This Country Hasn't Changed One Bit

This thread is a perfect testament to why racism is still so prevalent....educated well to do "white" Americans won't even accept the very basicfact that the concept of race was invented in Europe....but they are quick to enjoy the benefits of the race system and tell other people to suck it up becausethings aren't that bad....
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Native Americans welcomed whites....
Africans welcomed whites....
Native Australians welcomed whites....
Asians welcomed whites.....

How did that turn out for those groups?

And how are they equally racist..when they never identifiedi with the concept of race.

Playing the blame game is pointless....but cut out the revisionist history.

Okay, first of all....

Every group you have stated, devised its own divisions long before whites showed up.

Race is simply a CONCEPT that HUMANS created to categorize perceived biological, social and cultural differences between human groups.


Find 1 reference to any system of racial classification.....anywhere in the any time in history prior to the European prior to European conquest.

{Kat William} Don't worry i'll wait... {Kat Williams}

Race is and all of the problems that come with it are exclusively European.

Like I said its not about placing blame, rather being historically accurate and truthful.

For any discussion to foster progress...the basis of the debate must be based in fact...."White" Europeans created the concept of race...thats the starting point. If you don't accept that are choosing to be ignorant and support the system of White Supremacy and racism.
Okay the Indian caste system.

Established well before British arrival.

I know what you're going to say...

"Well thats an example of social classification"...

My point is that humans were always looking for way to find divisions within our species.

Whether it be social or racial, its all relative.

This thread is about racism.

There was no such thing as race before it was invented in Europe. How hard is that to understand? People traveled prior to airplanes and boats....but didn't the very premise of travel change with the invention of those tools?

Its great to stand apart from a discussion and throw stones...but when you actually have to absorb blame...the tables turn quickly.
I'm not white, nor am I of European descent....

With that said...

I believe racism would still exist even if whites and europeans never existed.

If people can create social classifications within ones own race, then I cannot believe people (other than whites) would not have created racialclassifications .
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by JD617

First of all, I don't agree with that. But even if I did, that in and of itself is a change.

But the reason I don't agree with it is because to me it seems like each generation becomes more and more tolerant. The reasons have been stated a million
times in this thread, more interracial relationships, about to have a black President, etc. etc.

Racism has not CHANGED, it has transformed, meaning it has altered to a more politically correct nature.

Racism is still racism, and what the OP stated was that since the civil rights movement nothing regarding race has changed. Unless you count affirmative action which is a whole other topic.

Racism is just as prevalent as ever. The fact that we are about to elect a half white president, has nothing to do with the fact of racism in the country.

When Barack gets elected what will it do for me as a black man?

Nothing, as an american- Everything

I agree with most of what you said. However I feel that if Barack Obama is elected president, that it will influence America in ways that no president hadbefore. Has racism changed since the 1960 and earlier? Of course. It's still there. But I think if Obama is elected president, then some people will haveto face their fear of having a person of color in power. I believe in the end, Obama as president will help race relations dramatically.
Don't confuse what I'm saying. I also feel that a Obama/Biden ticket will lead this country in the best direction.
Originally Posted by WinstonDon

Originally Posted by JD617

Originally Posted by WinstonDon

Originally Posted by JD617

Running away from guilt? So white people today are supposed to feel guilty about what white people did 400 years ago till today?
yea because things haven't changed....

So not only have things not changed in the last 40 years, they haven't changed over the last 400. That's what you're saying.
things have changed...i'm not dumb....its just funny how yall act like people should be satisfied w/ how things are ima let you keep playing stupid
please explain?
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

This thread is a perfect testament to why racism is still so prevalent....educated well to do "white" Americans won't even accept the very basic fact that the concept of race was invented in Europe....but they are quick to enjoy the benefits of the race system and tell other people to suck it up because things aren't that bad....


and JD fall back you know what i meant....your ignorant self will reach for anything
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

I really don't care to read through this entire thread.

But I get the gist of it...

Listen, if you believe black people/minorities aren't capable of being just as hateful as "whites" then you are either

1. In denial.

2. comebacklegend.

3. A ******.

4. Live a sheltered existence.

In my short time here on this Earth I've encountered more racism from my minority counter-parts in one day than I do from white people in an entire life time.

The truth is, we are all prejudice....In our subconscious, when we see a person of a particular ethnic background we ALL (I don't give a damn whom you are) draw a conclusion/make an assumption right off the bat.

Hell even when I see another Desi person I make assumptions...

Its something society has programmed into all of us. While some of us may not be "blatantly racist" we are all prejudice....

Every last one of us. You, me, the mods, the pope, your bestfriend, your black friend, your white friend, your half white half black friend....


