this election is bringing the worst out of people....vid


And these type of people will ALWAYS be like this.

Theyll raise their kids to be like this and so on ... They will never change.


Rallies for McCain/Palin are full of racism, hate, and the crowd, even during the speeches, is mostly hostile with "NoBama" chants and boos...ofteninterrupting the speaker.
Rallies for Obama/Biden are mostly peaceful and cooperative with the speaker.

Sad world we live in....

Also...FIERCELY SMH at the guy saying that Obama's cabinet would include Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson...and so on. That's just *!*$@+%#.
LOL is all you can say. I'm so glad peoples inner racism is coming out, and I hope they know the world stage favors them highly.
black or white (well in his case both) u cant tell me this man isnt poised to be the next president

one word, SMOOTH
There was a poll yesterday on CNN I believe that said in "racist Western PA" Obama is still poised to win...
Bottom line is November 5th I'm not leaving the crib.

People are not ready for a minority President... once he wins it's going to be an egg shell walk for his full term. Which is sad considering that thosepeople out there in that video SPITTING HATE would probably all tell you they go to church on Sundays....

More like this election is bringing out the worst/true feelings of most Republican supporters. Like I said about 2 weeks ago, if you go to a McCain/Palinrally you would think it was a gathering of the Ku Klux Klan, either that or a group meeting of the local idiots in town.
Is anyone surprised? These people are scared. Not one of their comments had anything to do with their disagreement with Obama's polices or views (exceptabortion). They are terrified that someone like Obama could make it into the White house. The person they want to support has nothing left in the tank,can't verbally defend himself or deal with the Obama Campaign, and chose someone who I am sure a bunch of NTers have a better educational record than asVP. They (supporters of Palin) are at their wits ends that the attacks on Obama's past and "associations" hasn't seemed to make a dent in thepolling and outlook on election day, and they have NOTHING left to fall back on but old feelings of prejudice (disguised now against Islam) and fear of theunknown. If Obama's name was Jeremy Jackson, then this election would be even uglier because they would be forced to pull out inter-American ignorance andbring back the 1960's viewpoint on him; but, since he has a foreign name and some foreign connections, they are choosing to express their ignorance byattacking that. Pathetic.
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