This Kendall Jenner Pepsi commercial tho...VOL DA HELL

and your proof that it sucks is da Huffington post... :lol:

da first article came out with these gems...

The worst thing about this ad is that it fuels the narrative that we need to hear everyone out.

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Why that 'powerful' Heineken ad is just as problematic as Kendall Jenner's Pepsi ad
Beer will not unite the workers of the world.
Thu 1:31 PM 11,833 25

kendall jenner pepsi
Source: Pepsi/Youtube

AT THE START of this month, the world was told that the answer to racism, class conflict, police brutality and a whole other myriad of problems that are currently destroying the planet, is to hand your oppressor an ice cold Pepsi.

The vast majority of people who saw this, more or less agreed that this was ridiculous and collectively laughed in disbelief that this idea made it out of some boardroom full of old white men who must be completely out of touch with reality.

A few weeks later, we’ve essentially been presented with the same thing by a different company. Yet this time, the new Heineken ad is being lauded as the “antidote to the Kendall Jenner Pepsi fiasco”. To me, its reception is odd because it feels just as problematic. So what is wrong with this video?

I’m going to break it down, scene by scene for you. It opens with this guy:

new right
Source: Heineken/Youtube

He’s describing himself as the new right, also known as alt-right, which is a fancy new title for white nationalists who oppose immigration and like to do Nazi salutes and shout “hail Trump” at rallies but insist on not being called Nazis.

Next up we have this person describing where she places herself on the political spectrum:

Source: Heineken/Youtube

As you can see, she’s wearing a t shirt that says “smash the patriarchy”. I can’t decide whether the woman cast for the role of “Feminist in Heineken ad” was really so keen on proving that she was a feminist that she insisted in wearing this t shirt or if they put this t shirt on her just for the video. You know, just because airing any of her views to confirm she was a feminist just wouldn’t be as palatable would it? Whatever, not a big deal. Let’s move on.

The concept is the stuff of a lacklustre sitcom:

Source: Heineken/Youtube

Source: Heineken/Youtube

man hating
Source: Heineken/Youtube

feminist 100
Source: Heineken/Youtube

Source: Heineken/Youtube

Source: Heineken/Youtube

They continue the dramatic set up by highlighting the stark contrasts between the two and a number of other individuals

A man that doesn’t believe that climate change exists, that it is just a distraction used to keep our attention away from serious issues and then another man who believes a lot of work needs to be done to prevent climate change.

Then we have a man that believes that there’s no such thing as being transgender, you can only be the gender you were assigned at birth, and the geniuses over at Heineken HQ decided it would be nice to pair him up with a transgender woman.

We hear a series of provocative statements from backstage:

have our children
Source: Heineken/Youtube

And then the tasks begin.

As an icebreaker, they assemble some stools. Somehow, this haven’t solved ANY of the monstrous problems in the world caused by Western imperialism yet, but I suppose it’s only stage one. Let’s give them a chance.

Stage two involves a Q&A session. Heineken has provided them with some set questions. The first one is “describe what it is like to be you in five adjectives”. The man who introduced himself as transphobic begins and describes his situation as frustrating, while the transwoman describes herself as lucky.

Adjectives go back and forth between all pairs but the most significant conversation appears to be between the transphobe and the transwoman.

Source: Heineken/Youtube

He clearly begins to open up to her and the two begin to discuss her background working in the military (OK, better forget about dismantling that Western imperialism guys) and he says that he deeply admires her for that.

ex military
Source: Heineken/Youtube

Either way, the pair seem to have a connection.

Source: Heineken/Youtube

Meanwhile, the climate change denier (in the blue) is enjoying his time with the environmentalist.

Source: Heineken/Youtube

How heartwarming.

Next up, they engage in activity number 3 which is entitled bridge building. This is just a montage of every pair building a bar together presumably to sit at with their stools and have a few jars to end some of the suffering in the world.

Stage 4 is called “The Decision”.

Source: Heineken/Youtube


This is where all of the truth is revealed. Please enjoy the environmentalist looking at the climate change denier like “the f**k mate?”

