This youtube video is guaranteed to make you *facepalm.. ignorance at its finest

Originally Posted by JuJu

Originally Posted by ShoxBb433

I'm far from dumb, I know what continent India is on. I facepalmed you because you came in here acting like you were dropping knowledge when everybody with a brain already knows this.

really? did i preface my sentence with hey guys i bet you didnt know this fun fact? no, no i didnt. i stated that a lot of my friends didnt know that and look at me funny when i say that indians are asians. i swear yall love to just put words in other peoples mouths and infer you know what I was thinking when i typed my post. this is NIKETALK buddy you act like everyone on here is a genius and knows that for fact. You people *#++@ about the morons and children on here all day then as soon as it serves your B.S. you now act as though everyone knows everything on niketalk no need to share anything about anything because its redundant. f outta here.

He's mad.
My bad, i was a little harsh on you, but you're still wrong about the "half-right" thing, as well as the fact that you stated that the girls werestating that the girl was Asian, when in fact they were trying to disprove the girls claim that she was Asian and convince her that she was African.
Wow how can somone be half right? are you serious? if a question has a two part answer and you get one part right is that not 50% of the question answeredcorrectly? 50% = HALF of 100 righ? so if the girl was right in her statement that indians are Asians, BUT WRONG in her statement that india is a country inafrica. THEN since her statement had two parts 1) shes from india a country in africa and 2) although india is an african country its in asia. then HALF of heroverall statement is right. shes wrong on the part about india being an african country but shes RIGHT about it being in asia. like seriously now there is nosuch thing as fractions or percents on niketalk?
Originally Posted by ShoxBb433

Originally Posted by JuJu

Originally Posted by ShoxBb433

I'm far from dumb, I know what continent India is on. I facepalmed you because you came in here acting like you were dropping knowledge when everybody with a brain already knows this.

really? did i preface my sentence with hey guys i bet you didnt know this fun fact? no, no i didnt. i stated that a lot of my friends didnt know that and look at me funny when i say that indians are asians. i swear yall love to just put words in other peoples mouths and infer you know what I was thinking when i typed my post. this is NIKETALK buddy you act like everyone on here is a genius and knows that for fact. You people *#++@ about the morons and children on here all day then as soon as it serves your B.S. you now act as though everyone knows everything on niketalk no need to share anything about anything because its redundant. f outta here.

He's mad.
My bad, i was a little harsh on you, but you're still wrong about the "half-right" thing, as well as the fact that you stated that the girls were stating that the girl was Asian, when in fact they were trying to disprove the girls claim that she was Asian and convince her that she was African.
eh whatever, we can all agree that if this is real they are morons so thats all that really matters anyway. lets re-focus the disgust back towhere it belongs.
Originally Posted by JuJu

Wow how can somone be half right? are you serious? if a question has a two part answer and you get one part right is that not 50% of the question answered correctly? 50% = HALF of 100 righ? so if the girl was right in her statement that indians are Asians, BUT WRONG in her statement that india is a country in africa. THEN since her statement had two parts 1) shes from india a country in africa and 2) although india is an african country its in asia. then HALF of her overall statement is right. shes wrong on the part about india being an african country but shes RIGHT about it being in asia. like seriously now there is no such thing as fractions or percents on niketalk?

Huh? so you are validating the claim that a country can belong to two continents? Your adding up different claims to make yourself sound right. EDIT: But Idigress, back to the subject at hand
Originally Posted by iBlink

It's attitudes like these that make it hard for me to regret my decision to give up on organized religion. It's like the blind leading the blind across the expressway...
you honestly shouldn't ever regret it.
as long as you believe in God why would it matter what religion you follow?
you really think God is going to smite someone that was raises as a Muslim that has lived their life honestly and faithfully just because Christianity is the"correct" religion?
religion is a joke. crazed individuals leading the blind who are now teaching the blind.
Originally Posted by ShoxBb433

Originally Posted by JuJu

Wow how can somone be half right? are you serious? if a question has a two part answer and you get one part right is that not 50% of the question answered correctly? 50% = HALF of 100 righ? so if the girl was right in her statement that indians are Asians, BUT WRONG in her statement that india is a country in africa. THEN since her statement had two parts 1) shes from india a country in africa and 2) although india is an african country its in asia. then HALF of her overall statement is right. shes wrong on the part about india being an african country but shes RIGHT about it being in asia. like seriously now there is no such thing as fractions or percents on niketalk?

Huh? so you are validating the claim that a country can belong to two continents? Your adding up different claims to make yourself sound right.

no, im trying to pull some kind of logic out her dumb statement. my first mistake was trying to verbalize how i understand that even though her logic andreasoning is completely false there is some truth in her statement. i just tried to do it while keeping her ******ed rationale. im fully aware shes a moron myonly point was she ACCIDENTALLY said something right and thats the fact indians are asian thats it nothing more nothing less.
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

of course someone had to come in here and turn the whole thread into something about themselves rather than stay on topic.

just PM each other or $!*$.

this looks fake but i'm still offended and even if it is real
and i don't even blame the girl.
her parents probably raised her that way and are for more ignorant than she will ever be.
hopefully she will enlighten herself as she matures.
but most likely not.
Trust me, it's fake....look at these other videos....full of satire....
wooooooooooooow these chicks are PERFECT extreme christians. like they have the ability to make themselves right no matter what. "they were saying we makechristians look bad, which i think is good because that means me being a good christian i make them look bad for not being good christians."
JuJu you need to sit this one out doggie. You're digging an even bigger hole for yourself trying to justify someone else's ignorance with less thanrelevant semantics.

And no way this vid can be real. I really do think it's a spoof gone a little overboard. It can't possibly be real. No way.
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

of course someone had to come in here and turn the whole thread into something about themselves rather than stay on topic.
it was inevitable, this is NT and this always happens
Originally Posted by JuJu

wooooooooooooow these chicks are PERFECT extreme christians. like they have the ability to make themselves right no matter what. "they were saying we make christians look bad, which i think is good because that means me being a good christian i make them look bad for not being good christians."

I agree with this though.
Originally Posted by iAllan

Her response video


"Jews--they're also going to hell because they don't believe in purgatory..."













wow. seriously every christian friend i have keeps on trying to convert me and tell me being catholic will only get me a one way ticket to hell. like what typeof %%#$ is that. i dont understand christians believing their religion is the only one thats right and being any other religion will just get you into hell. iseriously do not believe God will send me to hell just based on the fact that im not christian. how in the hell does that even make sense.
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