Things/Products You Can't Stand?

Y’all done triggered me with the traffic talk.

-People who just ride next to you. We got the whole freeway and you gonna ride mirror to mirror next to me?
-People who can’t speed well.
-People who speed only to slam on the brakes at the sight of a curve. If you can’t take a bend fast, you don’t need to be doing anything fast.
-People who cut people off or refuse to let people in only to get on a freeway that not moving.
Atlassian Confluence - the formatting is **** so documentation always sucks, just easier to use word docs
Self checkout at the grocery store.

It's great, in theory, but it's so horribly executed and mismanaged everywhere. First, there needs to be an enforced item limit, and absolutely no large shopping carts. People who use self checkout when they have a full cart should be fired into the sun. Even worse, parents who let their 5-year-old kid do the scanning should be tarred and feathered, then fired into the sun.

Also, attendants straight up disappear at times, so when you need help (like an ID verification for alcohol purchases), nobody is around.

The self checkout at my whole foods is very efficient cause they have one worker that literally stands there if anyone needs help.
Drivers who pull up Hella fast to the main road and brake late... Got half the damb car sticking out in the main road. Now you gotta drive around their dumb ___. Been seeing this a lot lately
All these damn TikTok Guru’s with their ****** advice. Crazy thing is I don’t even have tiktok but it’s all over my FB/IG:lol:
-People who cut people off or refuse to let people in only to get on a freeway that not moving.

Letting somebody merge in at the last minute cuz they don't feel like waiting like the rest of us is pushover mentality.

Are you serious? We all had to wait and bro thinks he's gonna fly through the next plane over and move in at the last minute. Nah, man.

There's a difference between being stuck in a line of traffic and zipping through the next lane over only to fly in at the last minute because you didn't feel like waiting like everybody else and just simply merging.
If they're in that much of a hurry then they should have left their place earlier. It's not even about pride, it's the principle. We all had to wait, what makes you so special that you can just cut in?
Sounds like the type to just let somebody cut you in line but alright man, do you. Imma look out for you when I'm in DC cuz I know I can leave my place at the last minute and you'll help me get to where I need to be on time no matter the traffic conditions.
If you'll let them cut in a car, you'll let them cut in person.
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So much traffic is caused by people driving slow in the left lane but forreal I honestly believe people don't KNOW they aren't supposed to do that.

I think there needs to be a national Cam Payne on not driving in the left lane unless you are going to speed.
Ok so idk if anyone is familiar with the Houston area but I’m specifically talking about highway 45. 45 is one of the most congested and dangerous freeways in America and it’s about 150 yards away from my job downtown. My plug lives in Mid town which is really downtown but…people. To get to mid town from my job, you have to get on the ramp for 45(it’s really a ramp on a ramp on a ramp Dead ***) but once you hit the top of the ramp it splits into 3 lanes. 2 lanes on the right take you over the bayou and into midtown and the far left lane put you on to 45, which bumper to bumper 99% of the time. When people get to doing all that stupid **** to get in front, knowing damn well they’re getting on 45, I’ll let them and then look at the stupid as I smash off, going to midtown while they waste their lives away sitting in traffic. Any other instance, like on the tollway(beltway), I’m not going. I’ve had people roll up, put their window down and ask to get in front of me. I look them dead in the face and say NO.

Back to merging tho, I’ve found that if I start spacing myself to let people over, others start following suit and traffic moves smoothly. It’s when people start with the FS, things get all backed up. IMO I think all that “don’t get in front of me” mess is small penis behavior. I’m trying to get somewhere, I’m not worried who is in front of me. How can it be a race if we’re not going to the same place.
That happened to me once. I laughed at them.

I had someone a while back tailgating me. Was on a main road late at night, 50km/h zone i was doing about 54km/h. Car is on my rear bumper... we were the only cars on the road. I thought some **** was gonna pop off, i was ready floor it but i realized it was a random ******* and anyone else.
I’m not going. I’ve had people roll up, put their window down and ask to get in front of me. I look them dead in the face and say NO.

Back to merging tho, I’ve found that if I start spacing myself to let people over, others start following suit and traffic moves smoothly. It’s when people start with the FS, things get all backed up. IMO I think all that “don’t get in front of me” mess is small penis behavior. I’m trying to get somewhere, I’m not worried who is in front of me. How can it be a race if we’re not going to the same place.

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