Source: Heineken/Youtube

But this is where things start to go desperately wrong. Here, we witness the look of a transgender person who is well used to hearing people’s unsolicited opinions about their existence. It’s the expression of a person who has come to expect this to be the reality of how too many people will value their life.

i am
Source: Heineken/Youtube

The participants are then given the choice of whether to sit down and resume their conversation with their partner over a nice frosty Heineken or head home.

The man who could not conceptualize being transgender and thought that it was wrong, proved himself to be the ultimate King of Banter, by pretending to walk out on hearing that this woman was actually transgender.

Source: Heineken/Youtube

It’s hard to find the humour in this. The woman appears visibly upset until he exclaims that walking out in disgust of her identity was just a big joke.”HAHA! SIKE! You thought I hated you because you’re transgender!” just isn’t that funny when there’s a significant number of people who actually will hate transgender people just for existing.

In the end, every pair decides to sit back and discuss their differences. Could this be something to do with the fact that they were being filmed for a huge ad campaign that could possibly be seen worldwide and portray them as rude for walking out? Possibly.

open your world
Source: Heineken/Youtube

The worst thing about this ad is that it fuels the narrative that we need to hear everyone out.

Conversations like the ones in this advertisement are often conducive to very little. Basically, the only good thing about this ad is that someone accidentally respected a trans woman without realizing that she was transgender. Would this have worked out the same way if this woman had not passed so well?

If this man had sat down with someone who identified as trans but had not yet begun hormone therapy or didn’t pass as easily as this lady, it’s likely he would have been much more uncomfortable. I’m sure this is a nice starting point for him to overcome some of his issues but you should not have to personally know a transgender person to accept the validity of their lives.

It is not every transgender person’s job to sit down and explain their lives to everyone who does not understand why they don’t identify with the gender they were assigned at birth.

It is not every black person’s job to sit down and explain their experience of racism to every person who insists that racism is not real.

It is not every feminist’s job to explain to people who believe women do not deserve the same rights as men that feminism also will benefit men.

It is not any person who has had an abortion’s job to try and justify their reasons why they did it to a person who believes it is wrong.

It is not any lesbian, bisexual, gay or queer person’s job to explain why they are just like everyone else to anyone who says they aren’t fit to raise kids.

It is not any working class person’s job to explain why welfare doesn’t actually bleed the state dry.

It is not up to a person who has been raped or sexually assaulted to explain to you why it was not their fault.

Conversations like the ones in this advertisement are often conducive to very little. Ultimately, this kind of stuff results in people who refuse to engage in any of these conversations being told that they are “no craic” and too uptight or simply just rude.

But these are not things that are up for debate.

If you want to understand something, Google it.

It is frankly exhausting to identify as any of the above and deal with everything you have to deal with on a daily basis as well as being told you need to sit down and have a beer with bigots and devil’s advocates and racists and fascists and help them understand the world.

Engaging in debate takes a huge emotional toll on vulnerable people who are constantly forced to legitimise their identities and existence. The marriage referendum and the ongoing campaign to repeal the eighth amendment are evidence enough that a huge amount of emotional labour is expected of individuals in order for them to be empathized with by people who don’t share their experiences.

sounds like safe space rhetoric :lol:
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no the bottle of beer was the point they were tryna make

keep thinking a damn corporation is out to heal the world

a conversation goes for **** all just look at nt

how many ppl you think really get anything out of this?

you think ninjahood, blc0, oneillmatt etc really get anything out of talking?

you really think these guys are reflecting on the knowledge ppl drop?


safe space rhetoric? cut the ******** 

not every viewpoint is acceptable and treating them like they are is the problem

and damn edit that long *** quote its a reason i aint post the whole damn article
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no the bottle of beer was the point they were tryna make

keep thinking a damn corporation is out to heal the world

a conversation goes for **** all just look at nt

how many ppl you think really get anything out of this?

you think ninjahood, blc0, oneillmatt etc really get anything out of talking?

you really think these guys are reflecting on the knowledge ppl drop?

