This dude could probably make $1000/hr Vol. Fingerpainting

I remember when I first saw this video I was like wth kind of scribble scrabble is he doing at first.....then wow... Tim Tebow bow
Originally Posted by Degenerate423

.  I'd definitely buy one just based on the fact that he created those painting with no help from a brush...
Didn't he use a brush with them birds, though?
It just take practice and have a set of common images already in your head.

Dope though.
Its very hard to get me to buy things off the street, but I would buy with the quickness.
This is the kinda thing that if I was rich...would just give dude waay more than he was asking..drop down $3000 or something just because.
Originally Posted by jman23s

Time Square picture man >

bro, i sat here with my jaw on the floor, art is amazing....and the amount of talent some people posses is practically not human.
Everybody isn't hardwired the same. We can rationalize (how they pull it off) all we want. Some people are truly gifted(insane IQ, memory, artistic abilities etc)...there's processes takin place in their brains that the average person doesn't use or doesn't use as much of. It's a gift.

I think I was watching Stan Lee's Superhumans on Nat Geo, and there was an artist  that could look at a skyline and then recall it down to the city blocks. They flew him over the city in a helicopter, and then he went back to his studio, did a big sketch, and recalled everything. I think he only missed like a window or something crazy like that

Stephen Wiltshire:

I would of seen the scale of that paper and been like @!#% it
Nah I'm good
. I would of been making my own skyline after like 20 mins in
Originally Posted by YaBoyDiddy

Everybody isn't hardwired the same. We can rationalize (how they pull it off) all we want. Some people are truly gifted(insane IQ, memory, artistic abilities etc)...there's processes takin place in their brains that the average person doesn't use or doesn't use as much of. It's a gift.

I think I was watching Stan Lee's Superhumans on Nat Geo, and there was an artist  that could look at a skyline and then recall it down to the city blocks. They flew him over the city in a helicopter, and then he went back to his studio, did a big sketch, and recalled everything. I think he only missed like a window or something crazy like that

thats exactly what it is, the average person only uses a significantly small portion of the brain, these people probably put to use a little more and look at the things they can achieve, believe you me, if we used even just 50% of our brain, we'd be able to look into the future, move things just with our thoughts and all sorts of craziness, the brain is an incredible can only wish to have been born with such talent, these people are truly amazing....oddly enough these extremely talented smart individuals are probably the most socially awkward people you'll know.
think about all the inventions we as a race have because of the human brain
its something amazing
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