Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

Actually no, its because we answer the questions but you don't like the answers
The questions you are asking have been answered by me and other posters.
You have chosen to ignore God's answers because you are a lover of pride.
Quote the answer Youve previously posted. I'm a lover of pride yet you have love in YOUR pride for gods words. Hypocritical huh?

I'll ask another question. If one needs to accept God and Jesus in order to be saved from the hell Theyve created, what about those with mental disabilities? Were they born already damned to hell? What about those involved in car wrecks and what not that create those mental problems? Is that gods way to make sure they go to hell since they no longer can mentally "accept " Jesus?
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The allegory here is not the lineage of Abraham. The allegory is what he says following that verse. He talks about Abraham lineage; one being of promise and another being of bondage. If you understand who he is speaking to and what his point is, then this makes all the more sense. He is speaking to the people of Galatia to make them aware that they are the people of promise. So he is taking their history and metaphorically paraphrasing it to sell his stance.

25 For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children.

26 But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all.

27 For it is written, Rejoice, thou barren that bearest not; break forth and cry, thou that travailest not: for the desolate hath many more children than she which hath an husband.

28 Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise.

With Rav Shaul/ Paul writings, it is not easy to read and interprate his exact meaning at face value because these are response letters to where his answering questions and responding to statements. So we are hearing half of a conversation. While there is plenty wisdoms revealed through his letters, there are also some incompletely realized concepts because of the nature of the epistles.
 it's clear as day he's talking about Hagar and Sarah which are bearers of Abrahams lineage, specifically leading to the hypothetical birth of jesus. And you said it yourself, these scriptures leave it difficult to interpret the exact meaning. It seems quite arbitrary that most christians will admit the text can be complicated to decipher yet, will form their own interpretations and consider it the gospel. Allegorical is allegorical no matter how many ways you try to flip it.

Moving on, still no historical proof of exodus. I keep stating this is a metaphysical/metaphorical story that originated from egypt. The people who stole it had no idea what they stole and therefore tried to historicalize it. That's still going on today, with the whitewashing as usual:

So will anyone that's a believer explain to me how you guys can trust these criminals? I've said countless times they've played their hand and let you know who they are yet you guys think they'd stop at the forefront of spiritual warfare? 

For the record the moses story is hardly unique to christianity which i believe has been stated in here many times. To give you an idea of what it's really about:





"these scriptures leave it difficult to interpret the exact meaning. It seems quite arbitrary that most christians will admit the text can be complicated to decipher yet, will form their own interpretations and consider it the gospel. Allegorical is allegorical no matter how many ways you try to flip it"


But it's more like selective reading to fit an idea they were taught while leaving the rest out. If I told you there are monsters under your bed anyone would laugh and dismiss it. Well, the bible teaches that there very well may be monsters under your bed. People read the bible, pluck out 5-10 things, and act like the rest never happened or at least don't pay attention to it.
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"these scriptures leave it difficult to interpret the exact meaning. It seems quite arbitrary that most christians will admit the text can be complicated to decipher yet, will form their own interpretations and consider it the gospel. Allegorical is allegorical no matter how many ways you try to flip it"


But it's more like selective reading to fit an idea they were taught while leaving the rest out. If I told you there are monsters under your bed anyone would laugh and dismiss it. Well, the bible teaches that there very well may be monsters under your bed. People read the bible, pluck out 5-10 things, and act like the rest never happened or at least don't pay attention to it.
from the qua'ran:

Surah 3 Ayat 7:

He it is Who has sent down to thee the Book: in it are verses basic or fundamental (of established meaning); they are the foundation of the Book: others are allegorical. But those in whose hearts is perversity follow the part thereof that is allegorical seeking discord and searching for its hidden meanings but no one knows its hidden meanings except Allah and those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say: "We believe in the Book; the whole of it is from our Lord"; and none will grasp the Message except men of understanding.
 I digress, you nor @DurtyRaspburry  really have no explanation for this exodus lie. The latter mentioned he "thinks" it happened 1476 BC which the article i posted earlier shows that doesnt work out.
Even though I've posted a lot of other stuff that historically disproves christianity, this exodus thing is kinda a big deal... because if that didn't happen, jesus really doesnt have a people to come from. If jesus doesnt exist the whole foundation of christianity collapses which brings us back to:

