: Jesus M.D. No.
Says no where in scripture that you cannot heal on the sabbath.

"And he entered again into the synagogue; and there was a man there which had a withered hand. And they watched him, whether he would heal him on the sabbath day; that they might accuse him.
And he saith unto the man which had the withered hand, Stand forth. And he saith unto them, Is it lawful to do good on the sabbath days, or to do evil? to save life, or to kill? But they held their peace." Mark 3 1-4

If Jesus breaks the law, than he CANNOT be the Messiah cus he is and must be sinless to do so. What is Sin? Transgression of the LAW 1John 3:4. Pharisess was jocking him time and time again cus he spoke out against their hyposcracy. They read torah but did not follow it and held their own laws in higher esteem. But Jesus came to fulfill( hebrew plēroō : execute, verify) the law
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bruh this thread is everywhere. :lol:

Christians trying to answer troll questions and legit questions.

Non-Christians throwing jabs.

OP half answering questions.

Dumb questions.

Christians calling out other Christians on bible knowledge.

People being called self righteous.

:lol: happy i aint working tomorrow.

Submissiveness from my view point is being willing to give up yourself for a greater cause. The opposite would be pride and stubbornness I guess. Which one is easier to deal with for you?
I'm Christian. I don't know you but have love for you. I don't know a thing about any of you now or those I've debated/argued with in the past. Still got love for y'all.

Well when it comes to a relationship with God, without being obedient to God, how can one grow closer to him?
Probably unanswerable but why is Christianity obedience to God, not Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, the multiple religions that crumbled before any of these religions even came to be? Who are you to say a Muslim isn't obeying God. On the contrary, they'd say they are obeying all his wishes. 

What proves to you that Christianity is what God wants? Is true obedience? 

Oh an another thing, there were religions before Judaism and Christianity. Just need to look out East and see Buddhism and Hinduism. And even before those religions there were many beliefs. What is the Christian viewpoint of the development of these religions? Why did they come to be before Christianity? That's an actual question, I do kind of have the answer, but just want to hear it from a Christian. 
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Op sounds like such a disingenuous drone.

Why the personal attack, man?

That's not a personal attack, I don't know the guy. I'll never post a personal attack here. What I am doing is observing, and nothing here feels genuine. It doesn't feel like a person speaking on something they truly believe in and are passionate about. It's the same packaged drivel some former sinner resigns to in lieu of their own words and thoughts. There's nothing original to see here, and will neither move nor convince anyone. Come back when you get a real voice.
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