Just gotta make sure people read this since everyone in this thread is closed minded
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Well in pre-Columbian times racism existed. Word to Aztecs vs Mayans...

Those were not races fam

Yet in your very own words, race does not exist. So how is that any different? Either way, the lines dividing us are fabrications, so why does itmatter which way they are drawn? Ridiculous.
I agree with most of what you said. However I feel that if Barack Obama is elected president, that it will influence America in ways that no president had before. Has racism changed since the 1960 and earlier? Of course. It's still there. But I think if Obama is elected president, then some people will have to face their fear of having a person of color in power. I believe in the end, Obama as president will help race relations dramatically.
Don't confuse what I'm saying. I also feel that a Obama/Biden ticket will lead this country in the best direction.

I agree with you in the sense, that it will, and has forced America to discuss, and confront things, that have been kept to the kitchen table for far too long.

Bill Clinton has correctly stated several times that he would've lost in 96 if Powell ran

I think honestly that MLK could've won as well.

So When Barack is Assassinated will you same individuals be praising the change that has come?

The argument that Whites made something that doesn't exist is a true argument.

Whoever stated that its flawed is not making sense.

Aside from Interracial Marriage which is a civil, not social issue, and Barack being half white (Nader has been a serious candidate for years)

What has changed?
Originally Posted by kix4kix

I agree with most of what you said. However I feel that if Barack Obama is elected president, that it will influence America in ways that no president had before. Has racism changed since the 1960 and earlier? Of course. It's still there. But I think if Obama is elected president, then some people will have to face their fear of having a person of color in power. I believe in the end, Obama as president will help race relations dramatically.
Don't confuse what I'm saying. I also feel that a Obama/Biden ticket will lead this country in the best direction.

I agree with you in the sense, that it will, and has forced America to discuss, and confront things, that have been kept to the kitchen table for far too long.

Bill Clinton has correctly stated several times that he would've lost in 96 if Powell ran

I think honestly that MLK could've won as well.

So When Barack is Assassinated

Stick to facts, big guy, not opinions and predictions.
Originally Posted by JD617

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by WinstonDon

Originally Posted by JD617

Running away from guilt? So white people today are supposed to feel guilty about what white people did 400 years ago?
yea because things haven't changed....

Funniest thing about this idea is how incredibly flawed the logic is.

On the one hand, race doesn't exist. But on the other, a certain group of people should feel guilty about what another group of people did 400 years ago, even though the only connection between them happens to be race, which, as was discussed earlier, is a fabrication.

Hmmm....I'll pass on that champ.

Thank you.


Race exists...we are all #$@# sapien sapien...that is our true race.

But an inherently poisonous and fabricated racial classification system also exists....a system that you benefit from and I suffer because of.

A system that was invented by Europeans....continue to deny it though and live in your altered reality. Its easier for you that way.

The benefots of being "white" are too great to think critcally abot the reasons and history behind the problems in the world today. It easier justto tell people to stop complaing about something that you can't evne begin to wrap your head around.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by JD617

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by WinstonDon

Originally Posted by JD617

Running away from guilt? So white people today are supposed to feel guilty about what white people did 400 years ago?
yea because things haven't changed....

Funniest thing about this idea is how incredibly flawed the logic is.

On the one hand, race doesn't exist. But on the other, a certain group of people should feel guilty about what another group of people did 400 years ago, even though the only connection between them happens to be race, which, as was discussed earlier, is a fabrication.

Hmmm....I'll pass on that champ.

Thank you.


Race exists...we are all #$@# sapien sapien...that is our true race.

But an inherently poisonous and fabricated racial classification system also exists....a system that you benefit from and I suffer because of.

A system that was invented by Europeans....continue to deny it though and live in your altered reality. Its easier for you that way.

The benefots of being "white" are too great to think critcally abot the reasons and history behind the problems in the world today. It easier just to tell people to stop complaing about something that you can't evne begin to wrap your head around.

Like I said earlier...

I'm not white, nor am I of European descent....

With that said...

I believe racism would still exist even if whites and europeans never existed.

If people can create social classifications within ones own race, then I cannot believe people (other than whites) would not have created racialclassifications .
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Well in pre-Columbian times racism existed. Word to Aztecs vs Mayans...

Those were not races fam

Yet in your very own words, race does not exist. So how is that any different? Either way, the lines dividing us are fabrications, so why does it matter which way they are drawn? Ridiculous.

Stop trying to be so eager to prive me wrong and add something truthful and logical to this debate.

You sound ******ed right now.