Well, a beer company made the commercial so OF COURSE their beer would have to be featured.

You can't judge how real-world conversation goes based off of NT personalities :lol:

There is actually something called respectfully disagreeing. It happens all the time. You don't have to see eye-to-eye on topics/issues, but at least being WILLING to hear another POV goes a long way. Never happens here on this site, but this ain't real life on here :lol:
listen dude a mf wanna talk about how much he hates ******* you gonna just respectfully disagree?

foh in real life ppl get stomped out for talking reckless

if nt was real life booyyyyyyy
listen dude a mf wanna talk about how much he hates ******* you gonna just respectfully disagree?

foh in real life ppl get stomped out for talking reckless

if nt was real life booyyyyyyy

You're moving the goalposts here with the hopes of going off on some tangent. I'm talking about in context of the ad. They're simply highlighting the power of conversation. Which is especially important given the climate (no pun) of our world. Pepsi was tone deaf to the 100th degree. Heineken wasn't.

Never once did I say conversation/respectfully disagreeing applies to all situations/personalities. Just won't work...however, if you have folks WILLING to listen to different POVs, then maybe some progress can be had.

With the people you know or associate with, are all of you guys like-minded? Same religion, beliefs, political views, sports teams, etc.? I bet not. You'd be hard-pressed to find anyone out here in this world who surrounds themselves or associates (by way of work, social groups, etc.) with folks who all share the same exact opinions on the same exact topics. Think about how you navigate through conversations that you don't 100% agree with (in person....not behind the comfort of a computer screen.) Again, respectfully disagreeing without going from 0-100, I bet. THIS is what Heineken was trying to get at. I think... :lol: Someone correct me if they saw it differently.
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shifting goalposts 

im saying that not all views are equal

notice they didnt dare touch race in this holy gospel commercial cuz it wouldnt work

of course two WILLING ppl could do it, im sure the ppl in this commercial were WILLING to get a check

you can sugarcoat this pos commercial all you want to

its fake, facetious and downright insulting to my intelligence

say that for example, the climate change guy was here saying it doesnt exist or isnt happeneing and is only media driven

that is not a viewpoint on equivalent grounds to climate change existing and having been verified by 97% of scientists like it said in the article

hell they basically saying the same thing our product can bring ppl together.... NOPE
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You do realize this is all text on a screen, not human interaction, right? There is a difference between the internet n real life. Its easy to hide behind a screen, in real life, it isnt the same. People have their views changed all the time in real life, face to face, with another living, breathing human being. Dont equate the internet with real life, kuz theyre different.
i feel like in real life with a breathing person it would be worse

at least with text its undeniable its literally written in front of your face

a person like me might say some **** that some people would default to angry black man ****
i feel like in real life with a breathing person it would be worse

at least with text its undeniable its literally written in front of your face

a person like me might say some **** that some people would default to angry black man ****

You ever read some of the recaps from the NT Summits? Folks straight up confused as to how the NT persona differs from what they see from the real life persona. :lol:

Not saying this is you, but I think there is something to be said from actual face-to-face conversation.
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yall are talking about as if you being a moderate person talking to another moderate person and changing minds is moving the needle

but its #ntextremes if we talking about someone who is hardcore on that *****

you want to move the needle you gotta go to the extremes
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no the bottle of beer was the point they were tryna make

keep thinking a damn corporation is out to heal the world

a conversation goes for **** all just look at nt

how many ppl you think really get anything out of this?

you think ninjahood, blc0, oneillmatt etc really get anything out of talking?

you really think these guys are reflecting on the knowledge ppl drop?

Well, a beer company made the commercial so OF COURSE their beer would have to be featured.