Galatians 4: 22-24

22 For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman.

23 But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise.

24 Which things are an ALLEGORY: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar.
 noun  \ˈa-lə-ˌgȯr-ē\

the expression by means of symbolic  fictional figures and actions of truths or generalizations about human existence;also  :   an instance (as in a story or painting) of such expression

 it's clear as day he's talking about Hagar and Sarah which are bearers of Abrahams lineage, specifically leading to the hypothetical birth of jesus. And you said it yourself, these scriptures leave it difficult to interpret the exact meaning. It seems quite arbitrary that most christians will admit the text can be complicated to decipher yet, will form their own interpretations and consider it the gospel. Allegorical is allegorical no matter how many ways you try to flip it.
Regarding the allegory, this is what I replied with when you brought that up on pg 49:
It's both symbolic and historical. The 2 sons and mothers represent the 2 different dispensations. Hagar and Ishmael representing the flesh, Sarah and Isaac representing the promise that was made to Abraham. The flesh represent being bound by the law that was given on Mt. Sinai. The promise representing the freedom from being bound by the law to those who have received the promise of the Holy Ghost.
Moving on, still no historical proof of exodus. I keep stating this is a metaphysical/metaphorical story that originated from egypt. The people who stole it had no idea what they stole and therefore tried to historicalize it. That's still going on today, with the whitewashing as usual:

So will anyone that's a believer explain to me how you guys can trust these criminals? I've said countless times they've played their hand and let you know who they are yet you guys think they'd stop at the forefront of spiritual warfare? 

Regarding the Exodus, there's evidence of the Exodus but there's also a lack of evidence for it. All depends on your respective stance in the case and what you want to believe and what determines your belief. I could post and post but what are you determined to believe?

What are those sperm and Moses pictures about?
So if there is evidence that goes both ways, would it not be wise to see who has presented the info? more specifically the story? thiefs murders rapist killers but that's whatever.

The moses story is about the birthing process. In kemet we used stories to tell the natural process of nature:

Moses translates loosely to "child birthed of - "

Him being put in the basket traveling up the nile is symbolic of the sperm traveling up the uterus to the egg aka the lower self aka lower egypt.

His people being in bondage for 40 years represents the 40 week gestation period of the birthing cycle.

The splitting of the read sea is symbolic of the blood cells splitting to form the fetus so that it can birth "the child of -"

The burning bush he spoke to and his staff that turned into a snake is called the kundalini energy which essentially is the life force. It's why you see the snake on the head dress of the pharoahs, and the serpent highly revered in the other cultures. Shoot was it not the serpent that showed adam and eve they were god? I digress and i know that's a tough pill for most christians to swallow.

On a more spiritual level the 10 plagues represent mastering the sephirots of the body. For reference:


At any rate, the bible is layered book that you can find a lot of wisdom and truth in, but i suggest rooting yourself in knowledge and truth. Don't take anything it says literally cause 99.9 % of it never happened. If you wanna "crack the seal in revelations" you should know from reading that, that it's gonna be a special process and not something that's happened in the mundane physical reality. 

Ephesians 6:10-12

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God,so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.  12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
 it's clear as day he's talking about Hagar and Sarah which are bearers of Abrahams lineage, specifically leading to the hypothetical birth of jesus. And you said it yourself, these scriptures leave it difficult to interpret the exact meaning. It seems quite arbitrary that most christians will admit the text can be complicated to decipher yet, will form their own interpretations and consider it the gospel. Allegorical is allegorical no matter how many ways you try to flip it.
Regarding the allegory, this is what I replied with when you brought that up on pg 49:
It's both symbolic and historical. The 2 sons and mothers represent the 2 different dispensations. Hagar and Ishmael representing the flesh, Sarah and Isaac representing the promise that was made to Abraham. The flesh represent being bound by the law that was given on Mt. Sinai. The promise representing the freedom from being bound by the law to those who have received the promise of the Holy Ghost.
and this is a prime example of making the scripture bend to fit what you want.