Incas and Azteks were not races..thats all I said. Was that truly

They were not tribes either BTW.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by kix4kix

I agree with most of what you said. However I feel that if Barack Obama is elected president, that it will influence America in ways that no president had before. Has racism changed since the 1960 and earlier? Of course. It's still there. But I think if Obama is elected president, then some people will have to face their fear of having a person of color in power. I believe in the end, Obama as president will help race relations dramatically.
Don't confuse what I'm saying. I also feel that a Obama/Biden ticket will lead this country in the best direction.

I agree with you in the sense, that it will, and has forced America to discuss, and confront things, that have been kept to the kitchen table for far too long.

Bill Clinton has correctly stated several times that he would've lost in 96 if Powell ran

I think honestly that MLK could've won as well.

So When Barack is Assassinated

Stick to facts, big guy, not opinions and predictions.

Stick to Facts?

What facts you state?
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by smoke ya later

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Well in pre-Columbian times racism existed. Word to Aztecs vs Mayans...

Those were not races fam

The Aztecs had tribes like the Native Americans did. Aztecs, Incas, Mayans were different ethnicities. They were about as different as Italy, Spain and France. Complex I know.

good to know
Originally Posted by smoke ya later

Originally Posted by WinstonDon

Originally Posted by JD617

Originally Posted by WinstonDon

Originally Posted by JD617

Running away from guilt? So white people today are supposed to feel guilty about what white people did 400 years ago till today?
yea because things haven't changed....

So not only have things not changed in the last 40 years, they haven't changed over the last 400. That's what you're saying.
things have changed...i'm not dumb....its just funny how yall act like people should be satisfied w/ how things are ima let you keep playing stupid
please explain?

as far as racial things and....thats what i meant when i first answered the question...then he tried reaching for some other **+% acting like i said"slavery still exists" and thats when i said of course things have changed since then....and ima state it again JD is just reaching for anythingright now
Originally Posted by PaidNHalf

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by kix4kix

I agree with most of what you said. However I feel that if Barack Obama is elected president, that it will influence America in ways that no president had before. Has racism changed since the 1960 and earlier? Of course. It's still there. But I think if Obama is elected president, then some people will have to face their fear of having a person of color in power. I believe in the end, Obama as president will help race relations dramatically.
Don't confuse what I'm saying. I also feel that a Obama/Biden ticket will lead this country in the best direction.

I agree with you in the sense, that it will, and has forced America to discuss, and confront things, that have been kept to the kitchen table for far too long.

Bill Clinton has correctly stated several times that he would've lost in 96 if Powell ran

I think honestly that MLK could've won as well.

So When Barack is Assassinated

Stick to facts, big guy, not opinions and predictions.

Stick to Facts?

What facts you state?

He was referring to kix predicting "Barack's" assassination.
I take what the OP was saying the amount of racism hasn't changed, how it's shown is what evolved.
Originally Posted by TkTheGirl

I take what the OP was saying the amount of racism hasn't changed, how it's shown is what evolved.

I think we established that.
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by JD617

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by WinstonDon

Originally Posted by JD617

Running away from guilt? So white people today are supposed to feel guilty about what white people did 400 years ago?
yea because things haven't changed....

Funniest thing about this idea is how incredibly flawed the logic is.

On the one hand, race doesn't exist. But on the other, a certain group of people should feel guilty about what another group of people did 400 years ago, even though the only connection between them happens to be race, which, as was discussed earlier, is a fabrication.

Hmmm....I'll pass on that champ.

Thank you.


Race exists...we are all #$@# sapien sapien...that is our true race.

But an inherently poisonous and fabricated racial classification system also exists....a system that you benefit from and I suffer because of.

A system that was invented by Europeans....continue to deny it though and live in your altered reality. Its easier for you that way.

The benefots of being "white" are too great to think critically abot the reasons and history behind the problems in the world today. It easier just to tell people to stop complaing about something that you can't evne begin to wrap your head around.

Like I said earlier...

I'm not white, nor am I of European descent....

With that said...

I believe racism would still exist even if whites and europeans never existed.

If people can create social classifications within ones own race, then I cannot believe people (other than whites) would not have created racial classifications .

No it wouldn't

Humans co-existed for hundreds of thousands of years without so much as one 1 conflict over race...BECAUSE THERE WERE NO RACES.

There was no inclination to create races and engage in racism and there would never be anything similar racism without the advent of RACE

Thats like saying I believe that life on Earth would be the same without the presence of is that possible if the very basis of terrestrial lifeis Carbon? Similarly the concept of race is the basis of racism....WOW.

The whole dichotomy of humans interaction was different prior to guys are seriously ignorant and delusional
Originally Posted by TkTheGirl

I take what the OP was saying the amount of racism hasn't changed, how it's shown is what evolved.

America is just like every other country, everybody hates everybody else we just have more money than those other countrys.
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