You can't judge how real-world conversation goes based off of NT personalities :lol:

There is actually something called respectfully disagreeing. It happens all the time. You don't have to see eye-to-eye on topics/issues, but at least being WILLING to hear another POV goes a long way. Never happens here on this site, but this ain't real life on here :lol:
Keep shifting everything to fit your narrow view. But please remember, even Malcolm X changed his views on white folks after visiting Mecca n seeing white Muslims interact peacefully with black n brown Muslims. Now you might say, "why does the black man have to conform?" Well then, ill give examples of white soldiers in Vietnam, n other wars, changing their views when black soldiers fought n died for n saved each other during combat. People with extreme views change their views as well. Its when people are stubborn, much like how you are being, that progress is stymied. Have you ever thought to speak to these people with an open mind? I have spoken with racists of all shades, n tho i dont think i have made them do complete 180 changes, i kno i have imparted some understanding as to why n how things can take the turns they do. You dont battle ignorance with ignorance, although it does make for great entertainment sometimes, you battle it with understanding, tact, n knowledge. Now this is strictly my views on how to handle it person to person, kuz mob mentality makes it exponentially more difficult in group settings.

All of this is a marathon, not a sprint. You dont build these walls all at once, its a brick by brick process. So you cant expect a change overnite.
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dude asw much as you troll that politics thread can you say anybody changed your mind on anything?



meeting ignorance with ignorance 

yea im being closeminded cuz i dont accept white supremacy

i dont find it valid in any form but maybe if i listen a mf can change my mind 
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Im going to assume you are referring to me. If youve paid attention to my posts in the politics thread, you would see i post my true thoughts from time to time. As i mentioned in my previous post, sometimes trolling makes for good entertainment. Everything i say "Pro-Trump" in that thread is purely tongue in cheek, n im sure the other posters kno this. Its a running gag. To your point about white supremacy, if youve read any of my posts in any of the race related threads, youd see my stance on it. The point isnt to become a white supremacist, it is to understand how people get to that point. Yes, some people will never change, at that point, go ahead n troll them. I have white supremacist family that i berate n make fun of all the time, kuz they need to kno i wont stand for it. But the thing is to go into it with an open mind n listen to their beefs, then educate them on why they are wrong. If you keep a closed mind, there is no dialogue, understanding, etc.

How do you expect to change the world, if you dont interact with it?
yall are talking about as if you being a moderate person talking to another moderate person and changing minds is moving the needle

but its #ntextremes if we talking about someone who is hardcore on that *****

you want to move the needle you gotta go to the extremes

Who is saying minds will be changed? :lol: Explain to me what you think respectfully disagreeing means...
Who is saying minds will be changed?
Explain to me what you think respectfully disagreeing means...
theres some **** i cant and shouldnt be "respectfully disagreeing" with

you said if you keep an open mind and be willing, i simply presented the idea of someone who is steadfast and stubborn

we can respectfully disagree about sports, music **** like that

but white supremacy? sexism etc? nah

to me respectfully disagreeing is an admission of passive acknowledgement

like if you respectfully disagree you give the other persons view merit
Im going to assume you are referring to me. If youve paid attention to my posts in the politics thread, you would see i post my true thoughts from time to time. As i mentioned in my previous post, sometimes trolling makes for good entertainment. Everything i say "Pro-Trump" in that thread is purely tongue in cheek, n im sure the other posters kno this. Its a running gag. To your point about white supremacy, if youve read any of my posts in any of the race related threads, youd see my stance on it. The point isnt to become a white supremacist, it is to understand how people get to that point. Yes, some people will never change, at that point, go ahead n troll them. I have white supremacist family that i berate n make fun of all the time, kuz they need to kno i wont stand for it. But the thing is to go into it with an open mind n listen to their beefs, then educate them on why they are wrong. If you keep a closed mind, there is no dialogue, understanding, etc.

How do you expect to change the world, if you dont interact with it?

He's a separatist. Wants nothing to do with white people. If he had friends IRL, and found out they had mixed parents, he probably wouldn't be their friend any more :lol:
How do you expect to change the world, if you dont interact with it?

now its "you dont interact with the world"

cuz if i did then id be willing and accepting of white supremacist rhetoric right?

b4 you say not everyone is racist

changing the world is ostracizing those who hold those views imo

nice one there

notice how i dont make these aspersions on yall but yet yall feel so comfortable telling me i "dont interact with the world" or "dont have friends IRL"

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