Things/Products You Can't Stand?

Mar 26, 2009
Axe Body Spray/Fruity Perfumes - It's not so much the scent itself that annoys me, but the fact the users always OD with it. I feel like if you use Soap, Lotion, Deodorant your body is already sufficiently scented, why go any further?

EDM Music - I finally started going to the Gym this year, and I swear half the playlist consists of Electronic/Dubstep. I do like the more popular stuff (Guetta, Calvin Harris) but would go crazy if I had to listen to that all day.
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“Watch out for motorcyclist” bumper stickers/decals...

THEY’RE RECKLESS AS HELL ON THE ROAD!! I ain’t watching out for a m****f****ing thing!! UGHHH
Pedestrians piss me off too when I’m working driving my truck.

I see you at the cross walk but I’m not stopping because it takes me minute to get back to 30 mph again. Just wait or I’ll make you run.

also the super citizens that yell at me because I’m in a no truck zone. FOH I go where I need to.
Robo calls - 90% of my cell phone calls are spam at this point. And to that point...websites that make you put in your cell number to call or text you for confirmation to raffles...the more times my phone number goes out there the more i get spammed...just do it all by email...and maybe email me your number and make me call and verify stuff

and agreed no one likes cyclist....oh you just gonna blaze through the stop sign? So you are a pedestrian right now? Oh you just want to get in the road and use the whole lane...oh you are a vehicle now? GO AWAY
Cyclists have worse road rage than any car.

One almost hit me one day because she wanted to run a stop sign while it was my turn to go. Ok... I’ll stop and let you take more pics. I don’t care lady.
They dont realize in a battle of cyclist vs car...they lose 100/100 times

no they really don’t, and they are quick to get in a pissing match with you too.

just stay out of the way that’s all we ask.
cars too. People get so angry when I’m working and carrying an oversized dozer or something and hang in their lane a little. Likes it’s nothing personal. I physically and fit in one lane...

Swerve, honk and scream all you want. I can’t hear you anyways. :lol:
People that drive pick up trucks that don't need them.

Robocalls, I don't even answer my phone anymore, if it's important they'll leave a message.

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