The bible doesn't anything about it being historical. It specifically says allegorical. Because you're able to bring forth wisdom from the allegory in no way makes it historical. And like most people said theres little to no proof of it being historical.

So where do you get the jurisdiction to come in and say it's both?
So if there is evidence that goes both ways, would it not be wise to see who has presented the info? more specifically the story? thiefs murders rapist killers but that's whatever.

The moses story is about the birthing process. In kemet we used stories to tell the natural process of nature:

Moses translates loosely to "child birthed of - "

Him being put in the basket traveling up the nile is symbolic of the sperm traveling up the uterus to the egg aka the lower self aka lower egypt.

His people being in bondage for 40 years represents the 40 week gestation period of the birthing cycle.

The splitting of the read sea is symbolic of the blood cells splitting to form the fetus so that it can birth "the child of -"

The burning bush he spoke to and his staff that turned into a snake is called the kundalini energy which essentially is the life force. It's why you see the snake on the head dress of the pharoahs, and the serpent highly revered in the other cultures. Shoot was it not the serpent that showed adam and eve they were god? I digress and i know that's a tough pill for most christians to swallow.

On a more spiritual level the 10 plagues represent mastering the sephirots of the body. For reference:


At any rate, the bible is layered book that you can find a lot of wisdom and truth in, but i suggest rooting yourself in knowledge and truth. Don't take anything it says literally cause 99.9 % of it never happened. If you wanna "crack the seal in revelations" you should know from reading that, that it's gonna be a special process and not something that's happened in the mundane physical reality. 

Ephesians 6:10-12

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 
Put on the full armor of God,so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

You sir are quite the paradox. Using biblical scripture to bash.....the Bible?
The Moses story is about Moses. Its not a biology story or anything like that. The plagues were literal, they were punishment sent from God, Jehova himself. Moses was simply a human used by God just like all the other people in the Bible.
How can you say the Bible is layered with wisdom and TRUTH then say 99.99% of it never occurred?

Feel free to make your own thread about _____ and keep the Bible bashing out of this one.
You sir are quite the paradox. Using biblical scripture to bash.....the Bible?
The Moses story is about Moses. Its not a biology story or anything like that. The plagues were literal, they were punishment sent from God, Jehova himself. Moses was simply a human used by God just like all the other people in the Bible.
How can you say the Bible is layered with wisdom and TRUTH then say 99.99% of it never occurred?

Feel free to make your own thread about _____ and keep the Bible bashing out of this one.
Not even. The bible and the prophecies stolen from it were from my people and ancestors so I'll use it how it was intended to be used.

And I haven't bashed anyone or the bible in here. I have bashed the mockery that's been made of it. I have bashed the powers to be who have used it as a means to murder millions and enslave the mind, body, and soul of the masses.

Speaking of Jehovah ;

"In Hebrew, Je or Jeh or Jah means Lord or God [ref].

The suffix “hovah” is No. 1943 in Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary and has the meaning of “ruin, mischief.”

It is another form of No. 1942, ‘havvah’, which is translated “calamity, iniquity, mischief, mischievous (thing), naughtiness, naughty, noisome, perverse thing, substance, very wickedness.”

So it seems you may have fallen into the paradox of worshipping that which you have tried to avoid. 

Nonetheless peace love light and keep it moving if you aint got nothing to offer but subjective misguided interpretations. 
wasting your seed is the issue. learn how to orgasm without ejaculating like the taoists.

Its not about wasted sperm.

Its considered a form of fornication because the sexual act is not with your wife/husband.
Illogical. I'm single I masturbate how does this response relate to me? Your seed is your cosmic life force. It's far more valuable than whatever notion you were alluding to.
Also, I find it fitting and humorous that someone named Hollywood is discrediting the Bible
And this is the god you choose to represent? laughing at someone because the name they use on an internet forum? Glad to see you've internalized the gospels. For the record Hallywood is a play on my last name.
If God is all powerful why did it take him 7 days to make everything? Shouldn't he have been able to do it instantly? Why did he need to rest the last day? Wouldn't all this allude to God not being all powerful?
Not even. The bible and the prophecies stolen from it were from my people and ancestors so I'll use it how it was intended to be used.

And I haven't bashed anyone or the bible in here. I have bashed the mockery that's been made of it. I have bashed the powers to be who have used it as a means to murder millions and enslave the mind, body, and soul of the masses.

Speaking of Jehovah ;

"In Hebrew, Je or Jeh or Jah means Lord or God [ref].

The suffix “hovah” is No. 1943 in Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary and has the meaning of “ruin, mischief.”

It is another form of No. 1942, ‘havvah’, which is translated “calamity, iniquity, mischief, mischievous (thing), naughtiness, naughty, noisome, perverse thing, substance, very wickedness.”

So it seems you may have fallen into the paradox of worshipping that which you have tried to avoid. 

Nonetheless peace love light and keep it moving if you aint got nothing to offer but subjective misguided interpretations. 

I know who I worship, the God of Abraham
Genesis 22:14-And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah-jireh...

who is also the same God Isaiah worshiped
Isaiah 26:4- Trust ye in the Lord for ever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength.

It is another way of YHWH since ancient Hebrew did not use vowels.

I am curious, you said the Bible was stolen from your people. Who are your people? This is a sincere question with absolutely no intent on insulting or mocking you and your people. Im just curious whom you meant. I am not here to anger, provoke or insult anyone.
If God is all powerful why did it take him 7 days to make everything? Shouldn't he have been able to do it instantly? Why did he need to rest the last day? Wouldn't all this allude to God not being all powerful?
I think it comes down to the concept of time and the way it differs with each dimension. Remember, Abraham was like 200 when he had a kid and Noah spent like 300 years building the ark. Our concept of time has changed over the course of the Earth's existence and will probably change again in the distant future. God taking 7 Earth days could be the equivalent of a minute to God on his dimensional plane. We don't know that since we're here in the 3rd/4th dimension.
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I know who I worship, the God of Abraham
Genesis 22:14-And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah-jireh...

who is also the same God Isaiah worshiped
Isaiah 26:4- Trust ye in the Lord for ever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength.

It is another way of YHWH since ancient Hebrew did not use vowels.

I am curious, you said the Bible was stolen from your people. Who are your people? This is a sincere question with absolutely no intent on insulting or mocking you and your people. Im just curious whom you meant. I am not here to anger, provoke or insult anyone.
Speaking of hebrews not using vowels, they also don't use jesus as a messiah. 

And the bible was stolen from the indigenous people of the earth. The people who built heaven on earth and left our history any where and every where you go. 
I think it comes down to the concept of time and the way it differs with each dimension. Remember, Abraham was like 200 when he had a kid and Noah spent like 300 years building the ark. Our concept of time has changed over the course of the Earth's existence and will probably change again in the distant future. God taking 7 Earth days could be the equivalent of a minute to God on his dimensional plane. We don't know that since we're here in the 3rd/4th dimension.

What? God is ALL powerful. Doing anything should be instant. No matter how long it's said to have take It literally should of taken NO time.

The concept of complete and absolute perfection and power (God) is one filled with many paradoxically obscurities
What? God is ALL powerful. Doing anything should be instant. No matter how long it's said to have take It literally should of taken NO time.

The concept of complete and absolute perfection and power (God) is one filled with many paradoxically obscurities

This reality is a paradoxical obscurity. The sooner we realize we're responsible for this creation abomination, it'll come to pass.
Time is different on all planes. The concept of time we have isn't really the universal concept of time. It's what we're familiar with and what we use as a guide to keep track of our lives. God is in the highest dimension where time will differ vastly from what we're familiar with. A week for us could be the equivalent of a moment for him.

Plus you could view the creation story as God bringing things along gently, through a gradual process. Instead of bringing forth everything at once, he paid more attention and provided more purpose with each action, instead of simply lumping life together as soon as possible.
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